Are our self-perceptions accurate?

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I like yayati. If people would forget that others hated him and actually read what he has to say these days, I think the days of disliking him would be over.

He's actually a really nice, intelligent guy.
Perception, including self perception, are relative to the mind percieving the event. Perception cannot be taken as absolute in any case. For all we know we are dreaming this thread and hallucinating the responses we get to what we write. I try never to let another persons impression of me dictate what i believe about myself. And fuck yes, i am as funny as hell.
This is a very good question.

I think it has to do with someone's self esteem. If you have it, you've already formed an opinion about yourself and therefore no one else's usually matters.

if you have low self are going to latch on to what others say and then're gonna start to believe that its true.