Artistic Liscentiousness


Aug 12, 2023
Artists! Do you sometimes draw things that are a little too ______( fill in the blank)
1. Weird
2. Experimental
3. Abstract
4. “Artsy”
5. Off-brand
6. Ugly
7. Better left as concepts
8. Conceptual
for the average Literotica bear?
How about using this space to share, among the safety of other artists (!!!!!), some of the stuff we come up with on Muse’s day off!
Of course, all Lit rules still apply. You know that.
Sometimes (often) it is difficult to chose where I want my cock to be...

Why not everywhere!
I had some "weird" stuff that i drew ages ago. Stuff that just got in my mind and nestled. Sexy surreal things. Things i drew, but the drawings are lost. Maybe ill try to recreate them and post them here in the next few days.
No, but they sometimes put up spellings whisch even your friendly, neighbourhood, average Literotisca bear would find scrazy...