avatars, again...


technical demi-god
Aug 27, 2002
yeah, anyone know how to shrink pictures to use as avatars? I'm not sure how to reduce them, any hints?

and those few people that are my friends, any requests for avatars out of the pics i've posted? I like little squee for the moment,

but ill change in a few days..

Grab The Trial Version Of PaintShop Pro, You'll Be Resizing Like A Mad Person! LOL
Open whatever image manipulation program you have (if you don't have one, use Paint) go to the image properties and adjust the image size to whatever proportions you need. You might try cropping the image then resizing it to keep the quality.
thanks y'all.. *heads off to make new avatars*

rude, your still too beautiful.. run away with me? we'll spend our days in carefree avatar making... or whatever..
*Bright Smiles*

Odd Is More Like It!

Only If We Flee To Bora Bora, And Have Wicked Digital Cameras To Take Uber Sexy Pics Of Each Other:D

I'm Sure We Can Figure Out The Whatevers Too!
Re: *Bright Smiles*

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
Odd Is More Like It!

Only If We Flee To Bora Bora, And Have Wicked Digital Cameras To Take Uber Sexy Pics Of Each Other:D

I'm Sure We Can Figure Out The Whatevers Too!

sweet goddess, I want you, woman!

and that sounds liek a plan.. when can we leave?
Re: *Bright Smiles*

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
Odd Is More Like It!

Only If We Flee To Bora Bora, And Have Wicked Digital Cameras To Take Uber Sexy Pics Of Each Other:D

I'm Sure We Can Figure Out The Whatevers Too!

I'll volunteer to be the photographer for you two, that way you won't have to be bothered with remembering to actually take the pictures.
Re: Re: *Bright Smiles*

PepperminTrish said:

I'll volunteer to be the photographer for you two, that way you won't have to be bothered with remembering to actually take the pictures.

did you want to help us with the "whatever" as well?
typically whatever program you use you will need to have the piccy reduced to about 150x150 pixels....these obviously are different from inches or other weird units of measurement.

I prefer ZIM! heh....
Silverluna said:
typically whatever program you use you will need to have the piccy reduced to about 150x150 pixels....these obviously are different from inches or other weird units of measurement.

I prefer ZIM! heh....

How's your cold Silverluna? You feeling better?
Silverluna said:

nope. thankfully not any worse...just popping pills and drinking juice...:cool:

Well that sucks. I hope you get well soon. I am sort of recovering myself, but everytime I think I am getting better it starts up again.
crystalizedjoy said:
silver, you better be coming to bora bora with rude trish and I..

well since i'm invited i might as well go along....;)