This is sooooo fuckin' cool!
Sailors of olden days used to speak of Kraken, giant squids, cuttlefish, and octopi big enough to sink a boat and grab a man to his doom pulling him to a watery grave in the cold depths of the sea. Down to “Davey Jone’s locker” as the old salts say…
Other than Gorillas (to a lesser extent), the Giant squids are the only "monster" of legend that was scoffed at by scientists as the tales of drunken buffoons hallucinations and then proven to actually be true validating these ancient myths.
Once it was established that they really do exist, that they are proven to be a real creature the reports and horror stories of the occasional attacks on boats were then said to be bullshit, a bunch of hooey, imagination and terror stories of frightened paranoid seamen.
Well fuck you Mr. Snooty, too good to get your feet wet, lets laugh at everyone else’s testimony as old wives tales just because they don't have a PHD while you sit on land in some clean little office somewhere.
Luckily this one stopped attacking the boat. Perhaps that is the only thing that allowed this story to be heard by you and I, the fact that it changed it's mind and relented its assault rather than continuing and possibly sinking the boat thereby enabling us to never find out that it happened in the first place?
Giant squid 'attacks French boat'
Sailors of olden days used to speak of Kraken, giant squids, cuttlefish, and octopi big enough to sink a boat and grab a man to his doom pulling him to a watery grave in the cold depths of the sea. Down to “Davey Jone’s locker” as the old salts say…
Other than Gorillas (to a lesser extent), the Giant squids are the only "monster" of legend that was scoffed at by scientists as the tales of drunken buffoons hallucinations and then proven to actually be true validating these ancient myths.
Once it was established that they really do exist, that they are proven to be a real creature the reports and horror stories of the occasional attacks on boats were then said to be bullshit, a bunch of hooey, imagination and terror stories of frightened paranoid seamen.
Well fuck you Mr. Snooty, too good to get your feet wet, lets laugh at everyone else’s testimony as old wives tales just because they don't have a PHD while you sit on land in some clean little office somewhere.
Luckily this one stopped attacking the boat. Perhaps that is the only thing that allowed this story to be heard by you and I, the fact that it changed it's mind and relented its assault rather than continuing and possibly sinking the boat thereby enabling us to never find out that it happened in the first place?
Giant squid 'attacks French boat'