Arg! Fucking neighbours again!


Apr 8, 2002
And yes, I called 911 this time.

What a cocksucker this guy is.
Fucking neighbours again!

Note to self....Move next door to Freya, leave door unlocked at all times.........;)
Re: Fucking neighbours again!

april-wine said:
Note to self....Move next door to Freya, leave door unlocked at all times.........;)
Great minds work alike. I had no idea this would turn out to be a 911 thread.
Whats up with your neighbors for those of us that are outside the current events?
Good Call Freya.....I'd like to suggest that you go over and kick his ass.....I'm pretty confident you vould....but thats a bad idea.....I know you've had this going on for a has the girl thats getting hit.

Keep us posted doll.
Re: Fucking neighbours again!

april-wine said:
Note to self....Move next door to Freya, leave door unlocked at all times.........;)

I know you were trying to be cute AW....but the girl next door to Freya gets her ass kicked on a regular basis.
I hope the bastard gets what he deserves....And you get your much needed rest....;)
Still looking for what exactly happened here..

Were the neighbours fucking? As annoying as it would be to live beside, I don't think 911 is the right number to call... :p

FIll us in here..
Freyas neighbor gets the shit kicked out of her by her boyfriend on a regular basis LT. Freya has called the police many times and asked for suggestions here in at least one thread.