Authors: Do you remember the first story you read/enjoyed here on Lit?


silly bitch
Mar 23, 2023
I don't know how recently this question has been asked here, but I remember mine well so thought I'd bring it up.

It was an author named ShiggyMoto's first story and only series, 'Ashley', in I/T.

I think the story is good (I haven't read it for a long time), but more than that I think I have fond memories of it because it marked my first real foray into pure written erotica. That was exciting. It was a new medium, and one which I enjoyed.

Chapter 1 was released in 2007. They said in 2012 that chapter 7 was still being worked on, but that was the last time they updated their bio... maybe it's a Tolkien-sized epic! More likely they've moved on. The series was pretty popular (2.5m views), and I hope they had fun with it.
Not really... and a lot of stuff that was here in the early days is gone now. The site's admissions rules started out a lot more lax.
One of the earliest I remember reading was a series called No Regrets. It's not particularly well-crafted, I guess, but I was a lot more forgiving about the technical merits of dirty fantasies in the late 90s. At the time it was excitingly taboo.
No Regrets is one of my favorite story series on here too. That and the Slut Lessons series by AhMyGoddess are my picks for first stories I’ve read & enjoyed here. I still peruse them on occasion. :D
Masquerade (4.59) Maquerade preparation redefines a relationship.
BDSM 05/07/03

It was like someone peered into my head and wrote out a fantasy tailored to my particular perversions. It wasn't the first erotica I had read, but everything else had been a matter of "take what you like and leave the rest." This was everything I liked and only what I liked.

Looking back now, I wonder if part of the strength of my reaction was from some newfound sense of...acceptance? Like, hey, I'm not uniquely weird. Here's another guy, somewhere out in the world, with exactly the same kinks.

(Of course, twenty years later, I now understand that my particular combination of shoe fetish + femdom + light pain play has to be one of the most common ones out there.)
Yep! It was Walking with Sam by @onehitwanda last December. Somebody had posted a link on Bluesky. I was immediately hooked, read everything else by her under the Lesbian Sex banner, then trawled her favourites, then their favourites and got lost down the rabbit hole.

Now I'm writing.

I still love that story, and have been back to re-read it several times.
No, sorry, I don't. I started off not reading much of anything here from the beginning.
I read a bunch of fairly mediocre stories (which gave me confidence I could equal them...) but the first good one I recall was when I discovered the forums and some recommendations: Quince's A Funny Thing Happened... - it's a sexual romance set on the set of a Sondheim production.

I do, however, remember the first story that I enjoyed. I sent the author a note. And, while she no longer posts here, we remain friends to this very day. :)
The first story I ever read on Literotica remains my personal favorite along with the series it started. There's already another thread asking about people's favorite Literotica stories, but since my answer is the same for both threads, I'm reposting my answer here as well with some edits.

My personal favorite story on Literotica, and also the first I ever read on this site, is Raped! which was written and posted by Christie052780 way back in 2003 (I found it many years later when I was old enough to sign up for Literotica). It's the first in a nine-part series, and it holds a special place in my heart because it was the series that got me interested in NC/R and impregnation erotica. My first story on Literotica, Intruder, was also loosely inspired by it.

Sadly, Christie's last post was in 2019 informing everyone that she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, so she's no longer with us. She was an incredibly talented writer, and she wrote beautiful NC/R and impregnation stories, all of which you can still read on Literotica. She also wrote about her own experiences of being sexually assaulted and how writing NC/R stories was therapeutic for her in a poignant essay which you can read here.

I never had the pleasure of interacting with her, but Raped! remains my favorite story on Literotica, and Christie052780 my favorite erotica author.

RIP Christie.:cry:
There were two, I cant remember which I read first but there was Curtain Twitcher and the Night bus. Both written by @sauceofallevil she has not written for a couple of years. I found both stories erotic and the fact I could picture myself on the night bus in London and thr house in South London.
I remember the details but not the writer or the name of the story. Basically, two strangers meet in a library (or adult book store) and for whatever reason begin to make out. They shove all the material from a large library table and fuck. That's it a quick encounter, well written, and one page or one and partial. Don't remember the year (but it was when I still lived with my folks)
Strange Bedfellows is the first story for me that tickled some kinks I didn't know I had. It was my first Favorite, I think. May sure hit some buttons, and still does, when I go back and read it again.
What a great question. No, I don't. I started reading online erotica around 2000, but to be honest it could be two years in either direction from then. I don't even remember when I found Literotica but I think it was around 2002.

I wracked my brain for stories and authors I can remember reading that go back a ways. I can recall that, even then, I was very interested in female exhibitionism, and hot wives. One early story that comes to mind is Home Business by bobfr (2003), and another is The Bullpen by Wonderstorm (2005).