Are you seeking genuine conversation and attention?


Lone wolf
Sep 6, 2010

I am 45 with 23 years real world BDSM experience, I am what is known as a pleasure Dominant, I enjoy giving pleasure that most relationships don’t involve. I enjoy to give, care, and control the pleasure. I am seeking someone to return the pleasure, without needing to always be ordered to do so. It’s because she enjoys my pleasure as much as her own.

The trick is getting there. It’s a rush into things too fast and find out not right for each other. So what I am seeking are women that have experience with either the lifestyle or their bodies. Meaning they know what they like and want to try. I don’t want to have to train how to take care of me and teach her what feels good. I’ve been down that road and doesn’t work.

To do this we must be able to have open and honest conversations with each other. It would start out with few messages back and forth. Then I want to have conversations daily. As in not simply written words. I like to hear the sounds of laugher and can tell when you’re smiling.

I want someone with outside interests. Someone that reads, keeps up with current events/history, has hobbies and doesn’t mind that I have my own.

I have my own opinions and my morals, I wouldn’t change them to make another person happy in the relationship. I will respect yours as well. I do ask that you have emotional depth as well. But it’s not my job to fix you or help you heal from past trauma of failed relationships. I want someone that is seeking with mental and emotional stability.

In saying all of that, I have a loving but stern Daddy side. Who enjoys giving attention and checking in with you. A lot more once I believe we have a connection together. That’s what matters, is forming a connection that can lead to a bond.

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Not normally my style, but I’m relaxed and enjoying the end of 23. About to ring in 24. So let me be more bold, and give it a bump. Who knows what might happen?
bumping because updated bio.

I can’t believe I’ve had a profile here this long. I need to take more advantage of coming here. Don’t have to hide who you are on Lit. Sure can use other sites, I’m old fashioned and schooled. Always will have a love for first place I let my pride in myself as a Dom run wild finally free.