

Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2001
“REN, yeah, JUST Ren, no middle name, NO last, JUST REN”

He was 25 years old, sitting in a sleazy bar called the Halfway, fly speck windows, filthy glasses, where the waitress spent more smoking her Winston’s and looking at herself in her pocket mirror then waiting on the customers. He didn’t blame her, most of those customers were low life’s, people just like himself who had no ties to the great city of San Francisco, a sprawling metropolis of 775,000 people and still growing.

“Yeah, I was born on Powell Street, in the hotel; my dad I never met cuz he died in WW1, my momma gave me up and signed the birth certificate REN”

He pushed his glass forward and watched the meaty hand of the owner / bartenders fill it, his nickel quickly palmed and a halfhearted wipe of the counter with an even greasier rag then the counter was. His eyes lifted to the fly specked mirror behind the wall of bottles, his own image of a young man with tanned dark skin and shoulder length black hair staring back at him with cold blue eyes.

“Give me a shot and run a tab”

He had to work the docks in the early morning but didn’t care about getting drunk, hoping the binge would for at least one night stop the dreams he was having, distorted flashes of people set in a time he had never lived, the face of one woman reoccurring in all of them, her hands and lips all over his body, bringing him to the brink and then disappearing in a dark mist as he woke, his chest heaving and well-muscled body sweating and begging for more…

“Make it a double, will ya?”

He rose from the bar and moved to the single redeeming feature within the foul smelling dive, a brand new juke box that played 5 selections for a quarter, the amount seeming ridiculous, but when Ren considered the cheap swill he was drinking and could barely get a buzz he laughed, then dug in his pocket to find the coin. He fed the silver to the slot, punched in randomly the letters and numbers that caught his eye, and as the first song began to fill the room took a chair and turned his broad shouldered back on the room.

How had he gotten to this point, he reflected, his future had once seemed bright when he joined the service and fought in the “big one”, and unlike many of his comrades had come home to a hero’s welcome, alive and in one piece to a ticker tape parade. It was from that point it went downhill, his mother dead and in a paupers grave 2 years, his girl gone as well, choosing a more “stable” man that had avoided the draft, and he lived in the memories left behind in the old apartment his mother once occupied.

“Please Mister please, don’t play B17, it was his song, it was our song but now it’s ovvvvver”

The music wept on, a woman’s voice begging a man not to play a love, her voice unfamiliar to Ren, but the pain within calling to him as he tossed the shot back and washed it down with the stale, flat beer… Rens sole intention to drink himself past the state of remembering anything and picking a fight with the biggest, loudest bully in the room….

"Barkeep... bring the bottle"

San Francisco, 1950's... a city brimming with people of all colors and creeds, a time when war and blod shed wanted to be forgotten, a feeling of both prosperity and desparation existing within a city that sat alongside the dark waters of the ocean.... What wallked above the ground was human, what walked among them only LOOKED to be human... a race mankind read about in books and laughed at as fairy tales, a creature, like the Devil, that wasn't forgotten, but had convinced humanity that they didn't exist......
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Lilliana Rose Vaughn - Lily


Light rain began to fall, the glistening dots distorting the yellowed street lights as she drove the coast towards the bright lights of the waiting city. A feeding ground, a veritable playground waiting for her to take her pick of the litter. Wipers lurch to life with a slide of a button, the glistening red Roadmaster sailing along the winding roads as if floating on air. Amazing technology today, a big bright metal beast to carry her much faster than any mounts before. Yet the thrill of the speed, for she was speeding well over the posted limits, did not stir her as it used to. Perhaps it was years of living, loving and losing? Perhaps life was just growing to bland and too damned long? Perhaps…

”There’s an ache in my heart, an emptiness that wont go.” Red polished nails grip the leather covered steering wheel as her blue eyes peer further ahead than the head lamps allow. Memories invading her mind, awakening that pit in her that seems to be growing bigger with each passing night.

”A part of me is missing, a feeling deep in my soul..” A cruel smile curves her painted lips, fingers brushing long tresses from her slim pale throat where a new silk scarf is tied a bit loosely, for flavor. The new fashion statement that only a bad, bad girl would wear. Much like the capri pants girls seemed to favor more and more these days. Did she even have a soul?

”… I’ve waited nights; haunted dreams fill my days..” His kiss, his eyes captivated her as did his strength, that will. Foreboding, impressive in stature as he stood without arrogance but with assured confidence that was rank with… well you get the idea. He was exactly what we females long for the most, a real man… a confident, capable man.

”Loving you is a lonely barren road, and it just never seems to end.” A free hand shifts to roll down the window as the red twinge fills her lovely eyes, unshed tears fight to fall and yet, do not. Despite the pain within her, the ache that would bring lesser to their knees! And she can not shed a single tear. No idea why, they just will not flow. Perhaps afraid to let loose the damn that those sea blue eyes are keeping at bay? The road is long, wet and shimmering… empty. Head lamps and street lights show the way, but those who could afford to drive weren’t out at this hour… The witching hour some would say. Though she was many things, a witch was never one of them. The cigarette tossed, bounces twice before the red tip is snuffed out. Rain had it’s uses.

”Like a fool, I look for you, though I know you’re gone.” A lump in her throat is forced down, window lifted once more into place. Her sweater is lovely, newly purchased as well from a thick catalog. A deep V neck in front and back, does little to hide her bra straps. Shocking really, another sick thrill of hers, to taunt the proper and boring. They were far more dead than she, that was for sure. Her eyes scan as she drives, the sadness still welled within her. Perhaps tonight was not the best night to come hunting? It was, after all, the day.. The night to the date she had lost him… again. She swallows the lump, feeling thirsty is what drove her to return after such a long hiatus, but she was needing much more than that.

Her exit, the number standing out in her mind since the first time she drove this route. Hundreds of years, roaming the earth and yet she still loved this area more than any other. The down trodden, the slums of the city were her best sources. Despite hundreds of years and evolution of man kind, they still had dredges that fed the lower forms of this world. Self included. One could say however, in the rain with it’s dampening affects and the cheap lighting of such neighborhoods, it took on a nostalgic sense in it’s simple beauty. Add a dash of night, shadows to hide the garbage and broken down cars, cracked sidewalks and the cleansing waters that rushed the gutters to push refuse down drains… It cleaned up rather nicely on rainy lonely nights.

”And I tell myself this is a only a fool’s end; to sit and hope for beginnings again.” And a fool she was, had to be to constantly search and seek the one. A confusion really, if she were to believe in reincarnation, then she must believe in a God and to do so, would mean she is damned to hell for eternity. Funny, but isn’t living forever just that hell? She didn’t feel damned, but she felt little these days but depressing crap and hunger to hurt. Lashing out? Perhaps she should amuse herself on another psychologist? The rumble of the motor slows as she stops to a four way and turns right. Four blocks and she makes a left, and then another right. Parking her beauty in this area is asking for trouble, but she can afford the car a hundred times over, now the fool that touches her beauty… Well they can’t afford their life, as a few have found out. She parks, the shifter sliding smoothly up the column of the steering wheel. A small smile actually lifting her lips at one corner as the engine cuts off quietly, effortlessly. Sure an improvement over horse and buggy.

Bleak eyes look over the long shapely hood and into the waiting dark, her ears picking up the faint strings of music from a single door propped open about half way down the block. A familiar dive, usually has a few drunks out in the alley mating or puking. Perhaps she will take the easy road for once, settle for unamusing dinner instead of hunting one who screams for her… a thought.

”There’s a hole in my heart, where he used to be…”

“Damn me…” Muttered aloud, the faint strings of a familiar song capturing her attention. Pushing open the door, two new black heels strike ground. Rising from the Roadmaster, her dark mane patted into place as she lets it hang down her back to touch the rise of her bottom and over her left breast. Hugging her form, tight and clinging like a second skin, a shameless display rest assured. Tugging down her form fitting skirt until it reaches just below her knees, the door is shut and unlocked. A dare really for this area, but the hour is late. Reaching into her clutch, black to match her skirt and shoes, keys are dropped as she pulls another slim cigarette from the pack. Held between her fingers, one shaped brow lifting as she realizes, she has no lighter.

“Don’t that beat all.” A husky chuckle follows as she winds her way about the car with slow measured steps. The drizzle has slickened down everything, but her grace is beyond feline or ballerina. Her red lips, sweater and nails, stunning against the black back drop and pale flawless skin.. Almost flawless, as there is a beauty mark on the swell of her left breast and it is dangerously close to showing. The steady drum of heeled steps echo in the vacant streets, not even the stench or sound of retching from the alley can be heard. A miserable night all around.
Entering the ‘establishment’, if one could call it that hoity-toity of a word, was near empty and stank of unwashed skin, heavy perfume and stale everything else. Had she food in her system, she might’ve retched herself, but this was her domain. Her lot in endless life. The dredges is where she belonged, or so she said in her melancholy whiney state of mind. Maybe she just needed a good romp and roll? Lingering in the doorway was not her thing, no grand entrance here or clearing of throat to bring attention to herself, she merely strolled in and set at the lit end of the bar.

“Bourbon, dry.” She called for, slipping a bill across the counter with one manicured set of fingers. “And a match.” She murmured in a husky tone, baby blues scanning the room. Usual suspects she let be, people tended to notice their bread winners not showing up any more. It was there in the inky black corner she spied an unfamiliar looking sort for the area. He was wearing… Well she wasn’t quite sure what he was wearing but it wasn’t laborer or bum, not with that leather jacket. She moved on silent feet and with blurred speed, slipping her sleek form to the stool next to his, facing him with the warmest smile she could give.

“Mind if I…” Her eyes lift and caught his, and the world dropped away just like that….
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He thought he was dreaming, or worse hallucinating, the cheap booze made of something worse than tobacco juice and raw alcohol, too often causing blindness, or worse. But then he smelled her perfume, sweet like ancient flowers, cloying at his memory as it teased his nostrils, and he knew he was awake… and she was real. She was a beauty, her face made of his dreams, her eyes glittering bright green in the darkness of the corner tinged with amber brown and blue, a story he thought of significance but for another time…

“Have this seat?”​

He finished for her and laughed softly, then pushed the full shot glass away, suddenly aware of being dirty, that he hadn’t had a bath in a week, and his clothes…. Better left not thought about, at all.

“Why not, as you are already in it”

He smiled and sobered, watching the men around slowly begin to realize she was in their midst, and though he should be wondering too he was more curious as to who she was. And why she was there in front of him.

“Your glass, what’s in it? I mean what kind of poison you are drinking. Can I buy you a drink, handsome?”

She was unsettled, he realized that easily, not by the growing interest in her from others, but by what she saw before her, was it him, or someone behind? He was, after all, just another drunk in the middle of a bar full of drunkards, wasn’t he?

“It’s All poison Lady, gives you a buzz but at the cost of a hell of a hangover, ya know?”

Yeah, he was a drunk, a woman with the voice of sugar and honey before him, and all he could talk about was cheap swill… But then she had offered to buy, hadn’t she? She smiled and he focused on her lips, so full and sweet under that rouge lipstick she insisted on wearing, and Ren wondered how the hell he knew that, both how her lips would taste and Why that color?

“Barkeep, a bottle of your BEST Brandy, and TWO clean glasses, if you please?”

He ordered with a flourish, wiping the back of his hand across his lips as if to erase the sweetness of her kiss, and catching her sweet smile to him morph into an evil glare that sent half a dozen booze brave men away from his table and towards the back door instead.


The word hissed at him and he knew once again his instinct was true, she wasn’t afraid of being there surrounded by drunks at all, in fact she had come here on purpose, that it was her car that roared by then screeched to a halt outside.
The barkeep arrived and wiped the table with a flourish, then set the unopened bottle and glasses before them, adding a stub of a candle that he lit before looking expectantly at them for payment.

“The Lady will pay”

Ren supplied and tried to avoid watching as she opened a tiny purse to delve inside, paying for the 2 dollar bottle with a C note and shooing the man away even before he made the customary excuses about lack of change on his part.

“My name is Ren, and whatever yours is, you don’t fit in here, not that I’m complaining mind you, but this place is just NOT in the same class as you are, is it? You pulled up in a Benz and tossed that kind of bill out, and even though it’s all good…it just aint right?”
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Two hundred years just dropped away, and there she was once again for the first time, trapped in his eyes. Once again she was entranced by his beauty, by the rarity of his soul and the love that he gave to her which knew no bounds. Before she could control it, to bite down on her will and cease responding as a silly school girl with a crush, her blood warmed and her face flushed because of it. Her near dead heart thundered in her ears as she found herself seeking him within the shell of downtrodden man, reaching for the impossible. Trying to keep the reality of the dingy bar, stale stench and not lose herself to the memories of Paris where they had last stood together, she has to shake off those hauntings.

Throwing back the shot, her blues notice how her hand trembles with the shock. Why had she stopped here? It was that damned song, the music behind it… Another reminder of Paris. Steeling her hand to steady, she pours herself another shot before she can consider speaking to him. So many thoughts come and go, to kill him, not simply take him and keep him chained where she will never worry about losing him again… and yet, she knows nothing of this version. Wetting her lips, her gaze becoming two pin pricks of desire, for him and solely on him.. The second bit is sipped at a much more reasonable consumption rate, and again she flashes a dazzling smile at him.

His hair is shorter, barely brushing the collar of his jacket and collar, dingy as hell but he scented of so many wild aromas that she could surmise he has been on the road awhile. Same green eyes, dark hair and lithe form, from what she can see of him and his body hidden behind the counter and layers of grime, sweat and dirt. Her heart knows it can not possibly be him, as he died a horrible death of which no one of their kind could ever come back from. So no.. It was not her beloved, her mind knew this and yet her body did not wish to accept and kept warming, urging her on, driving her to scoot closer. Her heels and toes had to cling to the stool brace and dig to the floor to maintain a distance to not upset the man… If only he knew.

A smile is flashed from her ruby lips, not quite meeting her eyes the first time, however this time turn her blues to shimmering sapphires with please, welcome. Delicate lethal finger tips slide the rim of foggy short glass, her head canting to the side before she shifts forward to rest her elbow to counter and chin to knuckles, “Does a lady need a reason to stop for a drink, Stranger?” Full lips curve into a smile, promise in her eyes as she allows him to see her perusal over him, seeing him beneath the mess.

“How fortunate for me to find such…” Her eyes return to his, “welcoming company.” An exaggeration as she can sense he wishes she were anywhere else but sitting so near him. Perhaps he sensed what she was? Some had a sixth sense about things, and maybe he just did not like women? The thought came and went and then quickly dismissed. Can he sense all she feels, see her thoughts? Her smile curves further as her lips remain sealed, eyes intent on their prey as she inhales his scent faintly there and heavily masked by the road. Nipples harden as she shifts a bit to the stool, what blood she has is rushing with her excited state both mentally and physically.. So how does she get him to go with her?

“Names Lily.” She offers, her hands spreading to the table top between them, purposely. She wore no wedding band, she offered no last name and she came to this place of all places. Loud hints she sought something not of the norm or ‘high society’ standards of the Cleavers. “My baby out there isn’t a Benz, but I own one.” Lips quirk as she teases him gently, “Own a panhead too..” Pulling another slim from her gold insignia cigarette case, “But do you really want to talk about vehicles?” A delicate brow lifting as her ruby’s petals spread into a mocking smile. Pale globes mash to her arms, table top and rise in the deep V-neck of her shirt, again with purpose. He unsettled her, but she also was making some kind of leeway with his barriers.

He was sobering up despite the cheap swill he tossed back shot after shot, his eyes steady on the beauty across from him as his mind screamed at him, her words teasing but showing a weakness instinct told him she rarely showed to others. Still she was dangerous, the same instinct that had brought him through the damned war was guiding him now, and as she met his eyes and smiled that delightful smile he was reminded of a french woman he had met during a lull who told him of creatures that stole thier men away, not off the battlefeild, but from thier home... luring them with the same smile and entrapping them with eyes that bored into the very soul of each man, so much so that they followed the creatures like lambs to the slughter and were never seen again, at leat not alive.

"My mistake, I haven't seen the new Buick yet, heard about it and know it takes a ton of cash, but you're right, cars are boring to most humans so what would YOU like to talk about... Lilliana?"

She was dangerous, but his mother had warned him a woman would be the death of him, God only knew he had tried on several occasions to drink himself to death and failed... so why not let the prediction come true? He admired how she blatantly showed off her breasts yet did it with enough flare that she didn't come off as a cheap hooker, his cock responding to the sight of them and her words provoking another thought of warning...

She didn't fit in not only because she outclassed every single person in the bar, but because of the way she had entered it, as if she were a huntress on the prowl....

"You didn't come in here looking for me, and you can have any male you want, at anytime... But still you're here, so I am assuming it's NOT a coincidence as that car you are driving ran flawlessly... so you're not stranded either, so humor me... and tell me the truth.. what were you looking for?"
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"Oh, now you're hurtin' my feelings, Sugar." Stubbing out her partially consumed cigarette, her polished nails long and squared off. Mashing the butt into the tray, her eyes find his once more as smile lifts her face and shines within her eyes.

"Who says I am not in here, right now at this point in time, because.." Her hand rolling about in the air as she seeks a word, "fate? Perhaps Fate herself has deemed it prudent for me to stop here, at this moment in time on this night in particular?" She pauses, watching his face and skeptisism shine.

Dark head thrown back a bit, chin lifts as her lilting laughter rings through the dive. "The knobs up on the hill, in their big houses and fancy cars, few work or have worked to get where they are. None clawed their way out of the filthy gutter to rise above their lot in life to become...." She pauses then again, eyes piercing him to his chair, "well to become me." A flirting smile flitters across her painted lips, thumb and two fingers twirl and swirl the liquid within the glass held alot before full lips. Tipping it, she studies him as she sips from the beverage which has no real affect on her... A shame that.

"They do not appreciate the finer things in life, as they were mostly born with it. They don't work hard, but for to screw the working class over. Yes?" Her head tipping, her eyes devouring his face. So handsome, so familiar to her that she could trace it in her dreams.. and had before, many times. Leaning closer, full breasts press to dingy formica table top and bruise a bit into her slim ribs, all in the illusion of sharing something private... something secret, with him..

"I want to have fun.. and I don't mean tea and cakes, parlors and pleasantries." Lowering her glass, her fingertip circling the rim as if she were caressing a lover, him. "I want to explore, feel alive again." A husky murmur of words more enter into his mind than fall from her lips, and yet she moves as if she is speaking aloud within the room and not his mind. "I want to do so many things, remember what it is like to ...burn." Green eyes dive deep, seeking his soul and past all the gruff exterior. "And I don't want to do it alone.." A long pregnant pause, where it seemed all sound ceased and the earth ceased to spin as breath held and finger stopped its lazy circling, she added finally, "you game?"

Pink tongue slipped out of hiding, the tip wetting her upper lip to glisten as free hand lifts from the table top, a key chain in hand with a single golden key. A rare thing that, most were made of silver, nickle, steel, brass or what have you but her's were all golden. The solitary key sways between them, the key to her baby outside as her eyes dare him to come with her, lips curve with promise of much more than a joy ride of the steel kind.
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He drank in her vision of tempting beauty and listened to her words, his cock stirring and mind fully alert, reason saying nothing in this situation made sense and that he should simply stay where he was until she left. He looked at the gold key she held and knew it was pure 24 carat, her polished nails and long fingers that it dangled on making him shiver as he thought of how they'd feel on his skin, the last effects of cheap booze somehow gone from his mind and body as he looked about the drab, stinking interior of the pub and considered his options.

Left behind, he would no doubt do as he always did, drink himself into a stupor, try to pass out and fail, then pick a fight with the biggest, ugliest man in the place and beat him to a pulp, then stagger home to his filthy apartment and get a few hours sleep before appearing at the dock, late as usual to begin a 12 hour day as a human mule, transferring cargo from one place to another.

He laughed and raised his head high, meeting her eyes and lifting from the chair, knowing the unknown was a much better choice despite the risk, for if he turned her down he'd curse himself the rest of his life asking... "What IF?"

"I'm game toots"

It wasn't a hard choice, hell it wasn't even much OF a choice, but at least it was HIS choice, and he was DAMNED if he was going to miss it.He pulled her chair back and admired her curves as she rose, the grace she possessed almost too lithe, too much like a panther on the prowl, his eyes following her back side as she led the way for them, her hips having an added sway that he knew was both for his benefit as well as the male population left behind, the groans of the public making him grin as one man hissed.... "Lucky stiff"

They crossed the street and once again he admired her body as he held her door, the flash of long, lean leg and her smile upwards to him as she settled into her seat making him shiver again, then laugh as he closed her door and moved to his own with just a hint of the old swagger he used to once possess.

"How about you show me what this car can do, Lily... take her out on the open road and let it rip?"

He took his own seat and laughed with pure pleasure as she pulled away, his body slammed into the soft leather, her eyes flashing as she looked to him for his reaction, his heart beating hard and fast as he enjoyed it all and demanded she go....

"Faster baby... FASTER!"

She masked her eyes well, her emotions well-guarded from him as he took her about the car to the driver’s door. Disappointment within her breast, she sunk behind the wheel and waited for him to come about. While he felt the same, he was not that wild creature of her past. Ren was… more subdued, while carrying an air of authority; he also seemed to doubt himself. Is that why he did not take the opportunity to drive as he would have in the past?

Heavy heart and questioning her own instincts, she pasted on a smile as he sank to the seat beside her. Key in the ignition, her baby hummed to life like a barely contained tiger with the deep eight cylinder rumble and purr. “Ready?” She asked with a sly grin, her playful nature back in place while hard eyes calculated just how to get HIM back with her. Shifting into drive, one could feel the car sink to the ground, hugging it like a lover as she slowly pulled from flooded gutters and onto glistening pavement.

Before he could think of a seat belt across his lap, she slammed heeled toes down to the pedal and pedal to the plush tan carpeted floor. The car jumped, rear wheels spinning as the engine growled to life. A loud wild laugh burst from her lips as the rear walked sideways before the tires got a bite of the road and jumped the car forward. Fish tailing, she got the car under control as she races the emptied streets at a break neck crazy speed. Sliding about corners, she shot for the highway ramp and let it open up the true power of the motor.

“How fast is too fast?” She asked, and when he looked at her with question in his eyes. Maybe he didn’t hear her or was wondering her question?

“How fast is too fast?” She shouted louder as the needle on the odometer sank all the way to the right with no more numbers to count but far more engine to give. Weaving between the few cars on the road, her head lamps were on but with a daring grin, her hand reached over and pushed them in to blanket them in darkness outside the vehicle. Inside the faint light from the dash lit up her face, her body as she drove the car as if she had stolen it. Barely dodging between an old lumbering truck and some family station wagon with Oregon plates, she managed to swing off the road to a small unmarked ramp.

Gravel flying, she skid to a halt, laughing with pleasure. Body humming with a vigor she hadn’t felt in a long while, “Your turn..” She panted out, her hands and knees coming as she shifts in her seat, intending to crawl to his seat, not use the door. “Ten miles to my house up this road, nothing for miles and no one else… Just us and my baby here.. So now, your turn.” Not taking no for an answer, she crawled to him, pulling the gold metal handle to throw open the passenger door.
He could sense her disapointment though she hid it well, his door barely closed before she mashed the pedal to the floor, the engine chaging it's tone from a soft purr to an angry howl, tires screaming as he was toseed hard to the door then back into his seat as they launched.

"How fast is TOO fast?"

He turned to her and wondered who she was, rich no doubt but she shunned the socialite life, beautiful yet it didn't matter, her face alive and eyes... glowing as she forced the car faster and faster, the buildings blurring as she slid around corner after corner, then burst free onto the highway and wrapped the needle well past the 110 mark.

"How fast is TOO fast?"

She went from well dressed Lady to wildcat in seconds, and inside he wondered what he was supposed to feel, was it bo fear, or perhaps amazement at how bold and crazy she had become? Lights off they flew down the road, her face and body illuminated erotically as he turned to watch and deep inside he knew what he felt as the car slid to a stop in the gravel and she crawled over the seat to grab his door...

“Your turn..”

He heard the directions, his cock swollen hard and painful, the graze of her breast over his chest telling him she wore no brassiere as hard nipples teased him from under the fine fabric...

Was it really his turn, he wondered? Was it HIS time to finally live life? Push back all the blood and sins, howl at the moon, and run wild if only for a single night?

He gripped her wrist as she opened the door, turned it behind her back and felt a strength he didn't know she possessed, her eyes suddenly hard and on the offensive as his left hand found her right wrist to do the same to it

"My turn baby....MY way"

He was surprised, not by the words but the husky tone of them as they rolled off his tonguem her eyes studying him as she looked to be ready to fight him, then suddenly relented and allowed him to control her, her thighs parting as she straddled his legs and settled down low enough for him to clain a long..... hard ... kiss

"You're good Lil..."

He panted as the kiss broke and her body ground to his, his cock throbbing and veins pounding as the blood roared through them, her sex pressed to him moist and needy through the damned barriers of fabric.

"But I'm better"

He laughed for the first time in years, a deep baritone thing that rolled from his stomach and upwards until it exploded over his lips and echoed in the car as he slid from under her and spilled her into the passengers seat, then quickly took the wheel.

"1950 straight eight, 320 cubes of raw power, you've had it twin carbed and exhausted, and somebodies tuned it just for you... or ME"

He revved the engine and listened to it with pleasure, slid it into gear and felt the reassuring solid thunk as the driveline engaged tight and hard, then poured the power to the motor, the times screaming and not letting up, the car once again dancing onto the road in a controlled power slide and the needle once again climbed...

"It's never TOO fast Lil...."

He grinned and turned his eyes to her, his peripheal vision taxed as he tore down the road, catching up with the Oregon plated wagon who angrily tooted his horn at them and quickly leaving them behind once again. one hand on the wheel, the other on her thigh, sliding up her silky, muscled leg and under the dress to find that moist heat once again. The needle passed the 110, wrapped itself back to zero and began climbing, his foot feathering the gas and allowing the tires to grab the road, the front end lifting, then dropping as the car launched, pressing them both back hard into the seats.

Wooden power poles flitted by, the wind howled outside the car, headlites still off as the miles were quickly eaten up and his finger slid under silky panties to tease, her eyes never blinking, never condemning as he lips curled into a smile, her thighs spreading to allow more and making him wonder if he had bitten off more then he could chew... or was it .. eat?

He laughed and punched it again, the needle standing tall as he carressed the wheel and glided around the corners, her eyes going to the road and head nod telling him to slow as they approached a massive gated drive, the car sliding sideways as he turned the wheel hard , then gunned it, changing directions mid slide and tossing gravel every where as they roared up the mile long drive to stop in front of a massive, multi floored mansion.

Car parked and still running he pulled her into his arms, his lips mashing her own and hands carressing curves that seemed almost familiar, until finally he pulled back and whistled at the size and wealth of her home to ask softly

"Tell me the truth, this IS your place and you're NOT some high class kept woman out playing while Daddy is away, right?"

And there he was, for a brief moment he had returned as if wakening from a long, dark restless sleep. A flicker in his eyes said so many things that his sculpted lips would never confess to. He has seen horrors, has done .. things that is not not proud of and mostly, he does not feel worthy of .. Thoughts are lost as his lips take hers, molding and caressing, to mash and meet his own in a fury of seedy lust. And in those precious moments, time drift away to a far-too-long-ago past where he was not this man, but he was something.. someone else, entirely. He held her, without pain nor force, leaving it up to her to concede to his will, but once permission was given, he took her all and made it burn.

He drew back, breathing as heavily as she, as aroused as she and in his eyes was yet another flicker of something, perhaps innocence of life before? Where he felt normal, carefree, thirsty? He left here there, panting in the passenger side, watching him slip hands and feet into favored space, rev that engine and tore out of there with a sharp bark of gleeful laughter. Yes, he was in there some where... In this beaten and heart broken man named Ren.

The ride flew by too damned fast, but watching him enjoy the feel of her baby in his control, made her ache deep inside. Watching his face, those eyes as he dared much for his mortality statue, to watch her as he drove her car and her pussy into a radiance of heat, need. The second that shift hit park, she was on him. His hands melded her form as if sculpting her for himself, perhaps committed to memory? It mattered not, as long as he did not stop touching her. He needed a bath, he scented heavily of so many things, including sweat, but that too did not matter. He felt smaller, less bulky under her hands. Had he given up eating too? Trauma does strange things, like allow a man to come home with a perfect stranger.. She knew he could sense danger, it was written all over his face, and yet he came anyway.

"I never told you my name was Lilliana.." Purred to his lips, door pushed open as she slid from his lap. Her house is quite impressive and large, built in the seventeen hundreds, some where in there? She turns eyes to the high shingled roof and small attic windows. Had he looked there on purpose, or had she? Their things were stored within, locked away and covered from prying eyes and the rest of life's damage. "All you see, touch and have touched, is my own." Fingers held and curve up just a bit in their dainty feminine pose, held out for him to take, to rise from her car and to join her. It is a silent invitation, one he finally accepts although she can sense a wariness and an eagerness as well.

He does not trust easily.

A smart man, but then again, He was never ignorant either. Her smile lifts, less feral and more warming, almost loving without intent to reveal such inner thoughts to Ren. "Come, welcome to my home, Ren." Her dimpled smile spread as she pushed open one side of a double large hand-carved oak door. It was dark within, pristine as if dust were afraid to rest here. The house wasn't cold but it was not overly warm either. Marble met his boots, into the foyer they stood as she motioned to an old iron coat hanger in the corner. "Can put your coat there, make yourself at home." Without thought of her actions, the door magically swung shut behind Ren without a sound. Moving further into the entry, she turned to her guest, trying not to see HIM but this mortal man, Ren. "Would you like a bite to eat? A hot soak in the bath or a shower?"
"No..... you didn't, did you?"

He replied softly, offering his hand and taking her own, the power of that touch making his heart beat stronger, his eyes enjoying the curves of her breasts as she rose and took the lead, he was watching her move, like a cat he thought, but more fluid, more grace, more...…. ~danger~ in her every step. He laughed, shrugging it off, chastising himself for over thinking again and to simply "enjoy the moment"

"I'm like that sometimes, I spook my coworkers on the docks, they say I can read minds but that's impossible, I think it's just intuition, that it fits... right? Your name is old, like this place, and beautiful in that dark, secretive way... so full of history."

It was the partial truth, he did pick up on things, but he knew too much and had begun to drink to hide it, to stop the whispers, the endless voices....

He met her eyes, aware that they had both looked to the impressive peaks of the ancient building, but not "at" it, more accurately.... through the walls and inside?

He followed her up the steps, taking note of the age and size of the place, knowing it was old, but sensing too the design and engineering of it was even older, his eyes on her hips and ass as she led them to the unlocked doors and she invited him inside with a quaint, yet somehow proper way.

Everything was exact, well done but not over done, solid, built for a lifetime, hell he decided, many lifetimes, as if the owners could see the future and planned for it...

The door closed with a solid sound, a tingle ran up his spine, it was quiet inside, no creaks or groans, just the steady "tick, tock-ing" of a clock not so far away as she directed him to the clothes rack to hand his jacket, the smell of the stinking bar she had found him in coming to his nostrils, the cold iron shocking him slightly and visions rocking him of the house they stood in once full of light, and laughter.. and people...?

"You live here alone, don't you... "

He covered the distance back to her, his words an observation, not a question, and what he saw inside warned him to be careful, not to tease, that she was so many cuts above his place in life and somehow.... she wasn't afraid of being alone with a filthy, stinking dockyard hand at all

"I rarely eat, just don't feel hungry, the cheap beer and rum gets me buy"

He answered softly, no shame in his voice, it was who he was after all, so why try and fool her?

"I know I stink, and I'd accept that bath or shower, but the moment I put my clothes back on, I'd stink again, wouldn't I?"

He managed a smile, his lips curling into a grin, the thought of them both parading around nude as she gave him the full tour of the immense building

An observant man, again just another trait of many He once possessed. Her smile lifts even more so, this time it finally reaches her hybrid coloring eyes. They shift from blue, to green and then flecks of golden brown and all the while she hovers at his elbow without touching, yet guiding. He noticed everything, as eyes do shift and linger before moving on to the next item catching his attention. From portraits veiled in shadows that are of Lilliana through the ages, all decorating the high old walls.

"Come with me?" Coaxed on silken tongue, honeyed tone and easy going demeanor. Putting him at ease was not an easy task, as he seemed to sense that any number of armors lining the halls may come to life and grab at him, or some unforeseen attacker may lunge from an open doorway, and this mansion has many of those. "We are alone, you are right." Up the stairs she leads, to another double set of doors in dark oak and brass handles, to throw open the pair and reveal a suite. "I have had many guests over the years and many leave things behind," She would motion to the wardrobe where His things had been kept, and to the bed where a dark royal blue robe lay in wait for use of random guest. "You may take as you like, use as you will or not." She walks about the room, giving him space, opening the bathroom door at the far end.

"There are all the amenities needed within. I keep it stocked with fresh everything, from towels, to linens, to soaps.." Had she known anyone would come home with her this night? Any night? No. Yet, she stayed prepared as lifetimes had taught her to do so. He spoke of not being hungry, yet he could never slake his thirst. And once more those blue/green eyes shift to his own, seeking the soul within that just had to be in there! Fate was a cruel bitch, and definitely a bitch too. For only a woman could be so cruel, so calculating and vicious as to take the love of her lifetime from her and bring him back as … A man. A mortal man of modern age.. It was heart breaking all over again, though she hid it well.

"A shower? Hmm?" Moving closer, her fingers moved to tug a bit on his flannel, opening it to the T shirt below and tug it from his jeans he wore. "Then perhaps we can see to curing your thirsts?" A coy smile lift, cat like eyes cling to his for an answer, the answer he really wishes to give her, not the lies his lips may speak. She could scent a lie, and he knew it too.. If she were to gamble on that, she had a feeling he knew far more than he let on.
He followed, not ashamed to admire her hips and ass as his host led the way up the stairs. she was dressed like a real woman, her clothes accenting her beauty, the slit in the dress giving glimpses of long, strong legs and he felt his cock swell with want. All the while as they walked he felt as if he were stepping out of a heavy fog, that he had been in the majestic building before, he knew there'd be an ornate window to his left, that a rail had a heavy gouge out of it's otherwise flawless length, that the double doors opened into a bedroom.... She was being overly gentle with him, he sensed, not coddling, but.... caring, her generosity and the time she took with him, the look in her eyes softening her flawless face, he realized she could be the thirty-ish she looked like, or three hundred, so perfect she was, a flawless, timeless beauty....

He shook his head as she drew near him, shaking away the Deja-vous the moment of familiar surroundings suddenly becoming intimate as she teased with her words and touched him, and for a second he wondered if she were going to undress him right there and then, or was it just his mind playing tricks again, wanting her to want him as the "One"
He met her eyes and felt a chill, knowing she was far above being the "average" Lady looking for a nights romance and companionship, that her words were a test somehow, and he wondered if she really understood how she oozed sex and all the things a real woman should be, and how he really doubted if he was the "man" for her

"This may be my last night on earth, but it is going to be the best one"

He smiled, his hand on the swells of her firm ass, the fear gone if it were a trap

"I'll take the shower and loan of clothes if you don't mind, and look forward to joining you for an evening neither of us will forget for a long, long time"

He kissed her then, something not planned but feeling ~so …. damned... right~ and in a millisecond the world stood still, flashes of images screaming through his head, the paintings hiding in the shadows shining bright as if possessed, each from a different time period but the face the same, never aging, the eyes striking, glittering in different, inhuman colors.

What time and cheap booze had dulled, her lips and the fire of the kiss brought back in seconds, and as he became aware of just how good her curves felt against his jutting hardness he looked into her eyes and saw the multitude of colors all in two tiny swirling galaxies, he understood the energies now, the feel of each object in the massive structure somehow connected to both of them, the smells suddenly in his nostrils, the raw feel of cold steel and hot blood, his own voice a hissing scream as hers joined, filled with battle and blood lust as they stood back to back.....

"NO, god DAMN IT, Noooooo"

He stood there screaming in anger, reality slamming into his eyes and mind, his hands locked on her arms with a strength that should be breaking thin bones, and yet she stood there, nearly smiling as he released her and stood stunned at his own actions

"Fuck.. I am losing my mind"​
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"Most certainly not your last." The words were husky, full lips never lost their luster, their lush draw of the eye with the blood deep colorings curved up in invitation, in want... In tenderness. The glittering of her eyes were another story, they burned, shifting their colors .. or was is trick of the candle light, moon and ancient house full of shadows of the past? Arousal, amusement and tenderness were all there, playing in silent movie style glory.

"I would enjoy the company," fingers lift to wipe the smudge of her lipstick from his lower lip, smiling as it seemed to run down as if he had spilled some.. wine on his lip. A beautiful color on him, her color on him.. And she flashes back to him falling in her desperate clutching hands, stiffened by gauntlet, slick with the blood of the damned. Watching him fall, make contact with hard unforgiving ground and burst like a fountain that precious life force of red-fluid. His life seeping from pierced heart, parted lips trying to speak to her before he is no more...

She is drawn back from thoughts of that horrible night, back to the reality of this era, this room and this new version of him. The sadness fights and claws to reveal, her words near confession as she bites hard to resist temptations of stories he is not equipped to understand, to accept. Not yet, and most certainly, not now! "Forgive me, I have forgotten to eat. I will go below and do so whilst you shower and change. Join me below when you are ready?" She pulls free of him, his hold on her, the too familiar sight and scent of a soul not aware of her as she is of him.

Fate was a cruel cunt. To place him here, now? As mortal.. frail, damaged, mortals...

"Fuck.. I am losing my mind"

His hold on her is far stronger than a mortal man of his stature should possess, and yet he holds her captive, until realizing he has her in a death grip and unpeels those digits from her pale flesh. "No...." A cryptic smile lifts, a dramatic pause as he stares at her, follows her with those sexy eyes and mouth made for.. "You are not.." Finishes, pulling free as he lets her loose. "Downstairs in an hour or less then?"
"You are not.."​

Her words left him puzzled, yet calm...His eyes on her body as she glided away from him, the sudden explosion of memories no longer over bearing as his mind and body cooled and he could organize his thoughts once again

She was right, he wasn't losing his mind, or half as crazy as he was led to believe, the fact he stood in this room, in this ancient house and all its magnificent antiques and trappings the proof he needed for so long.

He was strong, but so was she, and from the look in her eyes she truly knew him, not just "of" him, but KNEW who he was, not in this life, but the one before, the one the priests so vehemently denied could exist as they used the straps on him

His train of thought continued as he basked under the hot water, stretching tight muscles, humming an ancient tune that came to mind and scrubbed off the weeks of grime that came from the yards he squeezed a living from. He laughed, "living" he thought, what a curse it was, to survive, more accurately, to fight for the bare necessities and never trust anyone...

Hot water, clean, pure, he drank it as it ran over his face, wanting to remember the moment and forget the dark, brackish slime of the polluted river he was forced to use, the room filling with steam and the scent of lilacs, the bar of soap in his hand half gone before he stepped from the room, toweling dry and vainly looking at his body in the sole mirror tucked in a corner.

"Not bad for an old man"​

He laughed at himself, eying the body he had starved in hopes of ending his time on the stinking earth, and failing in that attempt as well. his shoulders broad, layered with muscle, his chest oddly bare yet strong from years of man handling crates and barrels, his belly flat, covered in a wisp of hair over muscles covering muscles

"You'd think you would die, but you're too stubborn"​

He taunted the reflection, moving to the wardrobe she had so graciously pointed out, his hands running over the fine creations of fabric, instinct telling him each was an expensive, tailored piece as he slid them over and back, already hating the fact he'd have to put his stinking rags back on when their time ended.

"Be grateful for what you have"​

He sneered as he quoted the saying the priests had used over and over on him, thinking for once they were right, the deep blue shirt he chose gliding over his shoulders, his fingers buttoning the ivory easily before lifting an even darker pair of trousers to step into them, discovering the fit was a bit loose where the shirt was snug

"A belt then, might as well do as my Hostess said and make myself comfortable"​

His smile was genuine, another tune coming to mind, and he hummed it , looking for where the belts might be stored, coming up empty handed as he searched through the dresser, then a chest, and finally back to the wardrobe to pull a pair of highly polished, knee high boots off a shelf, the motion shifting a board to drop a gold chain and amulet at his feet. He lifted it, rolled the heavy chain in his hands, setting it aside to pull long socks on and then the boots before returning to it, exploring the etchings with his fingertips, the finely crafted object opening to reveal a picture of a couple holding each other in an intimate, loving pose.

He studied the faded memory in time, the too familiar images undeniable in identity, sliding the curiously warming object into his pocket as he made the final choice and shrugged into a jacket that must have belonged to the same previous owner as the shirt had, his shoulders snug as he rolled them and backtracked his way out of the room, taking his time to study the paintings, wondering how many hours his hostess had spent frozen in place for the different artists, admiring her silent beauty, the fine taste in her choice of dress, how her hair perfectly fit, and how she hadn't aged a day over...….


He asked himself, then moved to the next, and the next, no longer doubting his instinct, trusting the logical answer in his mind as he traversed the stairway and continued to explore, finding a massive, well furnished room complete with a cheery fire that popped and burned in the equally impressive fire place. He stood in the center of it all, taking in the dark leather couches and matching chairs, the blood red of the heavy curtains, the obviously expensive chandelier that hung over head and shined down on the gleaming wooded floor covered in parts by rugs he knew were real Persian and as old as the house was...

In a corner a table stood, fine crystal glasses and a decanter calling to him, his tongue licking suddenly dry lips as moved to the corner and poured several fingers of dark colored, fragrant liquid, rolling it in the fine glass, then smelling it, smiling at a scent he knew only too well, from a time he had once thought impossible. He tossed the brandy back in a single fluid flick of the wrist, smiling at the burn and quality of the decidedly French taste of grapes, pouring a second draught into his glass, then to another, feeling, not seeing the presence of his hostess as she silently approached

"I haven't tasted brandy this good, or this old..... for a long, long time"​

So how much do you tell him? The truth? Half truths, smothered in vague mystery and a hell of a lot of lies? Doubt he'd buy into it, he is far smarter than he appears. But that question remains, just what does she tell him? Could see the flicker of De Ja Vue, the sense of being here before. Of seeing her before. His soul knows her, yet his mortal mind does not... Does it? He did not recall her in his previous life, though they some how met just before the war, just as they had met on the battlefield so many centuries before... Now he is post war, battered and bruised with ghosts in those striking eyes, with scars that mar far deeper than just his skin.

An old vinyl is placed on the stack and the record player is turned on, playing those old war time gems one can not find much of these days. As the soulful voice begins to sing out her love to her man, a reminiscent pain stabs deep into her heart. Would he believe her, if she tried? Should she try? It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.. Despite the pain of it, their departure rending a hole within the core of you that is never quite right again, nor the same, when they're gone.. But to not have known him at all? Is thrice the charm here? So tired of watching him die, turn to ash and then into nothing even fine and miniscule to which she could hold on to. When he went, there was never a trace he had ever been. That in it's self was the hardest to cope with.

So she sets out his favorite wine, plays his favorite music and lead him back to his old suite, a night of remembrance? A night of pleasure and release? It is so very hard to say for certainty that she could kick him from her life and let him live his mortality to finite, for once. The heart wants, what the heart wants. His foot steps are heard coming, and the melancholy expression is pushed down deep once more.

Tonight. Just let him have tonight, let her have it.

"I haven't tasted brandy this good, or this old..... for a long, long time"
He stands, feet spaced just so and broad shoulders squared, ready to face the unknown world suddenly thrust on him. She feels no guilt, as she strolls behind, letting fingers run fine lines of a well worn suit, tailored for.. him.. but not him. He is leaner, not by much but just a bit.

"And do you like it?" Asks softly, pressing up behind him, brushing with each step, slipping like liquid sin around before him to press between his frame and the bar. Her smile is radiant, inspecting, watchful and promising all at once. He sees past that though, through her allure and will, past her aura and mind games that would have lesser men drooling for a mere little petting. It startles, but only a wee stumble, only for the moment.

He knows!

Fingers toy with tie, lapels and cuffs. "Almost like new.. It fits well." So close to blowing it! To spilling far more than she ever should risk confessing. She can feel the ache in her chest, the want of him and how they were before. "Hungry?" she asked on exhale, willing her chaos to still, to quiet and be patient!
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He smiled, enjoying the feel of her pressed so tightly to him, her touch, her caresses, the way she smelled, the way she looked, all of it the near perfection of a seducer, a woman who knew what she wanted and was going to take it, a ……….


The thought should have sent him running, or at least backing away and looking for a weapon to defend himself, but instead he slowly ran his calloused hand over her dress, down the taunting, delicious corves of her shoulder, her breast, the pert nipple that leaped up to meet his thumb, then to her waist and finally the firm roundness of her ass, to grip it hard and smile, meeting her eyes.

"All my life, I have been told I was crazy, I was compared to a pair of loose leaf books that had been dropped and the pages mixed up when put back together, and I believed them, accepted the things I remembered as "wrong". So I left the orphanage at 13, strong for a boy my age I took a job on the docks, and once I was proven to do a mans work, I was left alone and could try to drink the memories away. Yet here I am, standing here with you, and somehow I know all about each picture of you, I can tell you where the dress was bought, what the weather was like when the paintings were begun and finished, and yes.... the exact ago of this French Brandy that you have kept here all these years..... So call me crazy, it doesn't matter anymore, it wasn't two books that were dropped and mixed up, but one..... and I like this Brandy..... it was always my favorite"

He smiled, setting the glass aside carefully, knowing how she valued the fine things in life, his caution gone as he leaned in and kissed her, not the soft gentle kiss that a Lady of her status might expect, but a hard, deep kiss, crushing her own sweet lips under his rough pair, pushing her back tighter to the bar, his hand gripping her ass invasively as he pressed his own aroused body to the front of her perfect curves, hunger welling up, exploding in his kisses, reaching into her own body, perhaps deeper as he felt memories of her own screaming at him to stop and re-experience, memories he pushed aside as the kiss continued, promising to return to explore them. But for now he was indeed hungry, hungry for the one thing he had starved for all of his life, and now literally held in his hands.

She liked to dance, this one.... Dance the slow, complicated moves of a ballerina like performer, so he would dance with her.... Knowing before it was over, he'd open this beauty and read her story, to find out exactly why his face and hers were in the ancient broach he now carried in his pocket

He forces his thoughts through her, into and melding. A story in his hard eyes, those shimmering, hungry man's eyes. HE has seen so much, recalling things he had never done, in this life time. He is confused, she can sense this. He is hungry, lost, lonely, angry.. So, so angry but stuffing it down his throat, hoping not to choke on it. He wants, something... she can see it within him but can not grasp the true answer to it. His mind is chaos one moment, and still as death the next. He has this super human control over himself, unlike any version of him before. She can sense the darkness within his mind, heart.. Those ghosts he tries to forget. Is she one of them?

All of it flashes in but moments, two heart beats and they are wrapped to one another, hard against an ungiving oak bar top and his hard frame. Feasting on each other, taking what they want. Let him lead the way, let him feel like a man and not a ghost or forgotten soul. She leans back, widening her arms, letting him play her field, her curves. A tremor does race down her frame, sucking for air and arching back so he might venture further. Be Brave.. Her smile speaks volumes, a darkening in her eye and a curve of lust on those smiling lips. Fingers reach down to tug on a few buttons, letting the wrap dress fall open, to the stockings and garter's hidden beneath, the demicup bra lifting and pressing her breasts so gloriously perfect, nipples bare and puckered. "So feast.." Murmurs in a husky invitation.

And suddenly it became crystal clear

Before him stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and had so often dreamed of

She was alive, he could see the veins in her neck pulsing, and for a fleeting second he was puzzled why that detail fascinated him SO much

Definitely attractive as her next move proved, her flawless body lighting a fire deep in his balls, his cock instantly hard and screaming for release from the too tight pants.

He smiled, his lips curling into a hungry, wolf like grin and he licked his lips in anticipation, a hand sliding up her back to her neck, the other to cup a full, and yes ~perfect~ breast, his thumb lightly teasing the already hard nub as he kissed her lips tenderly, tasting them, and again surprised how warm they were, how sweet....so damned familiar

He laughed softly with pleasure, his eyes lighting with the heat from below as he tugged her hair and arched her body even further, aware that she was watching him intently, that every nerve, every inch of her flawless flesh was more alive then it had ever been for much too long, just as his own reaction to her

He kissed her again, this time letting the hunger loose a bit, crushing her sweet lips under his own coarse, rough lips, pinning her hard to the sturdy bar top, knowing too well that she was "allowing" him this once in a lifetime moment, the thought angering him to the point he growled in denial of the idea of ever letting her go, the kiss ending too soon as he lifted his head to meet her eyes

"If you are MINE, then I can do ANY thing, hmmm... You won't deny us... or me"

Demanding wretch! A swift hot spike of fire licked at her mind, spine and mouth began to water in anticipation of feasting on insolence! She near did snap and take a bite out of him, the light flashed within her darkening eyes, and for a moment.. She almost ended him right then and there.

.. and then memories flashed and the man before her was not just ANY man. Not just any insolent mortal who was far too big for his britches. No, Ren was HIM and he in his rebirth, is Ren. It had been too damned long, for either of them. Like did faintly recognize like, but nature of being on her own and surviving.. When surviving meant doing horrid things.. Things he had likely done himself in his tours.

"Yes.." She had to keep the cockiness from her eyes and smirk off her lips. He thought she breakable? And here, perhaps not? He is hard to get a read on, his aura chaos, his mind fragmented with flashes of past horrors, present horrors, and thank god none were childhood memories. He was doing a damned fine job at blocking her, distracting her from his memories and keeping her enthralled with his strong hard stroking hands and sinful mouth. "For the night, at least.." A wicked smile did lift those painted lips, eyes darkening to near black as she whispered to him oh so sweet like, "if you survive.." Tilting her lovely face to an angel that pleased, she lapped his lips with tongue and tugged. "Me.."


~What was it about her, each kiss, each touch triggering a memory, bringing emotions back he thought dead, flashes of events in a past he knew couldn't be real, not last night, or last year, or even a century ago, the massive, ornate building reinforcing how she looked, how she dressed, how she acted even and still he knew it just..... wasn't...… possible...… He shook it off, pulled her tighter into his arms, kissing her harder, deeper and still the memories pulsed at him like dark waves, spinning inside his mind faster and faster.~

"For the night, at least.."

~What did she have planned for him he wondered? After a night of pleasure with a woman that somehow knew another "him"? Why such a wicked smile on those sweet painted lips? Her eyes changed as he watched, the demoness that had haunted him for years until he drank himself into a stupor every night, and he knew the words before she whispered them to him so coy~

"if you survive.."

It wasn't dreams, it was lifetimes ago, he realized, there was a bond, powerful, terrifying, pulling them back together only to be ripped apart again, reminding him that he had died over and over again, and she had watched, and mourned for him. It was real, the memories were his, forget the fact the time line was all wrong, he could feel it in her own mind she knew it too.

She turned her angelic face to him, lapped his lips with her tongue and tugged with sharp teeth on his lower lip as if tasting


One night of pleasure then, she'd kill him later, he had no money so what was she after, he wondered? It didn't matter as he kissed her harder, pressing her to the wall to hike her long dress up, he didn't care he told himself as he heard fine fabric rip and her curse at destroying the expense, no priceless garment.

His eyes met hers, the shock he imagined he'd feel seeing such soulless orbs never came, his own trousers open and cock pushing between her legs, to take what they had both wanted since they saw each other. He nearly laughed as she hissed at him, his own teeth biting her neck and feeling the power under her skin tense, her perfect face flickering into the huntress he felt, no.... ~knew~ she was, and then it was back, the hungry, "fuck me" look, he was moving inside her, sweaty skin grinding to sweaty skin as he laughed and saw through the centuries the repeating pattern of fucking her in every way possible, and then a few more... His own answer surprising even himself.

"What makes you think I want to live another day... with out you?"​

Love. Hate. Such similar emotions, a fine degree of separation. He was no longer Calerma, Nor Eric. There was no sign of Talon within his grey eyes, the hunter, seeker of revenge and she were no longer a queen of anything but her own fate. Yet his words, they tug at memory's strings and winch into her heart long since dead.

"What makes you think I want to live another day... with out you?"

It were difficult to clear her head, not that she tried overly hard to do so. Her body was riding against his in a gait that was most pleasing, at a grind and depth that seared her bones.

"Aaah.. Renbow…" She murmured his name, lips brushing to his as she spoke to him, cooed out his name, fingertip pulling at his full lower lip as their eyes met and she held firm to his mind, those eyes. "Dubois, do not say such things, you speak of things you do not yet understand.." She growled that last, gripping him with thigh, fingers as they curled into that silk shift and pulled him into her. She saw her lover, the love of her lifetimes within those tormented eyes, and yet did not. He was not whole yet, still merely mortal and confused.. Yet he managed to captivate her still!

She could see that her use, her knowledge of him in a depth that he did not quite know of himself, it struck a nerve within him. She had called him by his family name, his birth name. A name he barely recalled a part of until she spoke it aloud. "Ren..." Nails bit into him, her heels lifting to pull him deeper, her body already quaking with pent up tensions, release so damned close! "Fuck me like you mean it!" Threading into thick dark hair she pulls him to her throat, offering him landscape to chew upon, to suckle, bite and lick. The slick squelch of fucking below, her scent filling the air between their rutting bodies, and she encourages in a gruff sharp cry of, "Fuck me, damn you!"

To say that he obliged her wish was an understatement, he didn't try to fuck her, he tried to drive her body through the wall her kept her pinned to, each thrust slamming her lush form to the sturdy hardwood, shaking the shelves and expensive keepsakes on them, sending the paintings into a rocking motion back and forth that matched the in and out of his cock into her wet cunt.

It wasn't "just" fucking, it was closer to punishment, only the resilience and strength of the undead could take blow after blow, thrust after thrust and still want, no... demand more, and as the last vestige of clothing was tossed from both their bodies, as his hands pinned her arms to her sides and he continued his assault, she dared offer her neck to him as if to offer the sweet cream on top of the pie?

He grinned, kissed her brutally on her perfect, sweet lips, then bit down on flawless scented flesh, cutting through flawless layers into tender muscle and vessels that rewarded such invasion with sweet red nectar from which he drank deeply from, filling a thirst that had grown for centuries perhaps, gulping, slurping, like a man starved. His cock still jack hammering into her body, his eyes growing wide, the pupils darkening as the rich blood fed into his body and brought with it not only sustenance and energies of the undead... But memories from the woman he took the blood from...

He laughed and straightened, looking at the woman still impaled on his cock, his shoulders a bit wider, his very stance and demeanor changed as he had consumed her blood, and then it was his turn... to offer his neck... lowering his and rotating, his thick veins pulsing with life that he knew..... that he counted on she could not.. would not resist...