Author's remarks


Jun 30, 2002
First of all, thanks for the feedback! I really do appreciate it. :)

A few of my own comments about this story:

Before I wrote this story, I looked through the other stories on the site, and realized that there aren't many subjects, situations, or scenarios that haven't already been written about. :(

I wanted to write something that was a bit outside the norm.

I thought that one way to help accomplish that was to make the story revolve around the TV and not the sex. If you re-read it, you'll notice that the only dialog in the story comes from the TV. That was deliberate.

I admit it was very tempting at times to put in a line or two of dialog from either of the characters, but I felt that doing so would begin to shift the focus of the story, and quite possibly make the dialog confusing for the reader to follow.:confused:

Ultimately, I stuck with my original idea, and I must say that I was personally pleased with the end result. The fact that others enjoy it is the literary equivalent of icing on the cake.:cool:

I'll write another one the next time the bug bites.

Thanks again for the feedback!

TheCount ^o^