Back for a limited engagement...


Really Experienced
Feb 12, 2010
I missed posting photos on here, so I thought I would post some new ones and see what the feedback is. Would love to hear what you ladies think/would like to do to me if given the chance ;) I also don't mind compliments from the boys out there who enjoy my pics :) I am also open to requests!
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I missed posting photos on here, so I thought I would post some new ones and see what the feedback is. Would love to hear what you ladies think/would like to do to me if given the chance ;) I also don't mind compliments from the boys out there who enjoy my pics :) I am also open to requests!

I think that you're really fucking sexy. And I love your hips.

Well... thank you Sleeping Beauty. I have followed your picture threads for quite some time, and I must say the feeling is mutual ;) You can grab onto my hips anytime you like...
Only love from the beautiful sleeping beauty... I am starting to feel neglected. Maybe I will take these photos down, or maybe keep them up just for my one fan.
You've got a great body. Keep posting more of the ladies will show up I'm sure ;)
Only love from the beautiful sleeping beauty... I am starting to feel neglected. Maybe I will take these photos down, or maybe keep them up just for my one fan.

Just give them a minute to see it, please leave them up! :rose:
Thanks for the encouragement :) I will leave them up. And, why the sad face Codex? The pics are still there... please enjoy them ;)
It's a cloudy, rainy day... kinda makes me want to take pics. Any requests out there?
I missed posting photos on here, so I thought I would post some new ones and see what the feedback is. Would love to hear what you ladies think/would like to do to me if given the chance ;) I also don't mind compliments from the boys out there who enjoy my pics :) I am also open to requests!

Hotter than I remember!! :devil:
Hotter than you remember huh? Well, I am glad you aren't disappointed ;) Slide on over here... I have something hard that you can help me with...
Hotter than you remember huh? Well, I am glad you aren't disappointed ;) Slide on over here... I have something hard that you can help me with...

yep, why would anyone be disappointed?

Oh I bet you do........:p