Awesome news! Jesse Jackson Calls For Boycotting Florida Over “Stand Your Ground” Law


Jan 23, 2011
Jesse Jackson Calls For Boycotting Florida Over “Stand Your Ground” Laws, Compares State To Apartheid South Africa…

How will Florida ever survive a boycott from a washed-up race baiter?

PHILADELPHIA — Stevie Wonder isn’t the only one who wants to boycott Florida over its “stand your ground” law, which served as a backdrop in the recent not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

Civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson said Friday he also wanted a boycott of the state.

“We can boycott Florida, cut conventions in Florida, for its ‘stand your ground’ laws,” said Jackson, speaking on a panel at the National Urban League’s annual conference in Philadelphia. “If we can boycott South Africa and bring it down, we should boycott Florida and bring it down.”

Jackson made the comments less than a week after Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, said he wouldn’t change the controversial law that allows people to use physical force in self-defense without a duty to retreat.

Benjamin Crump, the attorney for the Martin family, also spoke at the conference Friday, where he said that changing “stand your ground” was the way to “properly honor” the legacy of Trayvon Martin.
Maybe the COLOREDS can boycott EVERY STATE

and not be there

It might be a good idea for Jackson to start focusing on his own home town where young black kids are murdered every day in record numbers - rather than focusing his efforts on hating whitey.:rolleyes:
what a scumbag jackson is. he would rather enslave people to the government with "entitlements" then address the real issues. how long has jackson been around? what has he accomplished?

pretty much nothing.

point is, jackson is just a failed leader. why is it that people from other countries can come in to America, assimilate into the system and become successful?

oh, because of leaders like jackson and sharpton.

the only reason why its a "black" vs other ethic groups is due to people like jackson. does anyone really care if someone black, white, yellow, green, blue, red? no, we are all humans...

work hard (this is where jackson and obama fail as they are anti work and pro welfare)
Its really too bad these guys didn't devote this much energy to trying to convince Black Youths to stop killing each other.

"can't we all just get along" applies more to black on black than it does anyone else against the blacks.

I did applaud Jackson for having the "funeral" for the word nigger, saying no black man should say it, but see where that got him?

he could do a lot more good if he focused his influence where it belonged.

Sharpton's just a dunce, but I feel Jackson could do some good if he chose to.

All I know is King Jr is rolling in his grave at the way these two call for "peace":rolleyes:
why would ANYONE want them to stop killing each other?


In case you hadn't heard there's a boycott of Chicago going on to protest the lack of concern about murders of black youth. Ted Nugent is helping to organize it in response to this "boycott" of Florida.

Cancel that summer vacation to Chi-town!