Asexuality at work rejected by "Millenials"


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Despite the efforts by feminists and neo-puritans to create asexualized work places, humans are still human regardless of how many "laws" are passed to repress them. Generation Y, which has grown up being taught that all heterosexual attraction is a form of "victimhood of women" don't seem to be getting the message.

Interestingly, in a recent study conducted by Workplace Options and Public Policy Polling, 71% of “Millenials” aged 18-29 view office relationships as positive, and 84% of them would engage in a romantic relationship with a co-worker. The numbers were lower for older workers. This study indicates that perhaps HR policies need to evolve away from relationship prohibition towards training and counsel of employees as to appropriate conduct and treatment of harassment as a result of relationships under the antibullying model.

This conclusion is further supported in a study by organizational behaviorists. After presenting several different workplace romance scenarios, it was concluded that despite the legal standards, investigators of sexual harassment may condone the behaviors based upon their own ethics. “… 2...nity Standard in US Sexual Harassment Law.pdf
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Puritans are always with us, and always repudiated by the next generation. Mostly because sexual attraction is a force of Nature like gravitation.
According to a new survey of American workers by Workplace Options and Public Policy Polling, “opinions about inter-office romances differ widely across generations.” That’s not a big surprise, but what does jump out from the research is how much of a difference there is.

For example:
A whopping 84 percent of Millennials say they would engage in romance with a co-worker, compared to 36 percent of Gen. X workers, and 29 percent of Baby Boomers.

Some 71 percent of employed Millennials see a workplace romance as having positive effects such as improved performance and morale.

While 40 percent of Millennials report no negative effects whatsoever from an office romance, only 10 percent of older workers shared that sentiment, meaning the majority of employed Americans feel more harm could be done than good; and,

The Millennial generation is also more open to dating their supervisors than all other age groups combined. Some 40 percent of Millennials said they would date their supervisor, compared to 12 percent of older respondents.

Obviously, employees have to be able to let other employees know they are interested if there are to be relationships between them. Sex harassment laws create significant if not insurmountable obstacles to this.

Over time, with the growing support for sex and dating among co-workers, sex harassment laws will have to be reformed to restore liberty to workers.
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It really doesn't matter what anyone says about in-office romances. All corporations have rules in place. And if you don't like them, quit and go elsewhere.

How that has anything to do with feminism beats me.
No offense, but your threads are always really weird.

I don't think so, but thank you for running a site that allows me to express my opinions. Its admirable in this age of censorship and thought control.
It really doesn't matter what anyone says about in-office romances. All corporations have rules in place. And if you don't like them, quit and go elsewhere.

How that has anything to do with feminism beats me.

Um, feminist and lesbian activists have always wanted to ban heterosexuality or push it into the closet. They still carry on about how "terrible" the 50s and 60s were, but everyone I know who lived in those days think it was a lot more fun and happy a time. When you watch old TV shows you see men and women openly flirting at work and people were always having affairs (but you never saw the actual sex of course, its was hinted at).
yeah, it's called experience. millennials evidently don't enough of it to know what they're talking about.
All Puritans, of every stripe, stay frustrated that someone, somewhere, is having a good time. Its what liberalism is all about. They divide up the vices and sins, like unions, and police them obsessively.
Reynard, the facts don't support your continued harangue against feminists and lesbians in regard to sexual harassment. In fact, they show the opposite. Sexual harassment cases have been in a steady decline for years. There were more than 25% fewer cases filed in 2011 than in 1997. And cases filed by males during the same time period increased by a third. So I echo lovetoread's comment: How that has anything to do with feminism beats me.

Despite the above trend away from sexual harassment cases, in June of this year, in two decisions the Supreme Court rewarded business owners by making it harder for workers to prove their sexual harassment charges. "One ruling narrows the definition of what constitutes a supervisor in racial and sexual harassment cases, while the other adopts a tougher standard for workers to prove that they had faced illegal retaliation for complaining about employment discrimination."

I suggest you find another topic to harp on. What you're suggesting here just isn't true.
Well Sigh, that's because Renard is a liar.

Also Renard doesn't think there is a reason why these punk kids who think sex at work and with co-workers is okay doesn't have anything to do with why they are having a hard time getting hired and are going to be the first generation in US history to have worse lives than their parents. They aren't professionals, they don't act like professionals and the world will never treat them like professionals. What's worse is that millions of them will suffer through this by no fault of their own but because they were just unlucky enough to be born into a group of people with a reputation for not knowing how to act.

Funny thing, you'd expect someone like Renard to be a professional but no, he's just against common sense.