Are you a lightning rod for crazy people?


Oct 4, 2012
There you are, waving your finials in the air. Maybe if you were a little more grounded they would dissapate harmlessly to earth. I'm not sure who the craziest person here is. It's definitely not me.
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i'm either the sanest or the craziest.
perhaps they are the same thing.

either way, the tree outside my window has the beginings of leaves.
an investment in the sun.
I don't attract anyone, perhaps thats cos I'm the crazy one.

I can live with that cos I find crazy people infinitely more interesting than scholars, not to mention tossers on television with one brain cell between an entire cast :)
Yes, always have been even when I was little. Not sure why. Now I just accept the fact and try to be understanding.
I attract mosquitoes. I don't have any way of telling whether or not they're crazy. I assume not. They act just like mosquitoes.
There you are, waving your finials in the air. Maybe if you were a little more grounded they would dissapate harmlessly to earth. I'm not sure who the craziest person here is. It's definitely not me.


We now have two different types of Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix.

One for blacks, and one for crazy white people.
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