AWESOME! It Finally happened in our time, the Kraken of yore attacks a boat!


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
This is sooooo fuckin' cool! :cool:
Sailors of olden days used to speak of Kraken, giant squids, cuttlefish, and octopi big enough to sink a boat and grab a man to his doom pulling him to a watery grave in the cold depths of the sea. Down to “Davey Jone’s locker” as the old salts say…

Other than Gorillas (to a lesser extent), the Giant squids are the only "monster" of legend that was scoffed at by scientists as the tales of drunken buffoons hallucinations and then proven to actually be true validating these ancient myths.

Once it was established that they really do exist, that they are proven to be a real creature the reports and horror stories of the occasional attacks on boats were then said to be bullshit, a bunch of hooey, imagination and terror stories of frightened paranoid seamen.

Well fuck you Mr. Snooty, too good to get your feet wet, lets laugh at everyone else’s testimony as old wives tales just because they don't have a PHD while you sit on land in some clean little office somewhere.

Luckily this one stopped attacking the boat. Perhaps that is the only thing that allowed this story to be heard by you and I, the fact that it changed it's mind and relented its assault rather than continuing and possibly sinking the boat thereby enabling us to never find out that it happened in the first place?

Giant squid 'attacks French boat'
You were a fan of Fraggle Rock weren't you? I bet you wanted to be a Fraggle, walk around eating all of the Doozer's construction.

What was this thread about again?
i don't have a giant squid in my pants but when i bend over i can do some serious kraken. ok, ok. i know it was dumb but it was too easy to let pass.

actually that is a pretty cool story. you have to wonder what the thing thought he was going to do with the boat.
You were a fan of Fraggle Rock weren't you? I bet you wanted to be a Fraggle, walk around eating all of the Doozer's construction.

What was this thread about again?

Huh? :confused:

As for the Giant Squid, the Giant squids archenemy is the Sperm Whale. The idiot marine biologists think (well, most do) that the Sperm Whale is always the aggressor in their monumental battles (a true clash of the titans, the largest invertebrate against the largest predator in the world). The idiots also think that the Sperm Whale always wins...

But her is the catch-22...A Sperm Whale is a mammal, ALL mammals are air-breathing creatures.

Therefore the Giant Squids tactic when fighting the Spam Whale is to grab it and hold onto it until it runs out of air and drowns, wrapping the Whales body in its 8 arms and two tentacles constricting to try and forces what air it does have from its massive lungs to quicken the pace of its demise.

SO, it stands to reason, IF a Giant Squid did win a battle man-on-mano then we would never know about it because the conflict and its corpse would never reach the surface of the ocean for a witness to spot it and see.

Common sense, right? Well from the idiots that I have read from on the subject they seemed to never have put two and two together to come to that logical conclusion.

Therefore, it probably thought it was attacking a baby Sperm Whale in order to kill and eat at its leisure.
Problem Child said:
They stink and go on strike a lot.

But asides from surrendering, stinking and eating cheese, what have the French ever really done for us?
Frimost said:
Huh? :confused:

The idiot marine biologists think (well, most do) that the Sperm Whale is always the aggressor in their monumental battles (a true clash of the titans, the largest invertebrate against the largest predator in the world). The idiots also think that the Sperm Whale always wins...

Frimost knows more than almost all of the professional marine biologists in the world that have researched these animals for years because he watched Squid Week on the Discovery channel.

All five episodes, so ppptthhhhhfffft!
Your Mr. Snooty Scientist thing is silly. Scientists were the first to classify and identify all the various "Kraken", and they've known about the giant squid for many, many years. Scientists are the reason WHY the French sialors knew it was a squid, and not Beelezebub. You're being dopey.
Problem Child said:
Frimost knows more than almost all of the professional marine biologists in the world that have researched these animals for years because he watched Squid Week on the Discovery channel.

All five episodes, so ppptthhhhhfffft!
heard he signed up to host the new cable talk-show 'squid squawk'

coming to a channel near you!
No I'm not, the scientists used to be and still are to an extent egotistical, elite, arrogant, and derisive of the common man.

Scientists have only known of giant squids since about 1850. Sailors and other voyagers, on the other hand, knew of them for THOUSANDS of year but if they ever dared utter a word of it to a "land-lubber" they were branded for life by the arrogant scientists as a lair, fame-seeker, and fool.

So my sentiments are returned in kind to them, for they were the ones wrong here and still are today by claiming they are harmless and that tales of attacks by them are but legends even while admitting on the other hand that they know virtually noting of them or their behavior.

It took a Newfoundland fisherman with a Giant Squids carcass that he had killed with a knife while it was stranded and attacked his boat to convince the marine biologists that they were actually the ones who did not know what they were talking about.
Your history of "what scientists used to do" is extremely well thought out. Yup. Them science guys sure was evil and junk.


I've decided you're not very bright.
It was December 1873 before the mainstream scientific community finally began to accept that thier existance was real and not a Big-Foot like invention made by frauds trying to generate publicity which is what they labeled everyone else prior to then. Up until then they said it was all a fabrication like Sea Mermaids, shows how much they know sometimes.
I give Frimost credit for the "Kraken of Yore" part of the thread title.

That alone is worth a few points. (that's thread points, not pussy points).
Frimost said:
Therefore the Giant Squids tactic when fighting the Spam Whale...

Anyone else freaked out by the thought of a Spam Whale?

Btw, I thought the Sperm Whale's greatest enemy was the Giant Condom Fish. *shrug*
Not evil, just jerks and assholes, or at many allot of them in this particular branch of study.

For example, if you look in the record books the largest verifiable Giant Squid is said to be either 60 feet long, or another kind that is 70 feet long but only three-fourths tentacles.
However, about a century ago in off of Labrador Canada they had the local constable, a doctor, and other town officials with honest reputations and government posts measured two dead specimens carefully at 80-feet and 90-feet long. However, despite the local officials there to measure it and their testimony under oath because there was not a official marine biologist there to see it the record size lengths was kept from being recorded in biology journals and the Guinness Book.
Frimost said:
Not evil, just jerks and assholes, or at many allot of them in this particular branch of study.

It's "a lot" and Science works because it doesn't take your word for it, you big loon.

There are few things more annoying to me than the dopey complaining about anyone smart.
Frimost said:
No I'm not, the scientists used to be and still are to an extent egotistical, elite, arrogant, and derisive of the common man.

You're such a total, undeniable, and complete nincompoop.

You just disqualified yourself from ever again using any scientific study published by, or any evidence gathered by scientists to make a point in any argumant here...ever.