Are there any good college BB players anymore?


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
I can't really name any college BB superstar player off the top of my head and its already March Madness. Has HS players jumping straight to the NBA and highlight reel play (with little respect to fundamentals in order to be on ESPN's Play of The Day) thinned the ranks of skilled players so badly? I remember in the 1980's and into the 1990's up until about the turn of the millennium player still in college so good that everybody knew who they were before they even entered the NBA, they were already household names...Now I can't think of any real dominant player in college men's BB.
i think that now, college players are more worried about their image, and puttin on an entertaining show than playin the game
There are several good collegiate players, but unfortunately, they'll all be bolting to the NBA.

The other thing is that there's more parity in college basketball. There's no Larry Bird or Magic Johnson who are good enough to strap their teams on their back and carry them all the way to an NCAA championship.

I don't think ESPN has anything called "Play Of The Day."

Watch Carmello Anthony at Syracuse. Or Dwayne Wade at Marquette. Point made, though.
MaximusPhalicus said:
Blame the NBA..... Isolation offenses and one on one skills are highlighted (that and a disregard for the basic rules). I could go on and on.................

The best athletes rarely stay 4 years anymore. cha-ching!
You can't blame them, though. The money is good, and it's not like a lot of them could have afforded college easily without a scholarship to play ball.

Does the NBA still outlaw zone defense? Tracy McGrady and Kobe Bryant probably couldn't hang 50 on a good defense in a 2-3 or a box-and-one.
