babelfish poetry


Now I'm a drink behind.
Nov 22, 2001
The idea is to take one of your poems (or any poem you like) and translate it using babelfish into another language, perhaps into another language, and then back to English.

This is an ameriku that I wrote that I kind of like.

Dragonflies mate like
Jets refueling in flight
Then wings beat grass blades

Translated from English to Spanish, and back:

Libélulas is reconciled like jets that refuels lamina of the grass of the blow of the wings of the flight then
Here it is English to French to German to English:

The spirit levels connect as nozzles, which supply blade of grass of the wing knocking from fuel in flight then again

I left the translators lines as it wrote them partly because it became a little difficult to break them up.
It doesnt translate the word fuck

Baise it fleischlich through _ © of earth
my hands seize closely fingers,
which dig in the thighs clamping,
as I hammer, mean cock
burry in your rise hill deeply
to leave the excess of the passion
deeply in the prominent
longing harder, the one ball groaning slaps,
escape themselves with each thrust,
that the construction of the tension
you meringues feel for whole
I.m in value its completely filled
hot smooth cat
your ready internal walls to implode
to collapse on my recess axle,
as I loosely exploded themselves my load

Fleshly Fuck
by _Land ©
My hands grip tightly
Fingers digging in thighs

Squeezing as I Pound
Letting my Cock burry
Deep in your heaving mound

Passing passion deep in lust
Driving harder, slapping balls
Moans escape with every thrust

Feeling the tension build
Fucking you for all I’m worth
Your hot slick pussy fully filled

Your inner walls ready to implode
Collapsing on my Ramming Shaft
As I burst loose my load
Holyyyyyyyyyyy crap...

You're scaring the dog crap out of me, karmadog. I had the exact same idea just a few days ago. It was going to be the next poem I was going to write! That's really really cool or really really scary!

I was going to call it "A.K.A. Love" and write a short simple sentence and translate and retranslate it back, and make babelfish do the poetry writing for me, and then write the poem in a style like it was a scientific presentation.

Unbelieveable coincidence...

My original:

my naked ninja,
silent monsoon shadow,
descends on geisha love.
sheets fly like dove in night

sword poised,
lithe fingers
capture hidden pearl.

throwing stars
hurtle behind closed eyes.
lotus blooms in hand.

english to spanish then back to english:

naked my ninja,
quiet shade of the monsoon,
descends in love from geisha.
the leaves fly as dove in night
the sword offset,
to per hidden it
to capture of the fingers of lithe.
hurtle of the stars
that sends behind closed eyes.
loto blooms to disposition.
Popeye was a third child!


Virgin Olive Oil

only by the gentle
wait of Mass

ripening with thyme
plucked and placed
juices bleed
soully for my use
I will take what I need
sacrificial lamb

I yam what I yam. . .

to Portuguese:

O Azeite de oliva de virgem

só pela espera
suave de Massa

amadurecer com thyme
arrancado e colocado
sucos sangram
alma para meu uso que eu tomarei
o que eu necessito
cordeiro de sacrificial

eu yam o que eu yam. . .

Back to English

The Oil of oliva of virgin

for the soft
wait of Mass

to only ripen with thyme
pulled out and placed
juices softly
softly bleed
soul for my use
that I will take what I need
lamb sacrificial

I they yam what I yam.. .

To French:

L'huile de l'oliva de la vierge

l'attente douce
de la masse

pour mûrir seulement avec de thym
des jus retirés et placés
saigne doucement
l'âme pour mon usage
que je prendrai à ce qui j'ai besoin
'agneau I sacrificatoire

ils de chine ce qui de chine de I...

From French to German:

Das Öl von oliva jungfräulich

ermutigt des zarten
Wartens der Masse,

um nur mit Säften zu reifen,
die zurückgezogen,
und die von Thymian gesetzt wurden,
blutet zart zart die Seele für meinen Gebrauch,
den ich an nehmen werde, was ich
sacrificatoire Lamm

I benötige sie chinesisches, was aus China von I..

Back to English:

The oil of chaste Olivia

encourages the delicate
waiting of the Mass

in order to ripen only with Säften,
that retracted,
and that by thyme becomes set,
bleeds require
delicate delicacy
the soul for my use,
that I will take at which I
sacrificed lamb

I Chinese, what out of China was I.

Regards,                 Rybka
How about this one from Ogden Nash:

Candy is dandy
but liquor is quicker

to Korean and back

The candy the main current is quick
but it is a dandy more

How come it will translate Russian to English, but not the reverse? This would be a good poem for Russian, I think.
The Cage II
by Lauren.Hynde ©

If I write or read or draw or paint,
I soon feel there's not time enough.
I have squandered, stolen from eternity.
I push my art through time,
and shove and thrust and drive
like the ram of the belated,
until exhausted I believe myself content.
(How close are fatigue and satisfaction!)
But if I leave my cage,
the protection of my burrow,
I'm so damned smart,
seeing every aspect of everything not my own,
understanding so completely all not of my concern
handing pieces of advice so biblical to the afflicted of an affliction I never felt,
that frankly, I don't know what's best:
to stay home and struggle for every breath,
or go around being Sovereign of all that's not mine.

to French:

Le camp II

si j'écris ou lis ou dessine ou peinture,
je me sens bientôt là n'est pas assez de temps
j'ai gaspillé, volé de l'éternité
de moi poussez mon art par, de temps
et le poussez et poussez et conduisez
comme la RAM du, tardif
jusqu'épuisé à moi me crois content
(comment étroite sont la fatigue et la satisfaction!)
si je laisse mon camp,
protection de mon creusez,
je suis ainsi, futé damné
voyant chaque aspect de tout non mes propres,
comprendre tellement complètement tout pas mon souci
remettre des morceaux de conseil si biblique au affligé d'une affliction je n'ai jamais senti,
que franchement, je ne sais pas ce qui est le meilleur:
rester à la maison et luttez pour chaque, de souffle
ou circulez être souverain de tout ce qui n'est pas à moi.

back to English

Camp II

if I write or read or draws or painting,
I smells themselves soon there is not enough of time
I wasted, flown of eternity
me push my art by, of time
and push it and push and lead
like the RAM of late
until exhausted in me believe yourself content
(how narrow are tiredness and satisfaction!)
if I leave my camp,
protection of my dig,
I, smart am thus damné
seeing each aspect of all not my clean,
to so much completely include
understand any step my concern
to give from the pieces of so biblical council to afflicted with an affliction I never smelled,
that frankly, I do not know what is the best:
to remain at the house and fight for each of breath
or circulate sovereign being of all that is not with me.

Impressive! It wasn't as absurd as some I've seen these translators do in recent times... :D
Speaking of Russian to English. This rumor was reported today.

Russian composer Vitaly Okorokov is turning Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's love affair into a musical, but shifting the action from the White House to the Kremlin and renaming the leads "Vladimir Putin" and "Masha Lewinskonova"

Guess this poem. english to spanish to english to german to english.

Collect rosebuds of ye, during ye box,
old time immovable test flight are;
And this same flower, which smiles today,
dies tomorrow.

The sun, more highly he reaches
the splendourful lamp of the sky, one;
Rather it wishes itself its running worked on,
and at the naehsten it is to regulate.

That age is the best,
when it is first,
if youth and the blood are hotter;
But past being, the times, which and worse silence are them are worse,
the preceding thing successfully.

Then it is not shy,
but it uses its time and during ye box,
to go it to connect;
For lose however as soon as your premium,
you always box for teeriges
karmadog said:
The idea is to take one of your poems (or any poem you like) and translate it using babelfish into another language, perhaps into another language, and then back to English.
Yes, but only retranslation should be posted here. Then everybody should try to write (i)a version which approximates the (unknown) original as closely as one can; (ii) write the best possible variation.


    Senna Jawa

PS. Two years ago I worked on computer translations. I did something additional that went beyond it. But the company was crazy (in a modern, involving Internet, way :)) and it has folded. I was very depressed. My effort was not just bu$ine$$. It would shorten the distance between thinking and communicating, it would assist education, it would stimulate international art, ... it would contribute to bettering us. And it was all wasted. This world is nothing but chaos and waste. It is still worthwhile to live for the flukes here and there (some last long, some not at all).
While I like SJ idea, I thought I'd share a short paragraph from James Joyce that I've been working over in my head. For reasons I dont' need to get into here, I went from english to italian back to english....

We knew perfectly well of course that although it was bound to come to the light he would find considerable difficulty in endeavoring to try to induce himself to try to endeavor to ascertain the spiritual plenipotentiary and so we know of course perfectly well

Abbiamo conosciuto perfettamente il pozzo naturalmente che anche se è stato limitato per venire alla luce lui troverebbe la difficoltà considerevole nel tentare di provare a indurrsi per provare a tentare di accertare del plenipotenziario spiritoso ed in modo da conosciamo naturalmente perfettamente buono

back again
We have known the sink perfectly naturally that even if is limited in order to come to the light he would find the considerable difficulty in trying to try to indurrsi in order to try to try to assess of the plenipotentiary spiritoso and so as to we know naturally perfectly good
