Ashley Scott from Birds of Prey


Literotica Guru
Apr 20, 2002
Ok first off this is gonna come as a shock to most who know me, cause she isnt my type usually, but i think Ashley Scott AKA Huntress on WB's Birds of Prey series is, kinda a little hottie, anyone else agree with me on this?

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Another pic

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DevilBoy79 said:
Another pic

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this is bullshyt, they werent copywrited or anything,
The amateur pic board is called the amateur pic board because it's AMATEUR. Pics might not be copyrighted, but if they're not amateur, and NOT YOUR PROPERTY (ie, they weren't taken by you, or they're not OF you), you can't post them here.
vixenshe said:
The amateur pic board is called the amateur pic board because it's AMATEUR. Pics might not be copyrighted, but if they're not amateur, and NOT YOUR PROPERTY (ie, they weren't taken by you, or they're not OF you), you can't post them here.

i'm not the first to have done this, and those werent taken off, oh well fuck it all

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