Army of One?


Literotica Guru
Apr 13, 2002
I understand the point of the Army of One commercials, but I thought one of the main teachings and goals of Basic training is to strip away individuality and make the whole group a cohearant team.
Dantetier said:
I understand the point of the Army of One commercials, but I thought one of the main teachings and goals of Basic training is to strip away individuality and make the whole group a cohearant team.
Haven't seent them, but it wouldn't surprise me that they follow the current marketing strategies that reflect the evolution of a society of individuals, rather than community groups.

Such is the way things are. Individualism is the present and the near future. After that, who knows.
A chain is as strong as it's weakest link..

I always thought it was due to the advancement of firearms, lasers, communications and surveillance making them a small army in themselves. (Equal to 14 WW2 soldiers in firepower.)

This is the definition the Army has..

An Army of One

The U.S. Army is the most powerful, most respected and most feared ground force in the world. At it's core, the success of the Army lives and dies on every soldier's ability to think and to take decisive action -- to lead themselves and others.

Fundamentally, the Army protects all that the U.S. Constitution stands for. Each soldier will defend this to his/her last breath with Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage.

To accomplish this mission the Army invests in each individual, developing soldiers who are strong in mind, body, and soul, and who understand the power of teamwork.

The Army equips them to make a significant difference, on foreign soil and within their communities, as soldiers and as citizens.

*After all these years, it still sounds like the same army. :D
Like I said... i understood what the commercial was about... but isn't showing the general public the whole idea about "An Army of One" a bit antithesis?

It looks like the new fluff marketing they started in the nineties, trying to make the military seem like a spa, or rock video. Have you seen the new Air Force logo? The new uniforms look like airline flight attendants! I swear, if I see a pink beret, sombody's gettin' hurt! This is where I start babbling about, "back in my day..." :D
Re: Agreed...

Lost Cause said:
It looks like the new fluff marketing they started in the nineties, trying to make the military seem like a spa, or rock video. Have you seen the new Air Force logo? The new uniforms look like airline flight attendants! I swear, if I see a pink beret, sombody's gettin' hurt! This is where I start babbling about, "back in my day..." :D

I KNOW! Aim High? C'mon... and when I was in ROTC they started the transition between the REAL service Dress Uniform and the "Suit" Uniforms. It angered me, and my Chief was LIVID.
The Marines....

The outstanding uniforms, the same their grandfather's wore. I don't know about the Navy, still looks the same to me. Even the formerly traditional Army has gone to those non-speciality fluffy berets! I hope they can still opt out for soft caps on patrols! Have you seen the new pixel-camo Marine uniforms? Outfuckingstanding! :D
I saw a TLC thing about the advancements in the military, and I saw the new uniforms... the next step is sensors that sense the colors surrounding the soldier and change the colors of the uniform automatically and becoming damn near infitible
Re: Re: Army of One?

Coolville said:
Haven't seent them, but it wouldn't surprise me that they follow the current marketing strategies that reflect the evolution of a society of individuals, rather than community groups.

Such is the way things are. Individualism is the present and the near future. After that, who knows.

I thought marketing was all about making individuals buy the same trainers, shoes, jeans, jackets, shirts, hair care products, afterhaves, perfumes, cosmetics, cars etc so that everyone looks the same.
Re: Re: Re: Army of One?

Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
I thought marketing was all about making individuals buy the same trainers, shoes, jeans, jackets, shirts, hair care products, afterhaves, perfumes, cosmetics, cars etc so that everyone looks the same.
Yeah, it's always been like that, but now the advert industry targets the individual more than ever. Given the consumer the impression that they are unique. "One-to-one" marketing is the name. "Hey, you! You are cool! You should wear our cool clothes! We made them for YOU!" Whereas just ten years ago, the targeting philosophy was wider and aimed at groups of people.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Army of One?

Coolville said:
Yeah, it's always been like that, but now the advert industry targets the individual more than ever. Given the consumer the impression that they are unique. "One-to-one" marketing is the name. "Hey, you! You are cool! You should wear our cool clothes! We made them for YOU!" Whereas just ten years ago, the targeting philosophy was wider and aimed at groups of people.

I know what you mean.

I get calls from phone companies offering me a carefully tailored package to suit my communication needs.

I love that silence when I ask them to tell me what my communication needs are.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Army of One?

Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
I know what you mean.

I get calls from phone companies offering me a carefully tailored package to suit my communication needs.

I love that silence when I ask them to tell me what my communication needs are.
Yeah. Mine consist of pressing a series of digits known as 'telephone numbers' and speaking with the person on the other end as well as sending short messages to the aforementioned 'telephone numbers'.

Call me complicated.
Still good fun to wind up the call centre staff when they catch me at a bad moment.

I hate telephone sales pitches.

The next move will be chat room IMs sales.

My boyfriend is a recruiter for the army. I think they are trying to appeal to a more "gentler nation" lol...the numbers of new recruits have dropped severely. As for my opinion on his beret...of course he looks good in it but they serve no purpose. At least the old caps keep the sun off their face and their heads kindof dry. Now i like the dress uniform he has and he is getting his dress blues soon too. mmmmmmmsoldiers and uniforms....
When I was 19 I remember going to the recruiter and he poppped in a tape about basic training. If you didn't know any better you'd think it was a summer camp every one on that tape was smiling and having a good time :D