Aria of the Damned


Mar 17, 2013
So I have been gone for awhile, caught up in spring break, school, work, ect. (still a hunky virgin for y'all ;-)
Now I do not expect to be here very often. I would like some nice quick encounters that I can use to help relieve stress, I of course will contribute and help you got off as well (I strive for mutual satisfaction)
You stroke my cock, I stroke your clit, that seems fair right?
or heck, if you just want to shoot the breeze, man or woman, I am game. I could always enjoy any intellectual conversations (even if one was about flying potato monsters and their evil french fry spawn)

Feel free to shoot me a breeze, I will always respond, but don't fret if it is not immediately replied to (Imma busy boy, sorry!) likewise, if you are super busy too, I will understand, empathize, and suck your metaphorical phallus (STRICTLY FIGURE OF SPEECH WAS DEEMED FUNNY AND APPROPRIATE DO TO THE PERVERSE/FUN NATURE OF THESE BOARDS)


oh, P.S.
I may just post/bump to this thread for "public" updates.
peace and orgasms
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Bumping is the only way to get views ( -.-,)

So I woke up this morning with *superior* morning wood, and I could really use some help before I go to work ;-)

on a side note, touching a baby bird will NOT cause the mama bird to abandon its chicks do to them smelling different (but you can get fleas from them)
mostly because birdies rely on sight rather than smell (I have the urge to spray them in Old Spice: Believe in your Smelf)

Well, Interesting things on the internet.
Just got done reading some funny stuff on æ (you know who you are) and I decided to finish up by reading the "If you have been offended by this site, please scroll down slowly"
it was nice (the cute dear and bunny) but then things went bad fast after that (like daisy's head on a pike at the end of DOOM)
I can only describe it as a collection of the worst things ever documented by mankind.
Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach (I think myself somewhat hardened, and this has me feeling queasy)
But hey, if Scatilia/Necrophilia/Goatse/Genital Sores/Mutalation/Hemophilia/Guro/Just plain gross stuff is what gets you off, I will share the link with you. I can say that I feel pretty tough and good about my way of life and my normality (by social consensus)

-Peace and may you have sweet dreams my freaky little darlings.