Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal


Literotica Guru
Apr 1, 2002
He was responsible for the messacres that took place at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982 (this month is the 20th Anniversary) where Palestinian women, children and old people were mercilessly butchered.

Yet no action has ever been taken against him because Israel has all along been supported by the US.

Here are the links:

During the recent world events, the Muslims had been victimised by massacres, tortures, horrors

1. In Bosnia where 7,000 men were systematically killed

2. In India where recent riots resulted in over a thousand innocent Muslims killed by Hindu zealots. A mosque was destroyed by the Hindus.

3. In Sabra and Shatila

4. In Palestine where a boy just got shot and killed for throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. This is happening everyday. As I had said earlier, Israeli soldiers and settlers when they killed Palestinian civilians (which include women and children, no questiones were asked. Its justified). Where is the justice in ths world?

So you see, when Muslims got massacred, the West do not so much as to bat an eyelid. And those who butchered them were not called Christian terrorists, or Hindu terrorists or Jew terrorists.

Think about that.

Is there justice in this world?

Is there justice and fairness found in your nice and beautiful religions?
Hmmm...after I posted the links, all seem quiet on the western front. What happen to all the hawks?
LordDarkness said:

Yet no action has ever been taken against him because Israel has all along been supported by the US.

That is a UN matter. The US also supports Egypt. and along your line of thinking the US should be held responsible for the crimes against women that Egypt doesn't try it's people for. Female Circumcision aka Clitorectomy
War criminal? Tell me something I don't know.
As mentioned elsewhere, Danish Jews, together with Danish Palestinians, protested outside the Israeli embassy yesterday, against Sharon's war mongering.
Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

HeavyStick said:

That is a UN matter. The US also supports Egypt. and along your line of thinking the US should be held responsible for the crimes against women that Egypt doesn't try it's people for. Female Circumcision aka Clitorectomy
Female Circumcision? Egypt? Somebody needs a geography lesson and, while you're at it, a lesson in African culture. You're way off base, LittleStick.
Re: Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

Coolville said:

Female Circumcision? Egypt? Somebody needs a geography lesson and, while you're at it, a lesson in African culture. You're way off base, LittleStick.

:rolleyes: your mother is an astronaut
Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

HeavyStick said:

That is a UN matter. The US also supports Egypt. and along your line of thinking the US should be held responsible for the crimes against women that Egypt doesn't try it's people for. Female Circumcision aka Clitorectomy

Thousands of people died by US made weapons. People have been massacred all over the world. Here's a guy who is concerned about female circumcision. You went to the wrong planet, brother. Come back.

US and Britain are trying to dictate the UN. What UN matter?
Re: Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

LordDarkness said:

Thousands of people died by US made weapons. People have been massacred all over the world. Here's a guy who is concerned about female circumcision. You went to the wrong planet, brother. Come back.

US and Britain are trying to dictate the UN. What UN matter?

Thousands of people die everyday by weapons made by another countries. Russian AK-47's, Chinese land mines... if you are going to hold a country responsible for the products it produces be consistent. The crimes Sharon committed were in another country, does the US have to be the only one to enforce it? No the US can't stick it's nose in.... yes it has to.

What is the US supposed to go after and what is it supposed to leave be?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

HeavyStick said:

Thousands of people die everyday by weapons made by another countries. Russian AK-47's, Chinese land mines... if you are going to hold a country responsible for the products it produces be consistent. The crimes Sharon committed were in another country, does the US have to be the only one to enforce it? No the US can't stick it's nose in.... yes it has to.

What is the US supposed to go after and what is it supposed to leave be?

I'm for peace. What I'm saying is that America is just as guilty as the rest of them. Most people in the rest of the world do not see America as the good guy anymore. What Bush and Blair are practicing is just politics, ugly politics at that. Like in Orwell's 1984, its all bullshit. Smokescreen.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

LordDarkness said:

I'm for peace. What I'm saying is that America is just as guilty as the rest of them. Most people in the rest of the world do not see America as the good guy anymore. What Bush and Blair are practicing is just politics, ugly politics at that. Like in Orwell's 1984, its all bullshit. Smokescreen.

then why single out America? hot topic of the day?
No country is innocent, some don't have a history as bad as another.

Unlike others who sway to the right, I do not support a war in Iraq. I support unadulterated access as supported by the UN. somehow this (not necessarily by you) got turned into America being the bad guy.
In protest I am boycotting Isreali produce. Unfortunatly it only amounts to oranges. But as Tesco Supermarket keeps saying 'Every little Helps.'

How different the reaction would be if the situation was reversed.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ariel Sharon is a War Criminal

HeavyStick said:

then why single out America? hot topic of the day?
No country is innocent, some don't have a history as bad as another.

Unlike others who sway to the right, I do not support a war in Iraq. I support unadulterated access as supported by the UN. somehow this (not necessarily by you) got turned into America being the bad guy.

Sorry, if thats the impression you got. I'm for peace.

Okay, I agree with you.

I just hope that every country in the world abide by UN decisons, and that include USA, Israel, Iraq and the Rolling Stones.

I may emigrate to USA yet. I think that it is still the only country with the most freedom. I also knaw that there are many people in America who do not want wars, and they are also very patriotic Americans.
Isreal had a party of Peace and negotiations led to an increased round of bombing and then homicide bombers. So they elected a war criminal to deal with a war criminal. Big deal. Palestinians brought this problem down on their own heads. Saddam's egging them on, too...
We had "THE PARTY OF PEACE" in power for eight years and they bombed the world trade center, military barracks, ships, embassies, trained MvVeigh and Nichols...

Your allies...

I am quickly losing respect for you.

I revoke my invitation to come to Kansas...

The majority of the seats in the precious UN are not occupied by members of free nations. So the question is, Why would anyone expect the UN to act in the best interests of a free world?

You look to your leaders. Instead you spit on the leader elected by 50% of the people who cared enough to decide on the direction of the free world. Now while 50% may side with you and those of your ilk the rest of us are abhorred by the world attitude and the coddling of those advocating the genocide of a people.

When you first started posting, you started in this vein, but we gave you information, you admitted you knew so little, but then, you started reading guys like DON and REDWAVE and got right back up on your non-thinking rant.

I don't care how many links you can provide once I see you've made up your mind DESPITE the facts.

I'll leave you to chat with the others. you might look up p_p_man. He has a real knee-jerk reaction towards Bush. Ya'll should get along famously...
LordDarkness said:
During the recent world events, the Muslims had been victimised by massacres, tortures, horrors

1. In Bosnia where 7,000 men were systematically killed

2. In India where recent riots resulted in over a thousand innocent Muslims killed by Hindu zealots. A mosque was destroyed by the Hindus.

3. In Sabra and Shatila

4. In Palestine where a boy just got shot and killed for throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. This is happening everyday. As I had said earlier, Israeli soldiers and settlers when they killed Palestinian civilians (which include women and children, no questiones were asked. Its justified). Where is the justice in ths world?

So you see, when Muslims got massacred, the West do not so much as to bat an eyelid. And those who butchered them were not called Christian terrorists, or Hindu terrorists or Jew terrorists.

Think about that.

Is there justice in this world?

Is there justice and fairness found in your nice and beautiful religions?

Let's start with your first four points:
1) It was the US and Europe who went into Bosnia first. The "Muslim" countries did nothing to help the people in Bosnia who were facing genocide.

2) The riots in India were started because a group of Muslims burned 58 Hindu's alive in a train because of their religion. While the resulting deaths are indeed horrific, the riots were started by Muslims.

3) Sharon was found to be partially responsible for the attacks at Sabra and Shatilla because he didn't restrain the Christian Phalangists of Lebanon. He did not order the massacres nor were Israeli troops involved. The courts found that he should have done more to try and prevent it.

4) How many innocent Israeli babies have died in suicide bombings? While I am utterly against the killing go on there, the Palestinians turned their backs on the peace process and purposefully chose terrorism. If Sharon is a war criminal, then so is Arafat, for the reprehensible course he chose for the Palestinians, one of terrrism.

I have read many generalizations about how good Islam is and how bad western religions are. I have read the reverse as well. I think that there are two-sides to every story, and blindly believing in any one side is based on ignorance of the facts and of human nature. As sad as that is.
Arafat Is STILL a 'Waste of Skin'
Geoff Metcalf
Monday, Sept. 23, 2002

In February I wrote, "Yasser Arafat is an empty robe and a waste of skin. He is a terrorist, a murderer and a disingenuous, duplicitous two-faced liar. He does not have the capacity to do what we want him to do (even if he wanted to, which, I submit, he doesn't)."

"Yasser cannot control, manage or instruct Hamas, Islamic Jihad nor any other saber-rattling, bomb-throwing, fundamentalist terrorist group. If he tried to move on his terrorist operatives, he would do so at his own peril. In other words, if he really leaned on Hamas et al., he wouldn't have to worry about Ariel Sharon putting a hit out on him … Hamas would do it. Is that clear enough?" I asked.

I recall reading a piece on the radio written by a Christian professor. These facts have been posted to multiple Web sites since April 2001.

When Benjamin Netanyahu was asked (in an interview) about Israel's occupation of Arab lands, his response was "It's our land." Notwithstanding reporters' shock and amazement, HE WAS AND IS RIGHT.

The professor lists 20 key points that 'should' provide perspective to Jew and non-Jew alike. Although the full list [] is compelling, the first two items are arguably the most significant.

Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., 2,000 years before the rise of Islam.
Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E., the Jews have had dominion over the land for 1,000 years, with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.

The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no more than 22 years.

For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.

Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish holy scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.

Arab and Jewish Refugees: In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.

Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100 million refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own peoples' lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.

The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won.

The P.L.O.'s Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them.

Bill Clinton refused to accept the facts in evidence about Arafat because of his counterintuitive fantasy that Yasser would/could provide a foundation for the fiction of a Clinton legacy with peace in the Mideast.

The Bush team, I suspect (and hope), is way more realistic. They know Arafat is a key component of "the problem," not the solution.

The mutually exclusive component to Mideast peace has always been peaceful co-existence and recognition of Israel. Arafat won't/can't swallow that pill.

On Sunday, Arafat vowed never to surrender to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. He has refused to hand over 50 suspected militants who Israel says are holed up with him in his devastated presidential headquarters in the city of Ramallah.

Despite his defiant trash talk, the reality check is that Arafat is more isolated politically than at any time since his 1994 return from exile. The only thing preventing Israel from taking those 50 militant suspects is the political want to NOT kill Arafat.

Arafat is a non-player in Mideast politics now. He is less significant than a flea or tick … although he remains a minor annoyance (not unlike a small bite inflicted by those pests).

Yasser's symbol of power in Ramallah has been reduced to rubble. Whatever power Arafat may have squandered over the years is now non-existent.
"...Most people in the rest of the world do not see America as the good guy anymore. What Bush and Blair are practicing is just politics, ugly politics at that..."

I agree with this.

The worlds opinion of USA seems to have changed.
The foreign politics that Bush administration is doing is a very scary development.

USA is supporting Israel with money and high military techonology, which would be the same as supporting Sadam Hussien with weapon during his occupation of Kumait.

From what I read in newspapers all over Europe and people I meet, it seems very clear. Europe´s nice opinion of USA is nomore.

Europe has always been soft on Jew Killers. Started way back when when usuary was a sin for everyone else and they got jealous because the Jews made out. Europe tried to atone for this with the Balfour Declaration when the mass killing of 6 million of the pesky little bastards became too much for the United States to swallow, so for a while, Europe had to pretend they didn't want all the Jews killed. Meanwhile, lured to Israel, the Arabs could do the dirty work for Europe and they could once again pretend how civilized and how enlightened they are and how much better they are at running the world, deciding right and wrong, assessing blame...

I said it once, I'll say it again. Shame on Europe. A pox on all your houses. I'd vote to nuke you fucks first if it weren't for the likes of Tony Blair.
And it is simply amazing, how once again, in a Fonda-like gesture, the Democrats have run to their allies, the enemies of their most dreaded enemy, the Republicans, to succor, aid, and embrace them. They'd rather deal with a tyrannical despot than a fellow American because they might lose that one seat in the house and then they couldn't move the Florida Supreme Court up to the REAL Supreme Court, now could they...

Always thinking ahead those Democrats. A nuclear armed Iraq is a lot less threatening than a popular Republican President...

Sick Fucks.
LordDarkness said:
He was responsible for the messacres that took place at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982 (this month is the 20th Anniversary) where Palestinian women, children and old people were mercilessly butchered.

Yet no action has ever been taken against him because Israel has all along been supported by the US.

Here are the links:

During the recent world events, the Muslims had been victimised by massacres, tortures, horrors

1. In Bosnia where 7,000 men were systematically killed

2. In India where recent riots resulted in over a thousand innocent Muslims killed by Hindu zealots. A mosque was destroyed by the Hindus.

3. In Sabra and Shatila

4. In Palestine where a boy just got shot and killed for throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. This is happening everyday. As I had said earlier, Israeli soldiers and settlers when they killed Palestinian civilians (which include women and children, no questiones were asked. Its justified). Where is the justice in ths world?

So you see, when Muslims got massacred, the West do not so much as to bat an eyelid. And those who butchered them were not called Christian terrorists, or Hindu terrorists or Jew terrorists.

Think about that.

Is there justice in this world?

Is there justice and fairness found in your nice and beautiful religions?

He can't have been responsible as the massacre was done by Lebanese Phalangists,sure they got backing (Weapons and some logistics) by Israel but that does not make them the perpetrators.
The leader of the Phalangists later tried to get asylum from Israel but was denied this.

Pointing at the Balkans are we ?
Ok,now 7000 Moslems were butchered.How many Orthodox or Christian Croats,Bosnians and Serbs were killed ?
I can't back this up but a bet is that there were more of them.
Will you then start screaming about the genocide of Christians ?

Other recent events was when 800000 Tutsis were killed.According to the CIA world factbook ( ) a majority of the people there were either Roman Catholic or Protestant.
Still there was no huge hue and cry over that,which pretty much deflates your premise that as soon as Christians get killed there's a lot of noise made.

As for the stone throwing kid.
What was he doing out throwing stones ? What if it had been a grenade ? Would you have complained that the Palestinians were using kids as soldiers ? Something prohibited by a whole slew of conventions,among them the UN childrens convention.

How many of other religions have been killed by Moslem zealots ? Or do you prefer to call them "freedom fighters" ?

Not to mention that my media does in fact label terrorist after their religion or political belief when commenting upon them.
LordDarkness said:
He was responsible for the messacres that took place at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in 1982 (this month is the 20th Anniversary) where Palestinian women, children and old people were mercilessly butchered.

Yet no action has ever been taken against him because Israel has all along been supported by the US.

Here are the links:

During the recent world events, the Muslims had been victimised by massacres, tortures, horrors

1. In Bosnia where 7,000 men were systematically killed

2. In India where recent riots resulted in over a thousand innocent Muslims killed by Hindu zealots. A mosque was destroyed by the Hindus.

3. In Sabra and Shatila

4. In Palestine where a boy just got shot and killed for throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. This is happening everyday. As I had said earlier, Israeli soldiers and settlers when they killed Palestinian civilians (which include women and children, no questiones were asked. Its justified). Where is the justice in ths world?

So you see, when Muslims got massacred, the West do not so much as to bat an eyelid. And those who butchered them were not called Christian terrorists, or Hindu terrorists or Jew terrorists.

Think about that.

Is there justice in this world?

Is there justice and fairness found in your nice and beautiful religions?

And if you actually read the reports in the links you provided, the only thing that Ariel Sharon is indicted for is for being "indirectly responsible."

1) At no time did he order the massacre
2) These were two of the most dangerous and militant camps that existed
3) Isreali troops never entered the camps
4) The Phalangists (who carried out the killing) were never questioned or assigned blame by the muslim world - just the Israeli's were

Got anything better to read?