Are you a Decider? Tuesday will measure you.


Literotica Guru
Oct 1, 1999
If THIS country at THIS time in our history – thinks it’s a good idea to vote Mitt Romney into the White House?

I will officially become supremely secure that nothing anyone ever says ever – makes a damn bit of difference in any scenario, place, or time. That's the going rate, and I'm sure that will not only secure it for me but a vast majority of those on the 'fringe'.

If you don’t support Obama, that’s fine – I get it (I’m massively disappointed as well). But don’t vote for a puppet with the hand of your enemy so clearly up its ass.

Again, if THIS country’s populous is blind enough to vote a virtual mitten in… then we deserve to be buttfucked better than Rome ever got raped. And we will. (The money considers YOU, the person, the commodity. The dollar is worthless at this point. Controlling dollars is not their intention. They only need control You. And a vote for Mitt Commodity, ensures they can - in absolutes. If that’s able to happen, in the face of what's never been more obvious? Then you are clearly powerless. That’s what’s at stake.)

When you go to the poles this Tuesday,

Ask yourself if you REALLY think a vote for Mitt Romney is in any way the right thing to do. And for who? You? Yours?

Ask yourself the weight of that. And then choose.
If THIS country at THIS time in our history – thinks it’s a good idea to vote Mitt Romney into the White House?

I will officially become supremely secure that nothing anyone ever says ever – makes a damn bit of difference in any scenario, place, or time. That's the going rate, and I'm sure that will not only secure it for me but a vast majority of those on the 'fringe'.

If you don’t support Obama, that’s fine – I get it (I’m massively disappointed as well). But don’t vote for a puppet with the hand of your enemy so clearly up its ass.

Again, if THIS country’s populous is blind enough to vote a virtual mitten in… then we deserve to be buttfucked better than Rome ever got raped. And we will. (The money considers YOU, the person, the commodity. The dollar is worthless at this point. Controlling dollars is not their intention. They only need control You. And a vote for Mitt Commodity, ensures they can - in absolutes. If that’s able to happen, in the face of what's never been more obvious? Then you are clearly powerless. That’s what’s at stake.)

When you go to the poles this Tuesday,

Ask yourself if you REALLY think a vote for Mitt Romney is in any way the right thing to do. And for who? You? Yours?

Ask yourself the weight of that. And then choose.

The chick who dumped you and snuffed your manhood decades ago called...

...she just wanted you to know she's decided to vote for Mittens just to rub it in.
The chick who dumped you and snuffed your manhood decades ago called...

...she just wanted you to know she's decided to vote for Mittens just to rub it in.

This just in:

I've never been dumped. You weren't listening.

But I'm happy she called YOU. Cuz yer meant to be.

One sec, just need to check my dick...

Doesn't appear to be snuffed out.

Don't bend over though, you've given me reason to maybe chase that ass?
