Automatic disqualifiers in the search for


Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
In the ongoing and relentless search for a signifigant other, what are some of your automatic disqualifers? Once you find them out about someone they never get a second thought or no matter how attractive they are you know its not worth it. Obvious ones like convicted felons, very bad hygene, abusers and the like are a given.

Some of mine are:

Doesn't like animals (especially dogs) or nature

Non-creative or conformists (also those who do not appreciate art)

Mindless chatterers or overly opinionated (closed minded)

Women who openly brag about being high mantainence or who are..

Someone who always gives in or has no thoughts of their own

Someone who is physically inactive.

Someone who does not have a spititual side

Just a few I can think of...
I'm too tired to be clever about this tonight, but:

They can not be stupid. There is no greater turnoff for me than a lack of intelligence.

Sense of Humor is next. Hell, I even find humor in the absurd. If they can't get the joke, there's no point.
Among other things, someone who interrupts me all the time or doesn't listen to what I say is disqualified.

While unemployment isn't an automatic disqualifier, it is something to consider depending on the circumstances.

There are more, but I will be back after giving it some thought.

IN terms of on line stuff, someone who tries to cyber or is too persistant about wanting nekkid pics is disqualified.
No humor no service.

Too "High Class" no service.

Ditzes get no service, must have an IQ above 4.

Changer (I.E. tries to change you and yuor stuff, and who you hang out with) No service

And my three cardinal rules in dating

1. No cheating/I will not compete.. You kiss, fondle, maul, screw whatever, somone else but me.. the second this happens you have just ended our relationship... buhbye, I will not compete for your affection. period, either it is or is not.. saying you where drunk is not an excuse and worsens my opinion even more.

2. I will not be the sole aggressor, if I always have to ask, always have to be the one to call, always initiate any form of physical contact.. we don't need to be dating.

3. If all it turns into is sex, don't let the door hit you in the ass.. I enjoy and revel in sex, but not to the point where it becomes a damn chore cause your last boyfriend had a god damned 4 inch dick, and now im something special or some shit like that. damnit

But im not bitter either.
MissTaken said:
Among other things, someone who interrupts me all the time or doesn't listen to what I say is disqualified.

While unemployment isn't an automatic disqualifier, it is something to consider depending on the circumstances.

There are more, but I will be back after giving it some thought.

IN terms of on line stuff, someone who tries to cyber or is too persistant about wanting nekkid pics is disqualified.

Hmm, as far as unemployment goes, you still wanna do me for some fast cash? Ill give you half off at a mere $500!
Don't go out of your way to hurt me. Intentionally causing me physical or emotional pain will rapidly get on my shit list.

Ok, I'm picky!

- Possessed by alien life-force [too many cultural differences]

- Have multiple bail bondsman [shows lack of bonding fidelity]

- Part of siamese twins [tough to be "alone" and then picking out gifts that both like --- nearly impossible!]

- Ever been part of the Sybianese Liberation Army, the group Weathermen, or other (perceived) radical elements [eventually she'll be found, arrested, and I'll be stunned and lamenting, "But she's such a good mom, I had no idea..."]

- Insists on wearing "I'm with stupid" t-shirts

Oh, my list goes on
Where to start????

*tapping fingers on table as I think*

First off, no sense of humor or sense of adventure, not for me.

Must have a sense of the ridiculous as well. If you can't see the humor in the absolutely absurd situations we put ourselves in almost daily, then we won't work. I mean, can you think of anything funnier then some of the situations that happen with sex....and a bigger turn off than someone who can't laugh when things get awkward or silly lol.

Employment is key for me.....I work to support myself, don't want to support you too.

Control freaks or the opposite, one who can't make even a simple decision. I like a balance.

Has to like animals, and at least be able to tolerate being a slave to cats.

sorry for the babble and semi-rant. Can ya tell I have opinions :)

:rose: Mysti :rose:
They must also like dogs, cats maybe, pussies for sure.

The must have intelligence to carry on some conversation.

They must be able to admit being wrong, as well as being right.

Must have a zeal for sex.

Must be loving and caring, expecting the same in return.
My pickiness is legendary:

--They must be genetically compatible. I've known some chimps in my day, but that 98% match just really isn't close enough.

--They must not be addicted to anything really expensive.

--Not a member of the PLO (family gatherings would literally become a warzone)

--I have a strong preference for them being anatomically correct (sorry PV :( ) and be in working order.

Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible.
sufisaint said:
In the ongoing and relentless search for a signifigant other, what are some of your automatic disqualifers? Once you find them out about someone they never get a second thought or no matter how attractive they are you know its not worth it. Obvious ones like convicted felons, very bad hygene, abusers and the like are a given.

Some of mine are:

Doesn't like animals (especially dogs) or nature

Non-creative or conformists (also those who do not appreciate art)

Mindless chatterers or overly opinionated (closed minded)

Women who openly brag about being high mantainence or who are..

Someone who always gives in or has no thoughts of their own

Someone who is physically inactive.

Someone who does not have a spititual side

Just a few I can think of... I KNOW why you didn't go for talk too much, I am highly opinionated, and I'm fat. (which leads you to BELIEVE I am physically inactive)
Any sort of emotional manipulation and that's it. I'm gone.

I will not tolerate passive/aggressive people in my life anymore.
I know quite a few people who consider themselves overweight or however to say it without being offensive who are very physically active. I am just a very physical person in every sense of the balances out my thinking way to much....
Here's a few of mine:
Cannot be looking for a trophy and pregnant isn't going to work for me;
Cannot have so much money that he's paranoid that's all I'm dating him for;
Cannot have a mother/cousin/aunt/ dog who hates Yankees (as I am one);
Cannot be allergic to my cat;
Wants to have kids someday, does not want to have a football team full of 'em though;
Is kind, thoughtful, and tolerant enough of me to be able to put up with me when I'm stressed, bitchy, and/or PMSing;
Looks are unimportant, brains very important;
I could care less which side of the political spectrum he is on, just so long as he respects my opinions;
Cannot be so insecure as to assume that when he's out with the boys, simply because I went to the movies/dinner/grocery store with my best (male) friend that night that means we had sex.
Telling me that liposuction, dying my hair blond, or any other stupid thing would make me more attractive to him.

(echoing Aquila...but I'm not bitter)
Re: I hear that.....

Suzi said:

Ironic how there are fat guys out there who won't go for a fat woman! and vice versa!

Leaves more for me.
I likem big, medium, and small
I prefer big and medium.
No Speedy Gonzales for me. I like to take my time and enjoy life.

No quick tempers for me. In fact, tempers must be tempered.

I don't tolerate the intolerant well, either.
weed said:
No Speedy Gonzales for me. I like to take my time and enjoy life.

No quick tempers for me. In fact, tempers must be tempered.

I don't tolerate the intolerant well, either.

PS...this doesn't mean I'm searching.:)
She must have a pulse.

She must be able to have coherent thoughts.

She must get along with my wife. :)
If they are Dead I'm not interested.

well hold on........

If they are dead and cold I'm not interested.
Man. you people are PICKY!

'Not dead'

My wife's not dead. I'm happy. :)

Money too would be nice. Just so I can stay home and get that ground breaking best selling first novel finished you understand.


WIFE = Wash Iron Fuck Etc.
Well Sufi, it's like this.....

sufisaint said:
I know quite a few people who consider themselves overweight or however to say it without being offensive who are very physically active. I am just a very physical person in every sense of the balances out my thinking way to much....

I am not just fat, I am what doctors consider obese. I have asthma also. So...I get winded climbing stairs, I can't run a mile or ride a bike very far....but if you get me in the bedroom...I would give you a "run for your money", cuz my stamina has always been great in that area!! :D