Attention Everyone!

That just gave me like 50 pop ups and a virus I had to quarantine.!!:eek:
Don't tell me to relax. You give us a link that has like 100 pop ups and a virus.

You are an idiot.
Its a fucking big deal when you're sitting at a computer and your kids are in the next room - or you're at work and your speakers start blasting messages about gay porn. You fucking ASSHOLE!
Indigo.Rose said:
so ya had to spend all of what? a minute and a half closing pop ups? big deal, lol relax.

actually, no. For some reason, it wouldn't even let me close. It froze my puter up and I had to shut down.
That's not the point, Indie.

Shit like this is done by 12yr olds...not adults. You've got an odd sense of humor that I don't find in the least bit funny. Enjoy the rest of your stay at Lit.
Indigo.Rose said:
there is no virus, sillie mofo's.

Whie it might not be one that takes out a pc, that IS a virus. If it pops up my virus scanner and causes it to say my pc has been infected with a virus, then it IS. There are several of these "pranks" out there that would do the same thing. There's one out there that makes everything on your desktop turn upside down. All in all, a rather stupid thing to do, IMO.
I could have saved myself a lot of trouble had I read the othe posts first!

You are such a hooker!

I don't know what was worse, a thousand pop ups or the "You're Looking At Gay Porn" blaring out my speakers!