Babysitting (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Lance hung up his phone, looked over at the clock and then turned his tv off. He stood up from the couch and stretched his heavily muscled 6'2 frame. He had just finished a long construction job, an it looke like he would have the next week free. He had been thinking about going to the beach, the heat wave they were experiencing was brutal

But all that changed. He got a call from his old friend Steve, and he had been called out of town for a job surveying, and it looked like lance was gonna have to watch his daughter for him. She was a senior, 18, and didn't need it, but Steve was way overprotective

Plus he would pay lance. And Steve had a nice house, much nicer than his

It was almost 11 and Steve had to leave ASAP. Lance threw on a snug fitting t shirt, grabbed his keys and headed out

Twenty minutes later Steve was thanking him, and on his car and off to Idaho. Lance looked around wondering where she was