Are you a night owl or an early bird....


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
I'm more a night owl. I don't do mornings very well. I'm like the darker brown dog.
Very, very much a night owl. Getting a job where I don’t have to work day shift has improved my life immensely.
Early riser. Military habit as well as being a chronic insomniac.

I've already been up for more than an hour.
Same as Champakian, early bird due to military habit and I have come to love early mornings.
Nothing is better than a cup of coffee before the sun comes up.
Especially when it's warm enough to take it on the deck.

It just occurred to me that for many years, I was both.

Up at the crack of dawn and to bed only after all the bars had closed...
It just occurred to me that for many years, I was both.

Up at the crack of dawn and to bed only after all the bars had closed...
LOL! Been there done that and remember the old adage..."If you're gonna hoot with the owls you'd better damn well be able to scream with eagles"