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Re: Have run out of idea's...

TongueDocAtWork said:
hey all, luv to write but have currently run out of juicy idea's. i'm looking for something but don't know what it is??? any idea's floating around out there??? read my prvious stories to get an idea on my writing style. thanks all.

litrotica rocks:p

well, dive into the threads of this forum...there are ideas galore!

With your incest interest, the "poll" thread on that subject might be worth a look.
Ideas Not Lagging Here

I have lots of ideas. So many that I find myself writing 3 or 4 stories at a time and constantly revising existing ones. My ideas strike me at night. I have insomnia and often think long and hard in my darkened bedroom beside my loudly snoring wife. And no, none of my ideas include murder :)

A stranded vehicle at night...

Cliff climbers discover a cave...

Scuba diver finds an airhole in an ancient ship...

Curious man/woman follows a cave opening to a mysterious cavern...

Man/woman decides to hitch cross-country to the location of their college...

Man/woman finds him/herself in a corrupt town where drugs are planted on their person and he/she are forced into sexual slavery...

A woman unsure of her sexual oientation is drawn to a store in the mall where the owner is purportedly lesbian...

A college sorority takes "7 minutes in heaven"a step further by requiring pledges to partake in a "night of heaven" where Frat members and Sorority pledges draw a name and are required to engage in mind-blowing sex

Is that OK for starters? You might wonder why I have so many ideas. It's because before I discovered Lit at the start of this year I wrote these stories, saved them to my hard drive, found them taking up space, and deleted them. Now I have an outlet for my creations. THANKLS ALL!!!
Hello everyone,

I am 47 and reside in the Granite State in the good ole USA. I stumbled on to this site the other night as I was looking for a place to do some sexual role playing.

I am an author, but have never published any of my material. I love to write erotica, and am partial to stories of encounters with willing strangers, group sexual experiences, domination, to name a but a few.

I am happy to have found a site that will allow me to express myself, and chat with like minded people. I hope to learn a lot from you all.

I invite any and all to email, message or find me in chat, I love to meet new people, especially people that share my interests.
Hi flyer. Please enjoy and share here! I look forward to reading your posts and stories.

You might want to post some of those ideas on appropriate threads.

Please explore and share ideas with us. welcome to the forum.

Well, here is my "official" hello to the site now that I've looked around some and have a poem submitted.

There's not a lot to say about myself. I'm a woman in my late 20s, not married, no children. I live in Sycamore, IL, a small town in the heart of the US. (And if it weren't for a cable modem I probably couldn't get online! lol)

Please check out my poem and feel free to vote on it and/or post feedback for it! Thank you! Liquid Love
official unofficial welcome, MT, though we've crossed paths or posts already.
welcome to the world at night. I think this place is fuill of insomnics. I admit to being a charter member of the club. I have a file I save where I put sentances that come to me, topics I see in the paper that have possibilities, ideas I like but wouldn't necessarily writei.e. incest. that way when the muse tskes a night off I can refresh my spirit in my file or come and read stories here that might strike an AH! ha! Usually works for me. GOod luck and welcome.

One idea I will share is a mother and daughter crash land in the rain forest both are true blondes, a pgymy tribe rescues them the only survivors. The tribe values women for their ability to produce tribal members and find these two irresistable.
maggie2002 said:
welcome to the world at night. I think this place is fuill of insomnics. I admit to being a charter member of the club. I have a file I save where I put sentances that come to me, topics I see in the paper that have possibilities, ideas I like but wouldn't necessarily writei.e. incest. that way when the muse tskes a night off I can refresh my spirit in my file or come and read stories here that might strike an AH! ha! Usually works for me. GOod luck and welcome.

One idea I will share is a mother and daughter crash land in the rain forest both are true blondes, a pgymy tribe rescues them the only survivors. The tribe values women for their ability to produce tribal members and find these two irresistable.

I suggest you post the blondes meet pygmy idea as a new thread.
HI All

Haven't been on lit but a month or so, but I love writing. Just posting to say hi.
MissTaken said:
I thought a thread wherein the authors that post or lurk at the board introduce themselves and their preferred story categories, it would be helpful to those seeking story writers.

What say you, sexy lit authors?



I am a 32-year old female, about 6', 135 lbs, and long dark hair. Considering I have a dirty mind so to speak, I just write this stuff mostly when I'm horny. As for genres, incest, celebrities (most I've read are just sex), and lesbian. I'm very open about sexuality so PM with any ideas or for advice. I'm actually putting together my shorts in a smutty little book when I'm not writing the novel. I'm mostly a romance novelist, but don't mind some "smut" to write for people here. If you PM me to hit on me, it is okay. I only ask that you make it interesting. You might not get anywhere physically, but might get a spicey reply. And to the guy that asked for my panties, a BIG MAYBE! I can't believe he wanted them, umm, after I ... use your imagination.

Even though the board calls me a "virgin," I can ensure you I am very extremely experienced.
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Re: HI All

woodnymph_O said:
Haven't been on lit but a month or so, but I love writing. Just posting to say hi.

HO WN ! Please post some story ideas , or kibbitz ours.

I am chagrined. I just wanted to stop insay hello. I just finished my first sory and have 2 in the wings and a pile in the works.

Right now I am being inspired by Woodnymph-O and Masochistictoys ...endowments. I will get back to y' all!
My ideas

you know, I get a fair amount of ideas from songs, expecially from Toni Braxton. iIjust submitted one and another is on the way.

Plus I just like looking at toni Braxton. :p
maggie2002 said:
welcome to the world at night. I think this place is fuill of insomnics. I admit to being a charter member of the club. I have a file I save where I put sentances that come to me, topics I see in the paper that have possibilities, ideas I like but wouldn't necessarily writei.e. incest. that way when the muse tskes a night off I can refresh my spirit in my file or come and read stories here that might strike an AH! ha! Usually works for me. GOod luck and welcome.

One idea I will share is a mother and daughter crash land in the rain forest both are true blondes, a pgymy tribe rescues them the only survivors. The tribe values women for their ability to produce tribal members and find these two irresistable.

Cool idea, and :) lol insomnia comment! I don't usually get on here any earlier than 1am in the morning here in Aussie-land, cause of my damn work's pathetic hours, but now I'm on holidays so I'm getting on in THE DAYLIGHT HOURS TOO!

OMG what a change! I can actually CONCENTRATE, and make less than an average of fifty errors for every submission that I make to a thread (maybe a little exaggerated, but ya know what I mean :D).

Welcome, all new Lit-ophiles, one and all! Friendship and support for all, and have fun!
maggie2002 said:
welcome to the world at night. I think this place is fuill of insomnics. I admit to being a charter member of the club. I have a file I save where I put sentances that come to me, topics I see in the paper that have possibilities, ideas I like but wouldn't necessarily writei.e. incest. that way when the muse tskes a night off I can refresh my spirit in my file or come and read stories here that might strike an AH! ha! Usually works for me. GOod luck and welcome.

One idea I will share is a mother and daughter crash land in the rain forest both are true blondes, a pgymy tribe rescues them the only survivors. The tribe values women for their ability to produce tribal members and find these two irresistable.

BTW Maggie, forgot to ask before, but if you have some possible incest ideas or concepts, and they're pretty different and unique and you don't think you'd ever be wanting to write stories about the notions you have, can you send them my way? :p.

Won't pass up on getting more story ideas as long as I can help it! :D

Again, regards to all kewl Lit authors! Keep :D-ing, you sexy :devil:s.
Here's me in a nutshell: (me)

Hello. My name is Christian and I'm a very picky writer in terms of what I like to write. Before being a writer I'm an artist of erotica. In whatever I'm creating I generally like extremes and languid flows of subject matter. My mindset isn't terribly attracted to the "Letters to Penthouse" type stories, but occasionally something interesting comes along and it's fun to read or it's a good enough idea to create a whole new piece from.

Otherwise, I'm one laid back kind of guy that doesn't like spewing out a lot of negativity, like some of the other folks meandering through these threads...:cool:
artistca71 said:
Here's me in a nutshell: (me)

Hello. My name is Christian and I'm a very picky writer in terms of what I like to write. Before being a writer I'm an artist of erotica. In whatever I'm creating I generally like extremes and languid flows of subject matter. My mindset isn't terribly attracted to the "Letters to Penthouse" type stories, but occasionally something interesting comes along and it's fun to read or it's a good enough idea to create a whole new piece from.

Otherwise, I'm one laid back kind of guy that doesn't like spewing out a lot of negativity, like some of the other folks meandering through these threads...:cool:

Welcome, and good luck here on Lit! It's always good to see another hearty, laid-back writer join our swelling ranks! I look forward to sampling some of your work that's posted. Stay :cool:, don't let the trolls get to you like they have an irritating habit of doing, and keep :D-ing:p.
artistca71 said:
Here's me in a nutshell: (me)

Hello. My name is Christian and I'm a very picky writer in terms of what I like to write. Before being a writer I'm an artist of erotica. In whatever I'm creating I generally like extremes and languid flows of subject matter. My mindset isn't terribly attracted to the "Letters to Penthouse" type stories, but occasionally something interesting comes along and it's fun to read or it's a good enough idea to create a whole new piece from.

Otherwise, I'm one laid back kind of guy that doesn't like spewing out a lot of negativity, like some of the other folks meandering through these threads...:cool:

lay on back and post some spare plots!
sirhugs said:
lay on back and post some spare plots!

Spare plots... there's such a thing? :D

lol yes there is, of course... so many ideas, so little time to write! :p

Keep real, everyone. Live free, die well. :)
MissTaken said:
I thought a thread wherein the authors that post or lurk at the board introduce themselves and their preferred story categories, it would be helpful to those seeking story writers.

What say you, sexy lit authors?


Hi, I am newly registered, though I have been visiting the site for a couple of years. My first story for public consumption is being edited right now (by a Literotica Volunteer Editor and by a friend who is a much better writer than me, but she still needs convincing to let the public see her work), and after updates and improvements, should be submitted in a week or so.

The basics about me are: straight male, late 30s, working and going to school and not much time for anything else, hence the writing hobby. Also, I am a bit of a night owl, though that is a bad habit with classes starting at 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. each day.

The current story (as well as future ideas that are percolating) will probably end up in the 'Erotic Couplings' section, though some other categories may get into the mix.

As for my initial interest in written erotica, it is pretty mundane. When I was younger, and Penthouse mag was 'special', I always thought the Forum section was a LOT more interesting than the pics (though the pics were pretty good :) ). Later on (a few years ago, the friend I mentioned earlier and I started exchanging stories written for each other. Now I have gotten all brave and everything and have tried to write for a wider audience.

Anyway, I look forward to talking to all of you.

Good night!