Asgardian Submission [closed to ChaseMePleez and tdescap]


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012
The chamber was gently aglow from the candles that were strategically place in certain corners. The golden stone walls were almost mystical in the candlelight. In the middle of the room is a four poster bed made from a dark marble that matched the rugs that were strewn on the floor. The sheets were black and embroidered at the very top in dark green with pattern adornments.

A lone figure stood on the balcony, looking on at the female that lay on his bed. The man was about 5 foot 11 with bright green eyes and long black hair. It had been a few hours since he had taken his prize that had been in the Midgardian forest. She had put up a fight when he took her and he had to use a spell to knock her out until he could bring her home.

Her curvy body lay on the bed, vibrant red hair draped like a silk blanket across the bed. Although they were closed, he knew that she bore a pair alluring blue eyes that could rival the Asgardian sky in the morning. Her body was strong and well-toned which explained his difficulty in getting to her.

For days he had watched her as she painted in the small meadow next to a small pond. She would hum and sing to herself as she created bits of art. A grey and white dog accompanied her as well and played in the long grass while she painted.

Suddenly she felt the fog begin to clear and the heaviness was starting to leave her. Marigold opened her blue eyes and studied where she was. She had gone to the pond today in order to finish the painting she promised her grandmother. Her dog,Rico, was at the vet today so he didn't come with her. When she was grabbed, Mari put up as much of a fight as she could.

Bracing her arm against the bed where she had been laying, Mari pushed herself up. The room reminded her an old castle where a prince may lay. She looked down to see that her clothes had been changed. Instead of the white tank top and jeans, she wore a silvery gown that flowed from her body. It was very beautiful but she didn't like that some strange man had changed her clothes.

That was when she saw him. He wasn't overly muscular but kind of lanky. Mari slid off the bed to get a better look at him. His eyes were a brilliant green that reminded of Ireland. He was a handsome man but he had some explaining to do. "Would you kindly explain why you have brought me here?"
In his time observing her, he sensed she was powerful and fiesty. But the tone and directness of her first question took him a bit off guard. He paused, nodded, and looked directly at her. He walked to one side of the balcony, focusing his gaze upon her.

Her movements illustrated her strength and energy, and he was remembering his frustration in her abduction... the long days waiting for an opening, and then her resistance to the spell he cast.

"Her mind must also be a fortress", he thought, as an affirmation and as a hope. He valued his ability to judge women. Over the many years, so many had nurtured him, amused him, and served him. Would she fulfill his quest to find the perfect mate, the perfect mistress to share his bed? So many were close, but none resisted his physical advances as vigorously as this maiden. She would be a challenge, and perhaps that was good. He became easily bored with compliant girls.. no matter how appealing they appeared.

He thought carefully about her question, and he could see her impatience building, with her eyes focused on him and her hands slightly clenching. She was very, very alluring in her silver gown, shimmering and almost sheer. Her modern clothes seemed functional, but unappealing... except for the delicate items he found closest to her body... they were very interesting and provoked new thoughts in his mind. How could this intimate apparel be functional? The modern world was so strange in some ways.

"My name is Loki", he started. She was unimpressed.

"I have many things to share with you, and I want to assure you that you are quite safe. You have been resting after a difficult journey. All will be explained in full detail, but it will be done in time. My first concern is that you are physically well and that your mind is clear. And that you have something to drink and eat. We have much to discuss."
Marigold rolled her eyes at him. She didn't appreciate how he looked at her. Her brow arched at his introduction. "What were your parents on when they named you?" She found it hard to believe that this man was concerned with her safety.Mari gave him a defiant look. "I was quite safe where you took me from. I do not appreciate your assumption that you could take me with consequences."

She sat down in a small chair next to an ornate table that she assumed was for meals. "My mind is very clear. Clear enough to be more than a little angry," There was a knock at the door to the chambers. After beckoning them to enter a an servant dressed an unusual outfit that looked like something out of the middle ages, put down an array of foods onto the table she next to.

The man bowed to Loki and to Mari, which made her brows arch. Why did he do that? Mari examined the food that lay before her and realized it didn't look like anything she saw before. "What is all this? I've never seen these kinds of fruit. What planet have you taken me to?"

She saw a red fruit that smelled sweet and looked juicy. With gentle hands, she picked up a slice and took a bite. The taste was something similar to that of a peach. Juice dripped down her lips and Mari licked her lips. "That one is very nice." She had a particular weakness when it came to good food. Being raised in an Irish family, she was used to big meals and enjoyed her food.

After arranging a plate of whatever they had laid before her she glanced back at her kidnapper. In a very formal tone, she spoke. "I await your explanation, my lord." She took a bite of what looked meat. The slice tasted salty like bacon and had a sweet aftertaste that she liked. She waved a hand at him expectantly. "Honestly. You can begin at any time."
Her initial words and attitude were slightly disrespectful... he cringed at that. Yet, as she ate, there was a softness that he found very mesmerizing. He was conflicted with these observations...her style was forcing him to think carefully. Her energy, as he recently experienced, was immense..... he did not need a major blow up with her. The calm in her voice as she responded to these new fruits, flavors... brought his mind into focus. She was beguiling. Did she know this? He decided an open and direct approach might work.

"Please do not be angry. I am sorry about my name,,, it is all I know... it is always this and has always been the name for me. It is a strong name in my world."

He looked at her carefully, and was mindful that she noticed how he was looking at her. He could not avoid it... her impressive features were extremely arousing.

"You are in Asgard, a significant place known to many... and I wanted you to enjoy some of our native food, which you have before you. It is very good... very nourishing, Brought forth through the ages in our culture."

She stared at him, carefully eating... and waited. Loki paused and briefly looked toward the window, and then walked from the balcony, down toward her. He remained standing, but positioned himself near a large chair across from where she was seated. She followed his movement, and placed another piece of fruit in her mouth, again juice slipping from her lips. He watched intently, and lightly cleared his throat.

" I am Deity here in Asgard... a leader with tremendous power. The scope of tasks and responsibilities in my role are far and wide... there is no end to my goals and aspirations.

" I noticed you many months ago... and have followed you carefully. You immediately struck me as a woman of substance, intellect, and beauty. But you have also been independent and resourceful, " he paused and then said, " Please, please enjoy the fruit," his hands pointing and offering.

Mari stopped eating and glared at him. She shifted in her chair, the silver gown moving softly over her body, her form amplified in his full view. He could not help but look at her; his eyes fixed first on her eyes, then her breasts, and then below.... the darkness of her pubic hair and her perfect lips pushing tightly against the silver fabric.

He was struggling in this ... she was more than beguiling...

"You exhibit amazing attributes in mind and spirit," he continued. "And your capacity for growth is immense."

He slowly walked toward her and lightly touched her shoulder, "I need you.. to be here..with me... to live, to learn, and fulfill this destiny..."
Marigold calmed her anger to favor a more common sense approach. She studied the man who had abducted her. His eyes seemed ancient, far older than he appeared to be. He was a handsome man with his bright green eyes and a seductive mouth that made her a bit excited. "It is not your name that concerns me. It is your actions." She took a bite of the delicious fruit, savoring how juicy it was. "My name is Marigold but you may call me Mari if you like."

She could feel his eyes examining her and felt a blush creep up her white skin. Mari was a little self-conscious about her appearance. She noticed birds landing onto the railing of the balcony. Their wings were a glittery silver and they sang in a beautiful tone. She looked at him as if he had lost his mind. "Asgard? You honestly want me to believe that you're the god of mischief?"

Her heartbeat pounded against her chest. He had been watching her all this time? Mari was surprised as to how he saw her. It was flattering in a way. "You flatter me. The food is wonderful. Thank you." She had never seen such a spread anywhere but at her mom's home.

She couldn't hide the fact that he took her without permission bothered her. "If you truly found me so beguiling, why not just talk to me there? If you are who you say you are it is unlikely I could run from you. " She was confused. Mari noticed his eyes staring at her body and it hit her that he found her attractive.

Mari gulped and her body tightened at his touch. She could feel her nipples hardening under the flimsy silver gown that covered her body. She touched his hand, gliding her smooth finger over his skin. "You need me?" Mari closed the space between them, her eyes bearing down on him. "Destiny? What do you want from me, Loki?"

She touched his face with her hand. "Why would the God of Mischief and Lies need anything from a lowly mortal?"
"Mari, you ask a question that is difficult to answer."

The touch of her hand felt like an electrical charge... strangely, he felt warmness in his groin.

How did she know his history of deceits and unruliness? So many misunderstandings; true, he always fought the authority of the gods. And yes, he could project an endless stream of verse and prose to capture and persuade the most beautiful goddesses of the ages... for his use and pleasure. Yet, here he was with this new woman... a modern woman... independent, quick, brash, confident, vibrant, human,.... yes, and very sexual. How could he explain this basic desire that she brought forth in him. What was it... ?

He could see the hardness of her nipples; he wanted to lick them... is that a god-like feeling?

"I have never encountered anyone quite like you. I have felt a gap in my spirit, in my being. In watching you, I sensed something that trancended the gods and my magic... but I could not be sure until I brought you back to my domain. I apologize for doing this without your assent. A god isn't accustomed to asking.

"This place provides a refuge for us... quiet and fully stocked, supported with staff... you will be very comfortable here.... and we will explore.. each other."

He touched her again, this time on her arm, tracing his fingers lightly. His mind raced quickly.... was he leading her down a path of deception? He looked at her azure eyes, and he felt the strength of her sexuality completely. He was trying desparately not the let his guard down. If she started to sense his uncertainty, this could become difficult. Or would it? Perhaps he should just throw her across his bed and fill her with his pent-up lust... that would quickly solve a lot of this confusion in his mind. He touched her again... and waited, restraining himself as he watched her thinking.
Mari looked at him in innocent curiosity. She felt a spark as she touched his skin. He looked so normal to her. Could he really be a god? As a child she had been fascinated by legend and myths of all kinds. Loki's tales had stayed with her all her life. He had suffered from his father's neglect since hir birth. After eons of watching Odin favor his other two sons over him, Loki had resorted to mischief.

Something in those eyes seemed so lonely to her. It made no sense to Mari that he had no one to be with. Her hand trailed down his neck and lay on his chest. "It is safe to say that I have never encountered anyone like you either. Thank you for apologizing. I think we can move past that now."

From his words she gathered this place was his home away from home. Her face heated when he touched her. The attraction was very apparent and Marigold believed in giving into certain urges. She enjoyed the power she held as a woman, to be able to bring a man to his knees. The challenge that Loki represented was more than a little tempting.

"Why not call it what it is? Lust. I can see it in your eyes." She smiled. "It's nothing you need to hide from me. It isn't necessary since I feel the same for you that you do for me." Looked like she was going to have to take control. Mari took his hand and brought him to the bed where she had awaken. She pushed him into sitting on the mattress and straddled his lap.

"Loki, I want you to undo the ties at the top of this gown." When the material parted and fell down to her waist, Mari took his face in her hands. "If we are to explore each other, let's begin with this." She kissed that sensual mouth, moving her lips against his. Her tongue gently teased its way into his mouth. She licked at the roof of his
mouth. "Touch me, Loki."
Her kiss, tongue swirling deep inside Loki's mouth, sent shivers through him and he instinctively reached around her body. His right hand lightly caressed from her shoulder to the middle of her back, while his left hand reached lower across her bottom, holding her and pulling her firmly against his frame. As he held her, he could feel her breathing, rising and falling, her breasts pulsed against his chest. She moaned, and he uttered, "oh my" as he felt her hips push against his erection, trapped inside his robes.

Sitting like this, she controlled what he could do... his movement was limited, without standing and completely lifting her off his lap ... the sensations felt so wonderful, he was not going to move... he wanted her to keep kissing and touching. The light through the window was hitting her red hair, making it appear slightly blonde in the glancing rays... he was further entranced by this. She took his left hand and placed it under the material of her gown ... he followed this lead as he outlined her bottom lightly with his finger tips, and then traced a line down the center that separated her cheeks, as far he could go, and then up again... light touches. He then grabbed one cheek, firm and fit, and squeezed tightly as he sucked on her tongue.

Mari broke away from the kiss, and pushed him away slightly, as she gazed downward. His eyes dropped immediately, to her flushed nipples, hard and erect. She nodded and he bent over to lick them lightly. She pulled his head hard into her breast, the movement forcing him to open his mouth and fully engage her areola. His tongue pressed hard against the sensitive skin, and Mari let out a long moan. At the same time she stopped moving her hips, and he tried to engage again in pushing his pelvis against her. But she continued to slide away from his hardness. He groaned loudly.

Loki attempted to say something, but Mari kept holding his head tightly against her breast, softly encouraging him to continue his firm touches. His body was filled with desire now... he sensed she was smiling... and he felt out of control. This would not do, he thought. "How can I thoroughly assess her skills when she clearly has taken over my arousal?"

Finally, she relaxed her hand and allowed his lips to pull away from her breast.

"Oh, Mari," he spoke hoarsely, cleared his throat. "What are you doing to me?"
Marigold felt the response he had to her. She took her time, nibbling at those luscious lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth. The contact of his hand on her skin made her shake and sigh in contented pleasure. The tension between their bodies as he held her firmly against him was so delicious. The feel of her breasts against his chest, her erect nipples mashed against Loki. The friction gave her an ache in her pussy that made her long to be touched there. Mari moaned into mouth and rubbed her pussy into him slowly, almost whimpering from the pleasure.

She felt an overwhelming need for his touch on her bare skin. Mari guided his hand under the material as if giving him permission to touch her there. His mouth was so intoxicating, arousing her senses. Never had a kiss been so intense for her, taking hold of her and overwhelming her with a sensuality she had never felt before. She groaned when she felt his hand on her cheek.

Mari's heart thudded against her chest and her nipples ached. She pushed him back from kiss, almost mourning the loss of the contact. "I need your mouth on me."It had been barely a whisper but it was laced with the raw need that was evident in her eyes. She nodded and felt the breath leave her as he licked at her. Mari denied him the contact he was trying so hard for.

She wanted to prolong the ache in him, make him more desperate for her. Mari found of the ties that held his robes together and silently undid them. She released him from her breast, her blue eyes intent on his. Her hand caressed his face with a soft smile. "How often has a woman taken you, Loki instead letting you take her? " Her lips whispered a caress on his ear as she spoke.

Her hand slipped inside his robes and touched the bare skin of his back. "How often have your lovers made you feel needed, desired?" She kissed the skin just beneath his ear. "How often have you given in and let go of your control?" Mari ran her tongue back up his neck. "Let me do that for you, Loki. " She slowly undid some of the other ties, her hand exploring the skin it revealed.
Loki heard her questions, but in his lustful fog, he struggled with his response. Her hand was tracing over his chest, and with her fingertips, she starting circling his nipples. He closed his eyes as she brushed the tips, and then between her thumb and forefinger, she pinched one nipple hard. He stiffled a moan, and inhaled quickly, as he felt an immediate surge of pleasure in the tip of his cock.

Mari slid her hand down over his stomach, stopping just above his pubic hair, she gently caressed his soft skin while avoiding his twitching shaft. Loki focused on her eyes, and felt the logic of it all. Maybe she was right... maybe, he needed to let go. He wasn't restrained, but he felt her grip ... an emotional tie that was wrapping around his liberal desires. Bondage did not suit him well... he recalled the turmoil he unleashed ages ago, when he was punished and tied in response to his youthful digressions. This woman had him frozen in his anticipation. Why was he holding off? Her hand then brushed his penis, several times, and he tightened, groaned, and waited... riding in the waves of his aching.

She kissed him again, pushing her tongue around, and he responded. His hand slipped around to Mari's belly and slid slowly down, down below. She quickly grabbed his wrist and stopped his movement. She smiled as she placed his hand on her hip and then proceeded to lightly touch his cock again. She kissed his cheeks and moved to his ear, flicking her tongue over the ridges and curves, and pushing into the center, where she blew gently and let out soft gasps that vibrated through his head.

Loki was in serious trouble... hanging on to everything she was doing, unable to move, allowing her to set the pace. This was a significant conflict with his instincts, yet Mari was taking him down this path that he admittedly wanted.. down inside.

"Mari," he softly commented, "I appear to be enjoying this immensely. I am so unsure...". His voice trailed off and he whimpered as she tightly squeezed his cock stroked it, once, and then lightly rolled her thumb across the head, sliding over the sticky wetness from his arousal.
Mari watched the haze of lust cloud his eyes. She could tell he liked to be touched or to be touched by her. For the moment she forgot about her own pleasure and focused on touching him. Her fingertips pleasured the nipples on his chest as she watched his eyes intently, watching his face. She wanted to see what it did to him, how it affected him.

She parted his robes, letting them fall back onto the bed. Mari caressed his skin but avoided his cock, wanting to increase the tension inside him. When she finally touched his hard flesh the reaction was achingly obvious in his face. She felt her arousal burn knowing that she did this to him. His expression was confused and highly aroused. It touched her heart and she couldn't help but kiss him.

The kiss increased the sweet ache between her legs. Mari groaned as she felt him respond, her eyes closed in pleasure as his hands trailed down her body. It was too soon for him to touch her there. If Loki touched her aching core, Mari would come apart in his arms. She smiled at his eagerness. "So eager." She tongued his ear, blowing softly.

Mari felt a moment's compassion at his lost expression. She caressed his cock with deliberate ease. "Haven't you ever dreamed of letting go with someone completely? " She ran a hand through his dark hair, feeling an affection for the god. When he looked as he did now, Mari wanted to kiss his fears away. "Let it be with me, Loki. You can let go of the control with me."

She pushed him back on the bed slowly and lay her body along side his. Her soft red hair hung down around her face and skimmed across his skin. Her fingers traced the outline of his lips. She kissed him and smiled. Mari began to run her mouth down his chest, her hands trailed behind her and her tongue delved into his navel. Her mouth was dangerously close to his erection.

"Tell me its what you want and I promise you will not regret what we do together. Let me have you." Mari's arousal was causing her some torment of her own and she let him see it in her eyes.
Her soft voice and hypnotic words filled Loki... his body riding a wave, hanging on the edge. He could feel everything she was doing, and also...not everything.. his senses overloaded with inputs and conflicting feelings. As he reclined, he watched her with longing eyes. He reached out and stroked her red hair, and softly pushed her head down, hoping she would open her mouth and engulf him. He needed her warm, wet, sucking... now , now. His mind fixated on the possibility of endless arousal.

Is this what she is seeking? Is this what he needs? He reflected on the long decade he was engaged to a young jotnar, daughter of a strong lord. Loki's lover was remarkable in her endurance and skill... certainly her technique at prolonging his consumation endeared and captured Loki in their time together.

Loki's brief rapture was interrupted by Mari's soft licking on his stomach. Looking at Mari, he softly asked, "please suck me". Her eyes glazed and sparkled as Loki pushed his hips against her.

"I need to feel you there, I need to feel your warmness on me, please."

She hesitated and shifted her body, reversing from top to bottom. His hands reached for her hips and he positioned them near his head, while she moved down more fully over his pelvis.

He admired Mari's full and strong form, next to him in this fashion. Her breasts pressed against his side. He moved his head slightly and fixed his gaze on her dark red pubic hair within reach of his eager mouth.

"Mari, please." he pleaded, as he arched his head and tongue up toward her pussy. He was limited in this approach, and he now felt she knew it. In this position, he could only stare and admire her as she hovered over his balls and cock.
Mari didn't want to give him what he wanted so easily. Better to draw out the torment so that it made the pleasure that much hotter. She kissed his flesh slowly, avoiding his hard length. To tease him she touched him on the skin between his balls and his anus. Mari briefly looked into his eyes, seeing the longing there made her feel for him.

Licking at his stomach, Mari could hear Loki's soft pleading. Her pussy creamed as he relayed how much he needed her mouth on him. She changed their positions into a 69, letting her excitement shine in her eyes. In unrestrained lust, Mari cried out when he licked her pussy. She had known that mouth of his would be her undoing.

Mari placed her hand at the base of his cock and her tongue very slowly licked up his length. She moaned against his skin, relishing the taste of his hard flesh. "Ummmm....You taste good." She kept the pace at a slow seduction. running her mouth over him. He was bigger than she had expected and her hand didn't even encircle him totally.

Her arousal became more intense as she touched him. Mari wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and suckled intently, not taking all of his length into her mouth just yet. Her other hand played with his balls while she tasted him. She licked back up his length and finally gave him what he wanted, taking all of him into her mouth. Very slowly Mari suckled up and down his length, tonguing his cock.

Mari felt his eager mouth at her pussy and she moaned his name. "Your mouth is definitely godly." The comment came out in a harsh whisper. Her pace increased by a small amount as she bobbed her head. She could feel him getting harder under her mouth's ministrations which seemed impossible. Mari rubbed her bare breasts against Loki's lower stomach. Her nipples were hard and aching so badly.

"I love touching you." Mari took all of him into the back of her throat and stayed still for a moment before retreating from his engorged cock. "You have no idea how delicious you are to me." Her finger started to play in the area near his anus, just barely touching. She wanted to see how he reacted to this form of foreplay. Not all men responded to it.

Mari kissed the inside of his thighs, lightly nibbling at the skin. Tonight she would push him to his limits until he let go in her arms. She wanted to look into his eyes when it happened. She needed to see how he unraveled because of her.
The light in the room dimmed slightly as one candle extinguished in its holder. Loki looked at Mari's most intimate curves, augmented in the shadows. Her pussy was extremely wet, he could see that, and he needed to touch her soft fine pubic hair, a small triangle above him. He extended his tongue to first part the strands of hair that surrounded her moist opening. He swirled slightly as her lips parted, and near the top he could feel the hard little nub of her clit.

He avoided touching this at first. His tongue worked at the center of her wetness, softly licking and kissing and lapping over her opening. Each rotation of his tongue came closer and closer to her trigger. He held back, in part because he wanted to carefully control this aspect of her arousal, but also in view of what she was doing to him.

He felt Mari's lips on his cock and the sensations filled his groin with the urge to let go. She hummed, and the vibrations combined with the sliding movements of her mouth, sent spikes of pleasure into his spine and up his back. Her technique was so unusual, and far better than anything he imagined. Every time he felt he becoming going rigid in anticipation of a boiling release, she seemed to back off, and circled around the center of the sensations. This allowed him to feel like he was planing in was neither the extremely exciting and pleasurable escalation of arousal, nor the shattering explosion of ejaculation.

Loki embraced this ride, and controlled his natural impulse to surrender and relinquish his energy. In fact, he felt very focused and concentrated on pushing his breathing into his body, physically pushing the waves deeper and deeper inside, compressing and containing them.

His focus was broken first by Mari's soft voice, so complimentary and sensual, and so full of arousal. These words brought images in his mind.. images of her and her extremely erotic beauty, the beauty of who she was, and the beauty of what she could do. He gazed at her and there she was, and he started to lose it again. He closed his eyes and focused again on his breathing, forcing his mind to stay on that plateau. Mari seemed to know what Loki was doing, but she continued to suck his cock slowly, and licked his inner thighs.

Loki was certain that Mari was far beyond his expectations, as a lover and as a partner. His mind began to wander to the options and the opportunities in his world with this amazing force of energy at his side.

Suddenly, his musings were broken by the circling touches of Mari's fingers, massaging near his balls, over his perinium. He froze as he relished in this new sensation... not a new sensation in his experience, but new to this initial session of lovemaking. He was anticipating the movements of her fingers, that sweet anticipation and hope that she would know the next step. He waited, and then, his hopes were fulfilled as she lightly ran one finger over his anal opening. This special touch filled him with longing... he loved this so much... Loki was dying again to be engulfed by her mouth, anything, while she escalated her anal massage. Mari's teasing brought forth so many memories of lovers long ago, when Loki was introduced to the challenges and pleasures of this special penetration. She hesitated with her massage, perhaps not knowing his feelings, and he was hoping she could read his mind.

Loki finally commented, "Mari, that feels amazing... please always feel free to do that to me..."
Mari gasped as that wicked mouth tortured her. "Oh Loki..." She continued to suckle on his cock, her hips wildly grinding closer to his mouth. His tongue inside her sent a bolt of pleasure through her and it almost knocked the breath from her. Mari enjoyed teasing his body, feeling his passion burning red hot. Her mouth worked a sinful song on his cock, suckling until she thought he would burst and pulling back.

In the background she could hear a storm starting to brew. Mari used her fingers to pump his erection while she kissed his thighs. She sucked on one of her fingers and gently probed him anally. At the same time she engulfed his cock and increased the pace of her movements. Once she felt how hard he was, Mari sat up and repositioned herself.

Very slowly she moved against his cock, rubbing her wet pussy up his length. Mari moaned and her headed lulled back. The touch was extremely arousing and was enough to drive someone crazy with lust. She continued to rub up and down his length, her swollen clit teasing against his skin. Mari's nipples were rock hard and her juices coating them both.

She pinched her own nipples and palmed her breasts. "I need you so bad." Mari played with his balls but could take no more. The need for teasing was coming to an end. Mari was approaching her limit. She wanted to feel him inside her, wanted to kiss him while he thrust into her. She went back down only to lick up her juices that coated his cock.

Mari climbed his body steadily, pressing warm open-mouthed kisses up his body. "You're mine. God or not." She lay her claim to him and kissed him hard. Very slowly Mari backed onto his erection. She gasped out loud, her eyes darkening in lust. "You feel so good. I can't wait to have all of you inside me." She moved a little further, watching his eyes.

"My pussy is nice and tight." She clenched a little on the part of his cock inside her. "My warm pussy is ready for you. " Mari finally let him in all the way to the hilt. She groaned and devoured his mouth. Her tongue went wild inside of his mouth. Mari's hips started to move as her pussy bounced on his erection. She clenched tightly when she came back down him.

Mari was holding back her lust, not wanting to come too quickly. She wanted to savor his body for as long as she possibly could.
In sweet agony, Loki struggled to hold off the hard-wired and involuntary convulsions surging in his core. His precious and godly essence was fully staged and ready for Mari... this beautiful and powerful young woman, who with every move, every touch, every word....continued to affirm his intuition and judgments. As she straddled his torso, her knees and thighs gripping his side, she lowered her pussy onto the tip of his penis. Her abundant wetness and warmth sent waves of pleasure into his brain that ended in flashes of light and thunder between his temples. He felt her squeezing his tip... she was so strong... repeatedly squeezing him ... squeeze and release, squeeze and release, squeeze and release... her words teasing him and encouraging him to embrace her moist and intimate offering.

"Mari," his mind silently screamed, "Please don't make me succumb!" But even this futile thought drove his impulses further.. the contradiction was what he wanted...the thought of being taken, while begging for denial, drove his submission further. He was very weak now. As she lowered herself further onto his shaft, the warmth of her body and the cooing lust of her voice was drawing him into a space of complete abandon... a realm where Mari only could exist in complete unity with him. He had longed for this, for so long.

He summoned his last reserves.. feeling her and seeing her enjoyment brought forth a new focus... he wanted to see her let go. Loki again turned his pending release upon itself, pushing deep inside to encircle his orgasm and contain it. She was slowly pumping on him now, rhythmically riding him, her eyes staring at his, glazed and dreamy. Her kissing again filled his mouth, and he sucked fully on her tongue, so warm and alive.

He sensed she was holding back too... he wanted her to let go... his ultimate release could never be attained, without first knowing she was completely fulfilled. His hands reached again for her full breasts, thumb and finger encircled her nipples, and then he pinched. He watched her throw her head back and close her eyes. She let out a long, low moan, and her hips gyrated on his cock, forceably pushing her clit into his hardness.

He then moved his hands down, fingers in her pubic hair, then one finger lightly pushed against her button of nerves. She opened her eyes wide.

"Mari... is this the touch you are looking for?" He lightly slid her finger around her nub, circling and circling... her eyes were staring at him intently, and her mouth moved but no words came out. She was holding her breath it appeared. Loki was amazed at her focus and ability to truly bring her pleasure to the highest level with him. He again felt the surging in his loin as he continued his touches... her pussy riding and gripping him. "Mari .. Mari... are we ready? ... are we ready?" His mind and body teetering... letting go...
Mari could feel the fear in him and kissed him so sweetly, as if to cherish what he was giving her. She caressed his face lightly until he looked her in the eye. The desire burned brightly in those green eyes but there was a hesitancy. "Let go, Loki." She moved her hips in a sharp motion that made her gasp out. "I want nothing from you other than your surrender, your touch."

As if to reflect the culmination of their lovemaking, the dark sky rumbled and lightning streaked across the sky. She loved kissing him, that mouth so dark and sensual. Mari was starting to lose her grip on her own control. Her pussy spasmed in pleasure as he suckled on her tongue. The man made her shiver against him. Her body felt like a sensual beacon of energy.

The burn inside her was so bright that she was shocked it didn't shine through her skin. Her wild red hair thrashed about as her desire drove her. His kiss was like water to a desert dweller who is dying from thirst. Her fingers tangled in his dark hair and held him as they kissed. Her pussy kept bouncing on his erection.

Mari's body could have laughed in joy when he touched her. Her low moan reflected the building passion inside her. She ground her clit against him in agony. Her body was on fire for him and she cried out suddenly when he touched her clit. She nodded in ragged desperation, her breathing hard and panty. Mari thought she might faint.

The storm rumbled outside and Mari panted to him. ".......ready." Mari rode him harder. "I need you so much. Let go, Loki. Cum with me. " She wanted to feel his orgasm inside her as she came. Neither noticed in the darkness that several objects had begun to float in the room and it was not Loki's magic doing it.

Her lips grabbed hold of his as her passion began to plato. She couldn't tak eit anymore and her control finally slipped. Mari shook with the force of her orgasm. She rode his cock through out the climax. "It's never felt like this before......"

Something crashed violently and the storm crackled in the distance. It was coming closer and the timing was too eerie to be coincidence. "Lokkkkiiiiiii......please." She called out his name, pleading for him to give in and cum inside her.
Shards of crimson light sparkled from the ends of Mari's flying hair... agitated by her steadily undulating hip and body movements. Her face beamed joy and urgency in Loki's eyes.

He heard the storm outside, flashes of lightening illuminating Mari... energized and possessed in her lust. Out of the corners of his eye, the movement of objects in their room, levitating mysteriously...

She was crying out... using his name.... he was aware of it but he was also lost in the roaring between his ears...a thunderous cascade shattering rock and stone... unleashing prickly ribbons of pleasure... flushing down his spine, through his groin and around his balls..... involuntary contractions started in his deepest muscles, pushing his breathing lower, into his gut, and he started a low and long bellow.

She was fully smiling at him... joyous in her ascension, joyous in his imminent release, joyous in their devine union...

Loki held her as their lips locked and he could feel her pussy, clenching and stroking his cock. His hips, uncontrolled, repeatedly thrust upward.. into her... faster and faster.... never ending. They broke from their kiss and Loki quickly gasped for air. His low bellow now morphed in a loud, continuous moan as the rush of her contractions, her image, her strokes, and her kisses finally culminated in his mind. His body was peaking... waves of spasmic pleasure erupted as his nerve endings overloaded and released... his groin churned and spurted, augmenting and galvanizing this ultimate pleasure... never before felt with any woman... Loki's brain was awash with the warmest hues of color and feelings... terminating in tiny sparks of light in his fuzzy eyes. His moan continued long and loudly as the steadily decreasing contractions squeezed forth every kernal of pleasure, stored in reserve, and his release was thoroughly complete.

As the waves subsided, and their bodies relaxed, Mari collasped into Loki and both held on as their breathing unified and calmed. Soft kisses and touches, sighing... and Loki could feel Mari's warm wetness still gripping his softening shaft, moving slightly but holding him in. He hugged her deeply.

Outside, the storm moved closer, and soft rain began to fall, the drops soothing and cooling. The two lovers embraced and dozed.
Mari fell asleep in his warm embrace and felt more at home then she ever had. Her sleep was a peaceful and loving experience with Loki. When her eyes open, she saw Loki's sleeping face. A shy smile blooms and her fingers slowly trace the little details of his face. There was this feeling in her chest when she looked at him and it scared her. She had never felt what she had felt with him when they made love. The energy that ran trough her body as she had orgasmed didn't feel normal.

Her Aunt Morrigan had been trying to get a moment of her time for the past week. The older woman said that there was something Mari needed to know. Between work and Mari's obsession with painting, she hadn't been able to spare a few moments for her family. Maybe that had something to do with the changes she felt in herself. Somehow being with Loki had triggered something in her.

Despite the fear of what he made her feel, Mari knew she was hooked on him. She kissed her way up his chest towards his neck and waited for the teasing to have the desired effect. Even in his sleep the impressive organ responded to her touch. Mari giggled when she felt him against her hip. This wasn't for a game of dominance but to just to pleasure him.

Watching his eyes as he came for her haunted her in her sleep. That look of total abandon, a purely sensual release so intense that it left marks on them both. Mari inched downward until she at eye level with his cock. She looked back at him to confirm that he was still resting. Her little tongue swiped very slowly along his cock. Mari kissed his lower stomach and then took his him in her mouth.

Giving a long slow suckle, Mari laved her tongue in him, her wet mouth wrapped around him. There was something thrilling in touching him as he lay there, a naughtiness to this form of play. She could guess though that it would be one of the better ways someone had woken him up.
A soft, pastel banner floated in the breeze and warm light filled the scene before him. Three raven haired beings...were slowly crawling toward his feet....they were strangly grotesque and beautiful at the same time. Their skin was dark and clear, but their faces were almost reptilian, with ridges and spines. The creatures' eyes were slits, with piercing yellow and a small dot for a pupil. Their bodies were very sexual: huge, rounded and floating breasts, and protuding pubic mounds with tufts of thick hair. Loki suddenly was aware that he could not move; he felt the bindings on his hands and feet. As he watched the alien movements, one being lurched forward and opened its mouth, showing yellow spiked teeth and a forked tongue flipping rapidly out at Loki's bare chest.

Loki opened his mouth to yell, but suddenly the vision exploded into a haze of green, blue and purple. The sound of water rushing and a cushioned softness enveloped his full body. His dream was evolving .. and he felt more conscious of the nightmare just before, and was happy to fall again into restful comfort and visages.

He became distinctly aware of his body relaxing, taking in the warmth of water rushing over him. He could feel electric traces around his eyes and face, and then from his belly up his torso, to his neck... soft charges of energy filling him... relaxing and pleasurable. His dream was evolving into an erotic freefall.... he was aware of his penis becoming engorged.... a painful and pleasurable engorgement... his brain was filled with sexual images, of restraint, of taunting genitalia, of tongues and kissing... randomly filling the screen in his mind. Suddenly, these images rotated to a dreamy view of a smooth and beautiful red-haired maiden, her blue eyes inviting and lustful... and he felt even more engorged. He was so relaxed, his arms and legs could not respond.. the only movement was his growing and unrestricted erection.

His dream became lighter and lighter, the images fading as Loki travelled through the liquid layers of dreams and sleep, pushing toward the surface. However, the sensations he was feeling did not cease. In fact, they became more pronounced. He was aware of wetness and warmth down below, and suddenly he felt the warmth surrounding his engorgement fully... he was holding onto the last remnant of his dream wanting this feeling to extend into fulfillment. He was now fighting to stay asleep.. and the feeling kept nudging him toward full awareness. He always feared the frustrations of unfulfilled erotic dreams.

The feeling became so intense and enjoyable, he cried out, and the involuntary sound suddenly brought him into the first stage of wakefulness. His mind started to clear, and the wonderful sucking in his loin continued. Loki blinked his eyes and the dawn light started to register; thoughts aligned connections. And then he remembered, as he watched Mari's beautiful mouth, fully wrapped around his phalus.

"Oh my Mari... oh my Mari... it is not a dream... oh my" he murmurred over and over. Her tongue was working him thoroughly, and he was ready to surrender again, so soon. "Mari.. I do need you... I am so glad you are here," as he softly stroked her hair and caressed her shoulders.
Mari watched Loki's body sway in a dream state while she suckled his cock. A small smile graced her lips at the sounds of his moans. Listening to his voice as she pleasured him spurred on her own passion for him. "No, my dear god of mischief. It is not a dream." Her mouth enveloped his hard erection and slowly began to torment him in the most luscious way possible. She loved how responsive he was to her touch, his reactions honest and bare. "I'm sorry if I woke you but you looked so delicious, I had to have a taste."

Mari climbed back up his body and touched his face very lovingly. "I know you liked what I did to you." Her small hand trailed into his soft raven black hair, absently touching him as if it were completely natural for her, as if she belonged there. It pleased and confused her at the same time but she wasn't tempted to question the feeling. Mari kissed his lips, sliding her tongue between his lips to explore his mouth.

She smiled into his mouth. "I must say, you do taste good." Mari kissed him loudly then licked her lips with a wicked smirk. "Strawberry with a twist of apple." It had to have been from the fruit they had been eating before they made love last night. A thought crossed her mind and it was surprisingly obvious on her face. Mari gave a low laugh and bounced off the bed and returned with a small bowl of the juicy fruit that she had tasted on Loki's lips.

She took a single piece of the delicious fruit and drizzled the juice upon Loki' slips. Mari leaned in and suckled on his lips, licking and tasting, her tongue sliding between his lips, giving him a taste of the delicious essence. "I always did enjoy breakfast in bed." Dipping the piece of fruit back into the bowl, she rubbed sweetness into the nipple on his chest. Her little tongue swirled the nipple and suckled hard on him. Mari moaned against his skin, her hips had begun to grind against his pelvis.

Mari laughed when she felt how hard he had become from her ministrations. "So you ARE liking this. Good." Using a small spoon Mari place sliced bits of the fruit on his navel. She was aware of the tortuous look on his face. "Do not fret too much, lover. You're going to get a chance to reciprocate in a moment. I need you as much as you need me."

Her mouth went to work, sucking and nibbling at the fruit on his skin and she licked him clean of the juice once she was done. She went lower and gave his cock a needy suckle, her eyes dark from lust. She licked up his erection and rubbed her bare breasts against the hard flesh. She loved teasing him but she wanted to feel his touch even more. An almost predatory look in her eyes, she crawled up him and attached her mouth to his.

Mari rolled their bodies until he was on top of her. The kiss left her breathless and she whispered into his ear. "Show me what you can do, dear one. I need you to touch me. I want to feel that mouth on my body." Her thumb rubbed against his bottom lip. "That beautiful mouth." She kissed him again, suckling on that same bottom lip. Mari had had no idea how lonely she was until she touched Loki for the first time. Now she wasn't sure if she could ever give him up.
Loki pressed his rock-hard erection against her thigh and groaned. He closed his eyes and stretched. The early morning stiffness took on two dimensions.... on one level, stretching helped loosen his major joints and muscles, inflexible from a restful night and the effects of age. His most pressing need, however, required the promise of another session of lovemaking with Mari. His eyes again admired her beauty and he hoped she would soon address his aroused condition.

"Yes, I love breakfast in bed too, my sweet goddess, " Loki ran his hand over her breasts and returned her passionate sucking by pressing his mouth to hers and exploring fully with his long and active tongue. He tickled down deep, reaching and flicking toward the back of her sweet mouth, as he tested her capacity for penetration. He could feel her involuntary reactions and moans, as she embraced the sensations and focused on relaxing her muscles. He became harder feeling her move against his body.

"Yes, you are so sweet!" He pushed back and reached for a piece of fruit. He brushed the slick, juicy morsel across her breasts, and let it slide into her cleavage. His mouth opened wide as he took one breast and nipple fully inside, sucking hard, his tongue massaging in circular movements. He repeated the long, strong sucking motion with her second breast... his tongue pushing and wagging rapidly over her areola while captured deep in his mouth. He watched Mari's eyes narrow and glaze. He knew the sharp sensation from his tongue pulsated in a direct line from her hard nipple to that special pressure point at the center of her pussy. She moaned deeply.

His continued his aggressive sucking, and Mari began to thrash and rapidly move her arms and hands over his back, his sides, and his buttocks. She squeezed his ass hard as she groaned and groaned. Loki pulled away, and asked "Shall I stop?"

Before she could answer, he sealed his lips over mouth again and pushed his tongue deep, deep inside.. lashing about, flicking, caressing... her voice, her cries ...stifled as he felt her body strain at the intensity of his affections. His fingers, both hands, moved up to her nipples and he simultaneously grabbed the tips and squeezed... tightly...very tightly. Mari convulsed and sank her fingernails deep into ass cheeks... crying, yelling into his throat. She pushed her pussy into his cock.. rapid thrusts again, grinding as she struggled for more relief.

Loki's fingers released her nipples, and he quickly bent down to run his tongue flatly and lovingly across the throbbing points, over and over. Soothing them, teasing them... he imagined she was feeling the intense sensation that precedes an explosive orgasm. He lightly stimulated her, playing with her as she waited his next move.

He reached for another piece of fruit. As he kissed her breast, he slowly moved the fruit over her belly, around her navel, and through her pubic hair. He watched her tense as he bagan to move the juicy flesh over her moist lips. Up and down and around, he moved it over her. As the fleshy fruit began to fall apart, he moved down her body, kissing through the sticky residue on her stomach, her pubic hair, her labia. He licked and licked, lapping up every bit of sweetness near her pussy. His wet licks strayed near her clit but never quite touched her. Loki was dying to lick her completely... he imagined what she was feeling, he felt her lust surging into him... and he was lost in the wonder of their synergy.

"Mari...please feel me.. feel this... this is for you... " Loki's mouth hovered over her pussy, and then, starting low at the base of her labia, wet and sopping, his soft tongue traveled up lightly over her lips... brushing her clit in the softest of touches. She spread her legs wide and lifted her hips, her eyes pleading. Mari's offering silently begged for endless love... endless attention from his mouth... in the most perfect, of perfect kisses. Loki started down low again and moved up, his touching heavier, and his tongue pushed and flicked over her. Her hips pushed up as she arched her back and cried out again.

"Mari... will you stay with me?" and he started the long licking again... down and up... and she bucked her hips again against his open mounth... and immediately he dove down again to start another lick, and another, and another.... faster and faster and faster.

Loki cried out, "Mari... Mari... tell me what you need"
Mari enjoyed the feel of that tight body on hers, his arousal pressing into her hip. His kiss stole the very breath from her body, making her break out into shivers. She desperately kissed him back, moaning into his mouth. Her leg wrapped around one of his hips and she caressed the muscles of his back. Her pelvis ground into him, her pussy wet and aching.

Mari shivered as the juicy fruit is glided against her skin. She cried out when his mouth tormented her breast. "Loki!" Mari's frantic breathes accompanied panting moans. His mouth felt like heaven on her heated skin. The pleasure was just so intense. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned deeply. His aggressive sucking was driving her crazy with lust.

She couldn't control her movements. There was no thought to them at all. All she could do is touch him everywhere, whimpering when he pulled away. "Oh please. Don't stop. Don't....Don't stop." Her mind could barely form a coherent sentence. He never gave her a chance to catch her breath. His mouth attacked hers in a heated kiss that left her mind numb and her body trembling aggressively.

Mari groaned as the sensations in her nipples went straight to her clit, causing her pussy to drip it's sweet moisture down her thighs. The arousal was so hot that she was rubbing her damp pussy against his cock. There was something so passionate in how he touched her, making her feel cherished and desired.

Her fingers laced through his wonderfully dark hair as he teased her nipples. Mari arched her back, groaning in absolute heaven. "Oh my god of muschief, the things you do to me." Her voice a husky tremble full of raw desire. An orgasm was imminent and her pulse was starting to increase. Mari shivered as he traced the fruit over her body to her pussy.

Mari screamed in excited lust as his mouth drew a trail down her body. At first he teased her, his hot tongue avoiding her clit. She smiled at him darkly, his name escaping her lips. "Oh Loki....I feel it...I feel what you do to me..." She spread her legs wide for him in a silent plea for him. HIs mouth had woven a spell on her senses. No one had ever done this to her before.

Her hips moved with his lips as they tormented her pussy. When the pleasure got too intense Mari arched up off the bed and yelled out his name. In the back of her mind, she felt her heart being tied to this man a little bit at a time. Mari's hips bucked and she couldn't contain the cries that escaped her. "Yes........." She shivered hard, so close to falling to pieces. "Yes, mo chuisle (my heart). I will stay with you."

Her cries came at a higher and faster pace as his tongue drove her higher. "I need you inside me." She panted out, almost sobbing in pleasure. "Oh please....I need you inside me...Loki....I want you inside me when I cum." Somehow this was even more intense than the first time they made love. She was going so high that it was scaring her. "Oh god, Loki. Don't ever let me go."

Mari pulled him back to her mouth, pouring every ounce of feeling into the kiss. She felt her heart ache inside her chest at the emotion in the touch. She wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him set the pace for this. "Make love to me."
There was light streaming into the room from the early morning sun. Birds were chirping in the trees surrounding their quiet Asgardian retreat. The beams striking Mari's body illuminated her smooth, radiant skin... she was glowing, breathing heavily, gazing at Loki, hands stroking his arms and sides. Loki kissed her mouth fully.. softly. He pulled back and admired her in this intimate and loving embrace. Her legs open and thighs tightly gripping and releasing against his waist, he felt her openness... his erection needed only a slight nudge, and it would slide up her wet slit and naturally plunge into her warm nest.

In his mind, he visualized the sight of her swollen pussy, her outer labia smooth and puffy... a satin cushion inviting his penetration. He thought about her inner lips, glistening with her excitement, lubricated for him, inviting and warm. He imagined her soft pubic hair and the feeling of plunging inside, meshing his pelvis into her soft, furry mound. These visions excited him to no end, and his hand slid down, down.. to her ass, and glided around and between her thighs, where he slowly brought his fingers up to her dripping lips. One finger lightly slid .. from the bottom of her opening, all the way to the top... and circled her clit.

He was testing her, and she was certainly passing the test. Her wetness and her long pleading moan told Loki that the waiting was over. He postioned himself over her and as he felt her hands on his hips and ass, his fingers grabbed and guided his penis, moving it slowly up and down her slit. The head of his cock was thoroughly lubricated and he felt her hips pushing up ... eyes pleading... drawing him in.. sucking him inside her.

Loki plunged into her wetness and tightness, and the visions of their beautiful union filled his brain. Lights and thunderous sounds, and then her cries and moans. Loki was now aware that her hips were moving consistently slow and deep. He was matching her movements with vigorous, pleasurable thrusts. This was better than last night... they were melding their bodies in a continuous exchange of erotic pleasure. The warm unity of their sensual spirits filled Loki's heart with desire, longing, care, warmth, and love.

He continued plunging into Mari, and he cried for her.. "Oh Mari"

The feelings inside were building and building...and he felt her gripping his cock tightly as she cooed and pleaded with him to continue. Loki slowed the pace to ensure there was full unity in their act... to completion ... but he felt her suddenly thrash and push.. encouraging him to maintain steady and accelerating penetrations. His eyes rolled in his head, trying to maintain focus, but he heard her voice begging, pleading, demanding.... DO NOT STOP...

Loki gave in, again, and threw his energy into fully completing the act. Lost in abandon, he extended his arms, raising his body above so that only his hips and cock were touching her. Her legs, now open wide, cocked at the knees... ankles and feet slowly slid up the backs of his thighs until her heels and feet were firmly planted in his ass cheeks. Loki moved his hands down, while arching his back, and gripped her bottom tightly. He thrusted and thrusted into her... each resulting in intense squeezing from Mari, as she used her legs to pull him inside her tightly. His fingers plunged into the her firm full ass, massaging and kneading. With each thrust by Loki, Mari encouraged and prompted more with the movements of her legs and feet.

The intensity of sounds and sensations brought a surge of uncontrollable pleasures inside Loki... his voice started the involuntary reactions to the warmth and flushing occuring in his groin. His ejaculation was imminent.. he heard Mari screaming and groaning as her eyes lovingly held him. Loki accepted her, and then his body convulsed in uncontrolled spasms as his organs emptied and tiny sparkling lights filled his brain. As Loki was awash in the pleasure of his orgasm, he sensed a levitation of body and soul... he and Mari floating together forever in their journey.
Never had Mari felt so wrapped up in someone as she was with Loki. His kiss stole the breath from her in its softness, making her feel cherished. The energy she felt the first time they made love was there again, surging through her veins. Her skin felt alive, tingling where he touched her. She could sense his excitement, the look in those brilliant green eyes arousing her.

She was almost desperate to get him inside of her. Mari couldn't help the desperate grip she had on his ass, urging him inside her. His fingers had driven past sanity, sending shocks of pleasure so potent through her body that she screamed his name. Her loud whimper of relief once he was inside her was very telling to how much she needed him.

Mari arched off the bed and matched his movements. The look in his eyes made her heart swell with emotion. She held his face in her hands, her thumb running along his cheek. "So much in those eyes." That vibrant green practically glowed with the intensity of desire and emotion. Mari kissed him him tenderly, letting him feel her heart in the touch. She welcomed him inside her, clenching down on his hard cock.

Her finger tingled with the energy that seemed to emanate from her body. The warmth was like pure emotion or liquid desire that slowly enveloped the both of them. His thrusts made her gasp and thrash about, thrusting back on him. "More, Loki......Please...I need you." She held him tightly against her when he cried out her name. Her name on his lips excited her. It was like they were two pieces from the same puzzle. She fit with him and it scared her a little because she wanted it so much.

The arousal was becoming more intense and Mari kept moving towards him, grinding against his pelvis. Her needy voice begged him for more, her hands roaming that beautiful body as he thrust into her. She whispered to him in Gaelic, little words of encouragement and desire for her lover. Mari gasped when his fingers entered her ass, The feeling was new but not unwelcomed.

Mari could sense the orgasm building in them both so she gave into sweet release. The intensity of the orgasm was just too much for her this time and she screamed. She held onto him, wanting to stay there forever. She groans as she feels the warmth of his cum inside her, coating her womb. Mari's body trembled violently against him as her body spasmed. In the frenzy of the orgasm, Mari sought out his mouth, kissing him with an emotional abandon.

The collapsed together on the bed. Mari lay there wrapped together with Loki, trying to catch her breath as her heart started to calm from the intensity of the orgasm that had them both reeling. They lay together like that until Mari's stomach made a very loud protest. She laughed and kissed Loki's chest. "How about we clean up and get some food then maybe you can show me about this place? As nice as your bedroom is, I'm sure there are other things to see."

Mari got up, at ease in her nudity and eventually found what was their version of a shower. It was a heated water fall that emptied into a small pond that existed in the room. There were small bottles of soaps, oils and perfumes. She sighed in pleasure as the hot water eased her sore muscles. Standing under the water she didn't hear Loki coming up on her.

When strong arms encircled her waist, Mari leaned her head back against his chest. She smiled when his hands started to entice and splashed at him. "Uh uh..." Mari waved a naughty finger his way. "I need something to eat before we try anymore games. You may be immortal but I'm not. I need fuel." Picking up a rose scented soap, she started to clean her lovely hair but felt his eyes on her.

Once they both were clean, Mari found a white dress waiting for her near the edge of the pond. It was long, soft and beautiful. There was also a set of towels and combs that she used to dry her hair. The long ruby silky hair lay draped over her shoulder when they sat together at the table where they first talked the day before.