Attention Mods: Can you please block this "timealstump" fellow?

Let me tell you something I just found out the other day when a different one of these spammers made hundres of posts.

As told to me by Laurel, the moderators here have no ability to ban.

Yup... they are essentially worthless.
And that's when they are around.

Laurel informed me there was a good reason they couldn't allow the mods to ban (you know, something mods on every other forum on the planet can do), but as of yet I've yet to hear back why with this supposed good reason.

So unless an admin happens to be on, there's nothing this forum can honestly do about any spam attack whatsoever.

I believe the mods here can delete threads and move threads, but with these bots being faster than the mods, they have no real ability to do shit.

Frankly, one mod with the ability to ban could halt such activities, but we don't even have one.

This forum has about 12+ mods, and not a single one other than the admins (when they are actually around) has any REAL power.
Spamming fuckers

This place gets HAMMERED by spam bots - shocking. Don't know about the mods and can't comment either way but this spamming situation needs to be controlled. The other night nearly every single thread was spammed by some tosspot advertising movies or dating or some shit like that.

Fuck off! We aren't interested in your shit!

Maybe a time limited thread per hour/day cap needs to be implemented so you can't spew out dozens of posts per hour until you've been a member for a good while.
Don't know anything about Lit's inner workings but let me say this. What happens if the spammers move up to more harmful or banned subject. (think ads for kiddie porn or beastiality) What is in place to swiftly counter such spam attacks?