Awesome new cat toy!


Dec 18, 1999
So we were out at the mall for a moment this morning and popped into Radio Shack and they have this tiny little RC cars called ZipZaps. We'd been looking for a little RC car for the kitties to chase around and these are just perfect! They're small - just about the size of a little nip mouse - not too fast, they don't make a lot of scary noises, and you can run it in to the cat without worrying about hurting them.

So we picked up a little Ford Mustang, brought it home and the kitties love it! Everything was going great until Oscar picked it up by the antenna and ran off with it, LOL.

Anyways... Check'em out at the link below.

Coca~Cola said:
Those are too much fun, but sadly I had to give mine away.
My cats don't enjoy them.

It's funny. The two older cats love'em, but Oscar seems pretty indifferent to nip.
it took a while for mine to warm up to it but once she did she goes loopey for them now...

still nothing beats a good old fashioned q~tip...
glamorilla said:
it took a while for mine to warm up to it but once she did she goes loopey for them now...

still nothing beats a good old fashioned q~tip...

My cats also prefer cheap toys. Peppermints, Bottlecaps, feathers, Ribbons, Newspapers, My hands, My arms, My Toes....

you get the picture
guilty pleasure said:
Lasher ~ is that Oscar in your AV? If so, he's very handsome.

Yep, that's my boy. He's a 15 month old Maine Coon Cat. That picture is actually from when he was about 10 months.
Coca~Cola said:
My cats also prefer cheap toys. Peppermints, Bottlecaps, feathers, Ribbons, Newspapers, My hands, My arms, My Toes....

you get the picture


miss jam is getting too old for wild antics~the best is a little bit of tissue tied to dental floss with a pencil eraser for a little bit of weight to make a birdie...dirves her crazy. if i try now she just looks at me "as if".


i figured oscar was much older just cuz youve always had those avs up.
glamorilla said:
i figured oscar was much older just cuz youve always had those avs up.

I had this picture up as an av before. He was about 5 months when it was taken.
Jazz has a favourite toy ~ a catnip filled fish ~ that she brings as a reward if she is pleased with me.

I'm allowed to look at it but if I try to pick it up she's right there to claim it back.....just in case I take a fancy to it.
glamorilla said:

miss jam is getting too old for wild antics~the best is a little bit of tissue tied to dental floss with a pencil eraser for a little bit of weight to make a birdie...dirves her crazy. if i try now she just looks at me "as if".


i figured oscar was much older just cuz youve always had those avs up.

How old? Katie is 15 and still goes crazy at least twice a day. You know that I have to be at the other end of the house in 2 seconds gig. yes, we love that one.
well jam still plays and cyclones around the house...shes just not as receptive to pull toys anymore. she feels they demean her...

she's 8 now...almost 9.