Are you a Jag-ite

I breath my Sesame Chicken smelling breath in your general direction.

PBW "Booo Hooo I've been slammed by the Nutjob Clique"
4laterer said:
you stupid fat fuck

you look like an oversized baby

your fat head is bulging out from under that baseball cap

fucking swollen cabbage patch kid

fuck off

That was a bit harsh. Cabbage patch line was good though.

Peace now.
Thank you sir, may I have another sir!

Come on 4later... think of something new... you can only reuse that same old shit so many times before people start ignoring you. Now, think a bit before the next post... you can do it... be the C student, I know you can do it.

PBW "more breathing"
Catherine Bell is hot. She was on Howard Stern and he fitted her for a bra.
I dig JAG............and Catherine Bell is smooooooooooooooking HOT HOT HOT.

I just want her and Rab to get hitched and do the nasty!!! Sometimes I wanna say to them "Get a room and fuck like rabbits you two".............