Are 'prettier' women more insane?

There are much better-looking women in conservative politics. Travel to one of the CPAC conferences and check for yourself.
^^^ The MAGAt -verse.

Fuck the MetaVerse, we got us a MAGAtVerse.
Bachmann and Noem are two I had in mind when posting.
Are prettier women more insane?

And you are the pinnacle upon which all gaze in awe while they hope of attaining even 1/10th of your beauty.

tl;dr version: Quoth the mirror on the wall; you're the biggest nutjob of them all.
There are much better-looking women in conservative politics. Travel to one of the CPAC conferences and check for yourself.

Liberal women in politics: actual office holders (tend to be middle aged and up)

Conservative women in politics: eye candy to entertain the men running things (tend to be the age of second wives and Fox News anchors)
Trump chooses whom he nominates by their bra size, the only other criteria is their stupidity (especially if male & black) so that next election cycle all ethnic candidates can be sifted out.
I only hope I can look as good as Nancy when I'm eighty sumthing.
Trump??? He fucking admitted that he just went to Central Casting for his posts.
OR... who he thought he could sneak in on the side without Melania knowing.
Like Melania CARED!!
Someday the tell all books will come out on all the sexist shit Trump did.
At this point?? He fucked over the entire nation and any woman he hired, should have known better!!

Democrats can’t decide on the definition of a woman. Any Tom, Dick or unattractive Harry will do.