Babysitter Fetish?

I had a few wonderful experiences, when I baby sat... and while some of the dad's were really hot,,, it was the moms that really surprised me..
I had a few wonderful experiences, when I baby sat... and while some of the dad's were really hot,,, it was the moms that really surprised me..

Agreed!!! Super hot, Cathy....

I can't wait til my kid starts getting babysitters...always thought that was such a hot fantasy!!!
My older sister used to mess with the 'dad' of the children she sat for. Once the Mrs. caught on, I started watching the kids until they moved. Now that they are grown, he has confessed that he couldn't wait for me to 'grow up' so he could try me out. We talk on Facebook every so often, dropped off cookies for him once at his door, but he knows that it will NEVER happen. Ever. Ever.
when the kids were small, my wife kept hiring these teenage babysitters, one more delicious than the other. sadly, i never got to experience any of them, but they made for some great masturbation fantasies!