
I must be some sick FUCK

cause I agree with so much of what you say.

Not the nasty crap about persons on the GB, but the politics.

Stop terrorism.......Kill Muslims!
Hanns_Schmidt said:

Anyone know of an Aussie invention>?...does anyone know of technological break throughs from Oz?
What have they produced??

Barbed wire, world leader in the medical field, and currentally (and still) US big business is head hunting Aussie tech nerds to head up their programs.

Dont worry we havent done much.
How can you tell which are the bad guys?

By the time you find out....You may be dead.

None of their "leaders" ever condemn the bad guys actions, therefore they are as guilty as all.

Stop Terrorists......KILL MUSLIMS
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Does anyone remember Sydney 2000 olympic games? that closing ceremony was an embarrassment.

It was, we are the best pyrotechnics in the world.

What you were watching INSIDE the stadium? You stupid prick.

Oh and Look up Dr Christian Baarnard, or Fred Hollows, or Howard Florey
Herr Schmidt!

If I may......

I believe you are someone of superior intellect.

However, the demeaning anner you treat so many here, detract from that.

Please reconsider.

Stop terrorism.....KILL MUSLIMS!
Ya know, i would respond to this, but i don;t want to be drawn into a battle of wits with someone who is totally unarmed.
So instead of responding in a semi intelligent way,you decided to throw shit instead.

You disappoint me,Mr Duck.