Author's Questionnaire Redux (Semi-Oddball Edition)


Literotica Guru
Jun 25, 2008
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever?

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written?

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction?

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments?

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like?

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places?

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect...

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever? People usually don't post comments at all so negative stuff about my stories so that doesn't concern me at all.

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written? If I'm on my death bed, I'm almost certain a pending story would be pretty far down on the my list.

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction? My stories rarely receive much reaction so no.

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments? How many is a bunch?

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like? I won second place in a contest. It was nice.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places? I usually find them inside my head. That's odd enough.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect... I make them up out of real life.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)I'd be more mortified to check my parents' browsing history. It's none of my business.

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)Pretty much the same response as above.
A :kiss: from the good little witch.
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1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever? Yes, definitely. I don't want that negative crap there, and I always delete them instantly.

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written? Yes, definitely. I want to know the fate of that story.

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction? Sometimes, but only for a few moments. I get over it fast and I keep on writing. I've got nothing better to do.

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments? Sometimes, but you get used to it. The good far outweighs the bad and the people who hate are trollling.

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like? Seeing the huge numbers is a high point for me (views, favs, votes) It's great knowing that people enjoy my stuff. It feels like I've really accomplished something, even though it's something fairly strange (writing erotica). It's fantastic knowing that I've made someone happy in a way, and that I've given something that I've got from reading other authors I like.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places? Sometimes in bed, or when I just finished running and I'm cooling down. Oddest place might have to be in the shower (not-masturbating), for some reason, I think of good ideas and good dialogue there.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect... Sometimes real life, where I take things and flip them around so that it's dirty. Sometimes movies as well. Most of my ideas, I just make them up, and build it from something I want to write about. Forgot to mention, I get inspired from music, mainly Depeche Mode & Martin Gore.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author) 10

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author) 10
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8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author) 10

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author) 10

So it doesn't matter at all if they know you wrote erotica or not? You should tell them. ;)
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever?

No they can whip me when I'm dead, its not like I'll care

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written?

Yes and there is an author I know who I would send it to with some notes and ask them to finish it as best they could for me and I know they would credit me with it.

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction?

No I just shrug and move on. You win some you lose some.

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments?

No, they usually make me laugh. See prior point, I just roll with it.

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like?

I think the high point is simply still getting a thrill when someone comments on something I wrote. Even if its negative as long as it seems well thought out I like to know my work elicits some type of emotion.

I also still get a kick when someone buys something I wrote. I've been selling for a couple of years now, but it never seems to get old.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places?

Usually when I am lying in bed either just about ready to fall asleep or just waking up. My mind is very relaxed and I get some vivid images.

As for odd places, more than once while having sex, my wife will blurt out something dirty or say something unexpected(we role play a bit at night) and it will inspire something and the romp becomes a bunny.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect...

make them up and as I mentioned I role play every weekend and any one of those is a plot bunny. I also watch porn clips(not full movies just scenes) and if the clip hits me just right I start imagining who they are how they got to this point who are they to each other etc...

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)

Not sure about mortified, but they are very Christian(Yeah, I know, where did I come from?) so I would love knowing they are like the rest of the bible thumpers who condemn yet sin like mother fuckers. I guess a rating of 8 for self edification of knowing they were pervs

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)

10 this would be bad. Some of my kinks would make them put a certain situation back then together with a few other things and oh boy!:eek:

Okay, don't know how #9 got outside the box:confused:
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1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever?If I was dying, I would delete the entire account so none of the crap would be there forever.

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written? I would remove it as well.

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction? Nope. I just write something else.

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments? I haven't had any negative comments that I know of.

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like? I had "Maggie's Gift" published in an anthology. They came to me, which was cool. When the hardcover arrived in the mail, it felt amazing. The story also won the holiday contest here.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places? I like to sit outside early in the morning with a notebook and write. Some of that turns into stories. I volunteer at a monthly food pantry, and I've had ideas from there as well.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect... Music, real life, dreams . . .

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)

My parents were both gone long before I began writing, so I'm skipping those.
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever?I'd leave it nd let people have their fun

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written?probably, and I would probably beg for a laptop or dictaphone so I could finish about deadline sheesh

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction?nope, never bothers me

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments? nope

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like? first check from writing, first time seeing my stuff in a store, from Literotica the day my first story posted one of my favorite writers here gave me a great comment....all made me feel like I was floating on the moon, very cool

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places?generally when I'm out and about and something strikes me as odd or my head starts with "wouldn"t it be odd/neat if....

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect...all over the place

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)sadly they are not around but it wouldn't be an issue as they were very open-minded

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author) same as the last question
Thanks for the fun HeyAll!
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever?

I've never disabled comments on any of my stories (I don't think I even moderated anything that I can remember) so no, I wouldn't.

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written?

No, I don't think so. I think I have a very un-popular kind of taste when it comes to stories so if I think something is the best I ever wrote, chances are the audience wouldn't like it all that much. :eek:

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction?

Nope. My reasons for quitting would be quite different.

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments?

No. Sometimes disappointed that someone didn't 'get' something or even a little puzzled about some of the comments, but never angry or hurt.

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like?

I have a folder in my email called "heart-warming feedback" that I keep going back to when I feel like re-reading some of the most wonderful things people have said to me after reading one of my stories.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places?

In bed. I daydream / fantasize a lot in bed.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect...

Mostly make them up. Sometimes music. A couple of stories have been about pictures that specific people have used as avatars here.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)

Let me first say that the above two scenarios are completely impossible with the mother. If they happened with the father, I think he would be much more mortified than I would. But, well, they don't even know anything about my non-Lit writing... so the chance of them reading my Lit stuff is pretty nonexistent.
3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction? NO. Jesus was crucified for being nice and pleasant, so what hope is there for a common sinner!

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments? NO. Opinions are like assholes.

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like? I got some flattering letters from editors at Charles Scribners Sons, and one of my horror publishers told me I have talent for horror writing.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places? Ideas erupt about as often as Old Faithful. Writing problems usually fix themselves within a day or so, but one took 5 years. I generally read 6-8 books at a whack, and scour 19th Century newspapers for ideas.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect... I invest lots of time and thought trying to find the perfect words or I study wildlife and domestic animals to learn how they communicate and understand the world. Its very subliminal, and readers are usually clueless to what I did. Life is pretty simple, and our ambitions are pretty basic, the trick is knowing whats going on.
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever?

No. I would be happy knowing that my stories will be online forever.

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written?

No if it was pending I would simply have to hope it posted, what good would worrying do me. I'm dying.

3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction?

Never! A lot of really famous writers works weren't popular when they were alive. It just means I'm in good company

4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments?

Little depressed for a day or so then i get back to writing and try to learn from the comments.

5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like?

I mentioned Indonesia in a story and got a comment from someone there saying how happy he was to see his country mentioned in a story. That was cool as hell to know someone on the other side of the world had read my story.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places?

at work. my hands will be doing the work and my mind will be racing down a dozen stories.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect...

They just pop into my head when I sit down to write. My scenes I take from the world around me and my own past.

8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)

1- I've already told my mom what I write. What she does on the internet is her business.

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)

1- I would probably be more flattered than mortified.
1. If you were dying, would you disable the comments to your stories so that people can't post negative stuff that will be there forever? I don't delete the negative comments now so I'll likely give even less of a rat's ass if I'm dead.

2. If you were on your death bed, would you think about the fate of a pending story you wrote, if you considered that story the best thing you've ever written?
I'm not sure how to answer that one.
3. Have you ever thought about quitting because your latest story, which you love, received little reaction?
I don't know that I have contemplated quitting, but it is disappointing to me to feel like I worked for a month or more and no one has read my ramblings.
4. Do you ever get angry or have hurt feelings because you got a bunch of negative comments?
No. They are part of the game. I know I am not going to please everyone.
5. What are some of your high points as an author? What did it feel like?
My high points are receiving an e-mail from someone and having them tell me that I have talent, and that they look forward to reading more of my work. One positive e note can erase a scad of negative ones.

6. Besides sitting in front of the computer, where do you think of your story ideas / plot points? Any odd places?
I often find myself going through a store running a story through my head trying to figure out the next logical step. I do the same in the shower. Sometimes when I go to bed I find the composition continuing and I hope to remember it the next day. I know if I get up and hammer anyhting else out I will not get any sleep.

7. Where do you get your inspirations from? Movies, tv shows, real life, pictures, you make them up? ect...
Certain songs have triggered ideas. Usually I come up with details in the shower.
8. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they DO NOT know that you are the author)
I would be shocked to find my parents read Literotica. Only two people know who I am and they aren't among that group. So I say 2.

9. On a scale of 1-10, how mortified would you be if you checked your parents browsing history and you found that they read Literotica, and they LOVE your stories? (they KNOW that you are the author)
If they knew I was the writer I would expect to be on their fave lists. LOL. See my answer on 8, Beyond e-mail they don't surf the net.