Are you a chocolate addict?

Are you a chocolate addict??

  • Yes! I need a fix at least several times a day, and I can't resist it when I see some chocolate!

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Yes. I struggle with my addiction, but every few days I binge!

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Yes - but I have it under control (translation; I am in denial).

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Kind of.

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Not really - but I do like chocolate.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No - definitely not. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy chocolate once in a while.

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • No way! I don't even like chocolate!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chocolate?? What's that???

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Other (for those people who always demand an "other" option)

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • 2nd "Other" - to make up for all those times you didn't get an "other" option but really wanted one.

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
Kind of, sort of like I'm addicted to coffee and Lit.
*all* Hi Heretic!

I'm sure you'll do fine here with our wonderful 12 step program.

Let me know how it goes....I refuse to participate! MUST HAVE CHOCOLATE!!!!!:heart:
I recently switched to a low carb chocolate. Delicious but uses malitol as the sweetener. More than a couple of squares and I get bowel cramps and rapid elimination. Pavlovian. I don't want as much chocolate as I use to...
I'm addicted to chocolate as well. But, it seems worse this time of year with all the holiday cookies, candies and fudge floating around.

My name is SK and I am a recovering Chocoholic. I have been clean for 6 weeks now. Even though, deep down inside, I don't think 1 little chocolate candy bar would hurt anything......
Savage Kitten said:

My name is SK and I am a recovering Chocoholic. I have been clean for 6 weeks now. Even though, deep down inside, I don't think 1 little chocolate candy bar would hurt anything......
You've gone 6 weeks without chocolate?? How do you do that? Do they have chocolate patches? I don't think I could go 6 days without chocolate much less 6 weeks! :eek:
I don't need the chocolate, the chocolate needs me.

Big ol' difference there.
i go on chocolate binges now and then.

usually around Hallowe'en and Christmas.
Godiva chocolates.

One at a time.

Allowing them to mellow slowly on my tongue, licking the melted drippings from my fingers, tasting the sweetness on my lips, I . . .

Hey! It's not like I HAVE to have it! I can stop anytime I want!!!

This is an OLD thread dude.

Now I miss the Heretic.

damn you.
The thread is old, but no. Not really a chocolate addict - only occassional rare cravings.

I am addicted to salty crackers with peanut butter. Really.
My guess is he is over at DryerLint, along with everyone else of substance.

Yes, that is where I am at - although I wouldn't say everyone else of substance is there - still plenty of nice people here. DL continues to grow slowly, which IMO is as it should be. Why am I there and not here? Let me list the reasons in order of importance:

1) Several orders of magnitude less drama. No Alts allowed. No topic is off-bounds just like here, but civil discourse is expected and enforced (but not in a heavy handed manner unless you show you obviously are there just to make trouble). Should be self-explanatory.

The Lit. GB is what it is, but the noise to signal ratio became just too high to bother with and from what I can tell has become even worse since I left. I don't expect it to change, and I would probably not change Lit a lot if I was able to - but I just don't feel I want to bother with Lit anymore.

Along those same lines, I also was dismayed to see members here become polarized around various issues and people, and I could see I was one of those people - in part because I was not afraid to say what I felt. Mostly I ignore trolls and people who made personal attacks on me, but I could not get other people to ignore them too - it especially pained me when close friends felt they had to defend me and were attacked for doing so when I was ignoring the attacks. So I thought it best to just remove myself from the context. Too many people just can't get past the history they have with me - for example, LT is still posting my name in his list of enemies although this will be like the second or third post I have made here it the past couple of years.

2) I was spending too much time and effort here instead of doing more important things.

3) The people at DL are mostly friends and I have no enemies there - indeed, I don't think that anybody there considers any other member an enemy, unlike here where some people just can't get past someone disagreeing with them (LT). That doesn't mean all DL members agree with me, it just means that they aren't like sharks circling me for any scent of blood - we get along and agree to disagree when necessary. Not once have I seen a member there try to disrupt the board the way trolls do here (e.g., by making many multiple threads, or stalking a member by bumping all their old threads, etc., to drive others off the board).

My status.

Periodically, every couple of months or so, I come back here and do a search on my name just in case one of my friends here is trying to get ahold of me - but I generally don't post. I am making this post for those who wondered what happened to me and to let you know I am okay, not dead, not on the street. Friends are welcome to contact me privately. I think Lost Cause still posts here and yes, he still lives next door although I haven't physically seen him in over a month (he works nights and our schedules just don't overlap) - so if you can't get ahold of me, you can ask LC.

There have been ups and downs in both my professional and personal life, but I deal with them and overall I am doing okay. No, I have not bought a house for various reasons, instead I helped my kids get into a nice house (they got a good deal in a down market).

I have moved on professionally although the employment market is a bit rocky it is looking to shape up better. I've had some good paying and rewarding gigs, but I am again looking for something better and different. I may move closer to home if I get the chance, but that depends on what opportunities present themselves. It is more likely that I won't move there as the market near my family is even worse than it was before, but there have been some nibbles - you just never know.

I have a few more toys, one especially that I am having fun with and that seems to help get me in better shape physically:


I also have a new camera which also does video. Some experiments along those lines:

Yes, I still have my Ducati, but the Hussy (with an upside down backwards engine) is a fun off-road bike and riding off-road is hard work.

Life goes on.

I hope you all are doing well despite the current economic situation, but I am not coming back here - I've moved on.

Hello. Take care. Goodbye.
Yes, that is where I am at - although I wouldn't say everyone else of substance is there - still plenty of nice people here. DL continues to grow slowly, which IMO is as it should be. Why am I there and not here? Let me list the reasons in order of importance:

1) Several orders of magnitude less drama. No Alts allowed. No topic is off-bounds just like here, but civil discourse is expected and enforced (but not in a heavy handed manner unless you show you obviously are there just to make trouble). Should be self-explanatory.

The Lit. GB is what it is, but the noise to signal ratio became just too high to bother with and from what I can tell has become even worse since I left. I don't expect it to change, and I would probably not change Lit a lot if I was able to - but I just don't feel I want to bother with Lit anymore.

Along those same lines, I also was dismayed to see members here become polarized around various issues and people, and I could see I was one of those people - in part because I was not afraid to say what I felt. Mostly I ignore trolls and people who made personal attacks on me, but I could not get other people to ignore them too - it especially pained me when close friends felt they had to defend me and were attacked for doing so when I was ignoring the attacks. So I thought it best to just remove myself from the context. Too many people just can't get past the history they have with me - for example, LT is still posting my name in his list of enemies although this will be like the second or third post I have made here it the past couple of years.

2) I was spending too much time and effort here instead of doing more important things.

3) The people at DL are mostly friends and I have no enemies there - indeed, I don't think that anybody there considers any other member an enemy, unlike here where some people just can't get past someone disagreeing with them (LT). That doesn't mean all DL members agree with me, it just means that they aren't like sharks circling me for any scent of blood - we get along and agree to disagree when necessary. Not once have I seen a member there try to disrupt the board the way trolls do here (e.g., by making many multiple threads, or stalking a member by bumping all their old threads, etc., to drive others off the board).

My status.

Periodically, every couple of months or so, I come back here and do a search on my name just in case one of my friends here is trying to get ahold of me - but I generally don't post. I am making this post for those who wondered what happened to me and to let you know I am okay, not dead, not on the street. Friends are welcome to contact me privately. I think Lost Cause still posts here and yes, he still lives next door although I haven't physically seen him in over a month (he works nights and our schedules just don't overlap) - so if you can't get ahold of me, you can ask LC.

There have been ups and downs in both my professional and personal life, but I deal with them and overall I am doing okay. No, I have not bought a house for various reasons, instead I helped my kids get into a nice house (they got a good deal in a down market).

I have moved on professionally although the employment market is a bit rocky it is looking to shape up better. I've had some good paying and rewarding gigs, but I am again looking for something better and different. I may move closer to home if I get the chance, but that depends on what opportunities present themselves. It is more likely that I won't move there as the market near my family is even worse than it was before, but there have been some nibbles - you just never know.

I have a few more toys, one especially that I am having fun with and that seems to help get me in better shape physically:


I also have a new camera which also does video. Some experiments along those lines:

Yes, I still have my Ducati, but the Hussy (with an upside down backwards engine) is a fun off-road bike and riding off-road is hard work.

Life goes on.

I hope you all are doing well despite the current economic situation, but I am not coming back here - I've moved on.

Hello. Take care. Goodbye.

what a weirdo.
Chocolate is boring. I don't like it unless it's kicked up with cinnamon or something.

I have a question - how come all those penguins in Happy Feet have different accents? Aren't all penguins pretty much from the same place? I didn't know some of them had roots in Tennessee or the Highlands or Mexico....
Heretic, it is always good to read your words. Thank you for the update.
I'd've voted if that first choice would have been flashing, bright pink and in all-caps. The way it is now, it hardly seems to match my feelings about chocolate. Good, dark chocolate.
I'd've voted if that first choice would have been flashing, bright pink and in all-caps. The way it is now, it hardly seems to match my feelings about chocolate. Good, dark chocolate.

Sometimes I like the dark chocolate. Sometimes I like chocolate with no sweetness. Sometimes I like it with milk and sweetness. Just depends. I've never met a chocolate I didn't like.