At the same time women cried about oppression, they wanted all men conscripted.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
It was called the WHITE FEATHER movement, led by Christabel Pankhurst.

Although the infamous white feather campaign – the vile practice of women handing out white feathers to men in civilian clothing in an effort to shame them into enlisting – is associated with the First World War, during which it was a widespread phenomenon (and encouraged by leading feminists such as Christabel Pankhurst), there is evidence that some women tried to resurrect the practice in the early years of the Second World War.

After reading, in quick succession, four books about the men who fought the war, I took out a box of flimsy, yellowing letters, and tried yet again to imagine what my grandfather went through.

He had three small daughters, which saved him from conscription, and his attempt to volunteer was turned down in 1914 because he was short-sighted. But in 1916, as he walked home to south London from his office, a woman gave him a white feather (an emblem of cowardice). He enlisted the next day. By that time, they cared nothing for short sight. They just wanted a body to stop a shell, which Rifleman James Cutmore duly did in February 1918, dying of his wounds on March 28.

My mother was nine, and never got over it. In her last years, in the 1980s, her once fine brain so crippled by dementia that she could not remember the names of her children, she could still remember his dreadful, useless death. She could still talk of his last leave, when he was so shellshocked he could hardly speak and my grandmother ironed his uniform every day in the vain hope of killing the lice. She treasured his letters from the front, as well as information about his brothers who also died.

She blamed the politicians. She blamed the generation that sent him to war. She was with Kipling: “If any question why we died, / Tell them, because our fathers lied.” She was with Sassoon: “If I were fierce, and bald, and short of breath / I’d live with scarlet majors at the Base, / And speed glum heroes up the line to death … And when the war is done and youth stone dead / I’d toddle safely home and die – in bed.”

But most of all, she blamed that unknown woman who gave him a white feather, and the thousands of brittle, self-righteous women all over the country who had done the same. And there were thousands of them, as Will Ellsworth-Jones makes clear in his fascinating account of a group of conscientious objectors, We Will Not Fight. After the war, Virginia Woolf suggested there were only 50 or 60 white feathers handed out, but this was nonsense – as Ellsworth-Jones’s diligent research shows.

Some of his stories still have the power to make the reader angry. A 15-year-old boy lied about his age to get into the army in 1914. He was in the retreat from Mons, the Battle of the Marne and the first Battle of Ypres, before he caught a fever and was sent home. Walking across Putney Bridge, four girls gave him white feathers. “I explained to them that I had been in the army and been discharged, and I was still only 16. Several people had collected around the girls and there was giggling, and I felt most uncomfortable and … very humiliated.” He walked straight into the nearest recruiting office and rejoined the army.
These vile types of women still exist today. At what point do we demand that they perform the military service they demand of men?

If America ever does suffer an economic collapse, it is a certainty that these white feather bigots will be put to the justice they deserve.
You do realize that not everything that women do is related to feminism, right?

Oh wait, you don't...
You do realize that not everything that women do is related to feminism, right?

Oh wait, you don't...
Dude, you're slipping. You're supposed to argue that any woman who shames men into going to war is justified and any man who complains about it is a sexist bigot blah blah blah.

Get badbabysitter over here, she's better at this than you.
Dude, you're slipping. You're supposed to argue that any woman who shames men into going to war is justified and any man who complains about it is a sexist bigot blah blah blah.

Get badbabysitter over here, she's better at this than you.

You just C&Pd an article from one of your fellow woman-hater sites... There's nothing to disprove here, just lots of misery and self-loathing, due to not being able to get laid.

Don't blame women for that... instead, look within.
You just C&Pd an article from one of your fellow woman-hater sites... There's nothing to disprove here, just lots of misery and self-loathing, due to not being able to get laid.

Don't blame women for that... instead, look within.
The White Feather movement which shamed men for not being in the military fighting abroad was a real epidemic. The C&P was factually true.

You are too intellectually weak and dishonest to address that. Instead you make up lies about "you can't get laid" in order to derail the discussion.

This won't get derailed. You have already been a victim, numerous times, of my relentless nature. Moreso, of course, of your clueless, dickless, spineless nature.
The White Feather movement which shamed men for not being in the military fighting abroad was a real epidemic. The C&P was factually true.

You are too intellectually weak and dishonest to address that. Instead you make up lies about "you can't get laid" in order to derail the discussion.

This won't get derailed. You have already been a victim, numerous times, of my relentless nature. Moreso, of course, of your clueless, dickless, spineless nature.

You got it from a site called" the history of feminism", when in fact, the White Feathers had absolutely nothing to do with feminism, and I"m sure even your woman-hating brain understands that.

Just more woman-hating from a guy who can't get laid... like I already said.
You got it from a site called" the history of feminism", when in fact, the White Feathers had absolutely nothing to do with feminism, and I"m sure even your woman-hating brain understands that.

Just more woman-hating from a guy who can't get laid... like I already said.
White Feathers had absolutely nothing to do with feminism, you say? Then allow me to introduce you to Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel Pankhurst. Do you remember them? Of course not, you illiterate, ignorant spineless loser.
In August 1914, at the start of the First World War, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded the Order of the White Feather with support from the prominent author Mrs Humphrey Ward. The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British Army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.[2]

This was joined by prominent feminists and suffragettes of the time, such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel Pankhurst. They, in addition to handing out the feathers, also lobbied to institute an involuntary draft of men, including those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.
You can shut up now. I'd rather you not, though. :)
You're so full of crap. Do everyone a favor and stop trying to prove how much you don't know about feminism, you big weenie whiner.
lemme get this straight

in a time when weren't allowed to vote... let alone allowed to join the military..LT's upset that the only thing women were allowed to do to fight the Germans was hand out feathers?



he also neglects to mention during this time Emmelne Pankhurst advocated and end to her suffargate protests and for women to aid in industrial action to bolster the wartime effort

since you wiki'ed.. I will too

When the First World War began in August 1914, Emmeline and Christabel considered that the threat posed by Germany was a danger to all humanity and that the British government needed the support of all citizens. They persuaded the WSPU to halt all militant suffrage activities until fighting on the European mainland ended. It was no time for dissent or agitation; Christabel wrote later: "This was national militancy. As Suffragists we could not be pacifists at any price."[88] A truce with the government was established, all WSPU prisoners were released, and Christabel returned to London. Emmeline and Christabel along with WSPU leaders Grace Roe and Norah Dacre Fox (later known as Norah Elam) set the WSPU into motion on behalf of the war effort.[89] In her first speech after returning to Britain, Christabel warned of the "German Peril." She urged the gathered women to follow the example of their French sisters, who–while the men fought– "are able to keep the country going, to get in the harvest, to carry on the industries."[5] Emmeline urged men to volunteer for the front lines.[90] Surviving Pathe newsreel shows Emmeline and Norah Dacre Fox speaking at a large meeting at Trafalgar Square in 1916 on the Rumanian Crisis, urging the government to support Britain's allies in the Balkans
White Feathers had absolutely nothing to do with feminism, you say? Then allow me to introduce you to Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel Pankhurst. Do you remember them? Of course not, you illiterate, ignorant spineless loser.

You can shut up now. I'd rather you not, though. :)

The movement was started by Admiral Charles Fitzgerald to bolster army recruitment. The fact that it was supported by some feminist women does not make it a feminist movement.
The charge of cowardice has unfairly been thrown against pacifists and conscientious objectors for as long as armies have existed. It still is.
Not to mention this " news" is nearly 100 years old

man, he is going to be pissed when he finds out that women get to vote
Karen kraft also exists on lit

it's a porn board

your point being?
You said the white feather movement existed 100 years ago. The white feather movement has shown up here in virtual form. Please, try and keep up.
You said the white feather movement existed 100 years ago. The white feather movement has shown up here in virtual form. Please, try and keep up.

dumbass, the white feather is mentioned in Cyrano Debergerac

or are you saying that was part of the " vast feminist conspiracy" too?

the white feather existed before the Order of the White Feather ( started by men by the way) and will exist long after

just because you learned something new today, doesnt mean you learned everything today

jesus christ, do some basic fucking research next time
dumbass, the white feather is mentioned in Cyrano Debergerac

or are you saying that was part of the " vast feminist conspiracy" too?
Gender-feminist conspiracy. The gender-feminists signed onto the movement and practically took it over. So what if a man started the Order of the White Feather? Lots of gender-feminists signed onto it.

And don't you worry your little gender-feminist mind about how we'll deal with white feather-type men. We'll handle them, and there won't be nearly as much outrage as when the white-feather gender-feminists get taken down a notch or two.

That's the privilege you enjoy for being a female - everything is judged much more harshly when done to a woman. Except when it's done by another woman, LOL!
Gender-feminist conspiracy. The gender-feminists signed onto the movement and practically took it over. So what if a man started the Order of the White Feather? Lots of gender-feminists signed onto it.

And don't you worry your little gender-feminist mind about how we'll deal with white feather-type men. We'll handle them, and there won't be nearly as much outrage as when the white-feather gender-feminists get taken down a notch or two.

That's the privilege you enjoy for being a female - everything is judged much more harshly when done to a woman. Except when it's done by another woman, LOL!

so what you're saying now is that your OP was flawed

your understanding of history is flawed

your understanding of white feathers was marginal at best

and that's my fault?

so you're saying that she was for inoluntary draft..even though I posted something that directly contradicted that
You did nothing of the sort. There's your reading comprehension problems flaring up again. You never once contradicted that she participated in the white feather campaign to shame men.
You did nothing of the sort. There's your reading comprehension problems flaring up again. You never once contradicted that she participated in the white feather campaign to shame men.

actually.. you've ignored shit that doesnt fit your narrative.. as you usually do

lemme get this straight

in a time when weren't allowed to vote... let alone allowed to join the military..LT's upset that the only thing women were allowed to do to fight the Germans was hand out feathers?



he also neglects to mention during this time Emmelne Pankhurst advocated and end to her suffargate protests and for women to aid in industrial action to bolster the wartime effort

since you wiki'ed.. I will too

When the First World War began in August 1914, Emmeline and Christabel considered that the threat posed by Germany was a danger to all humanity and that the British government needed the support of all citizens. They persuaded the WSPU to halt all militant suffrage activities until fighting on the European mainland ended. It was no time for dissent or agitation; Christabel wrote later: "This was national militancy. As Suffragists we could not be pacifists at any price."[88] A truce with the government was established, all WSPU prisoners were released, and Christabel returned to London. Emmeline and Christabel along with WSPU leaders Grace Roe and Norah Dacre Fox (later known as Norah Elam) set the WSPU into motion on behalf of the war effort.[89] In her first speech after returning to Britain, Christabel warned of the "German Peril." She urged the gathered women to follow the example of their French sisters, who–while the men fought– "are able to keep the country going, to get in the harvest, to carry on the industries."[5] Emmeline urged men to volunteer for the front lines.[90] Surviving Pathe newsreel shows Emmeline and Norah Dacre Fox speaking at a large meeting at Trafalgar Square in 1916 on the Rumanian Crisis, urging the government to support Britain's allies in the Balkans

and you've never actually acknowledged that she wasnt ALLOWED to serve in the military or ALLOWED to vote

what you're essentially saying is that because men decided she couldnt fight, and that the only thing they could to do to fight Germany was hand out flowers and give speeches..... she's a horrible person

the ONLY reference to ANY of the Pankhursts urging for the draft was the white feather and the speeches.. since they werent ALLOWED to have a voice politically

if someone took away your right to protest, to vote, to serve your country.. when all you wanted to do was fight an enemy that was literally conquering the world..and you werent allowed to becuase you had a penis... you might think a bit differently on this issue

but hey, it's just evil women trying to kill can't be anything possibly else

your tunnel vision is constantly amazing
At the same time women cried about oppression, they wanted all men conscripted.

I read this fast and thought it ended with , they wanted all men constipated. Interesting tactic. LOL
actually.. you've ignored shit that doesnt fit your narrative.. as you usually do

and you've never actually acknowledged that she wasnt ALLOWED to serve in the military or ALLOWED to vote

what you're essentially saying is that because men decided she couldnt fight, and that the only thing they could to do to fight Germany was hand out flowers and give speeches..... she's a horrible person

the ONLY reference to ANY of the Pankhursts urging for the draft was the white feather and the speeches.. since they werent ALLOWED to have a voice politically

if someone took away your right to protest, to vote, to serve your country.. when all you wanted to do was fight an enemy that was literally conquering the world..and you werent allowed to becuase you had a penis... you might think a bit differently on this issue

but hey, it's just evil women trying to kill can't be anything possibly else

your tunnel vision is constantly amazing
And as usual you ignore the fact that these same women you mentioned, handed down severe social penalties upon men who did not volunteer.