Are daddy/daughter noncon stories too far?

I totally get the sentiment. I did include dad/daughter in my first IT story. One person commented that they liked my approach.

Scotxxxxx 6 months ago
Normally, I would be turned off by the father/daughter incest. But there's something about the way that you presented it here that made it palatable.
I did not read all of the responses because it made my stomach turn. Non consent incest is fucking disgusting no question about it. It is NOT the same as consent nonconsent fantasies folks may have. Those are not my thing either but I wouldn't kink shame it for those that like it I would just avoid it.

Daddy/daughter forced incest which is what the OP asked about is the most horrible form of abuse and violation. And yes, writing about it does promote it and condones it becuase it normalizes it and that should never happen. Abuse is abuse stop trying to make it ok.
I wrote a pretty depraved incest story, look forward to that yall! Daddy/daughter and fully consensual because I felt weird about noncon/reluctance with incest, especially because I'm fantasizing about it happening to a made up girl and not me (unlike my other stories.) How do you guys feel about those types of stories? Ngl I'll masturbate to the stories on here in that genre and fantasize about it but I feel like I'm ~crossing a line~ writing it even though I kinda want tošŸ« 

Look forward to some interesting dad/daughter/mom dynamics, I think I add an interesting spin to the genrešŸ’« (but keep the creampie, duh!)
I don't think daddy/daughter non con Or mother/son noncon stories are harmful as it is purely fantasy literature and if you don't like it, then don't read it x simple! Many authors have wrote murder novels without actually murdering people themselves x
I have role-played many non-consensual/r4pe fantasies in real life with total strangers in the past, but was totally fantasy and mutually consenting 'noncon sex' agreed beforehand x I would never condone any form of non-consexual sex or r4pe in reality everyday life reality, absolutely not! I'm submissive sexually and enjoy this kind of noncon thing, but my choice x x x x
Any non-con turned con/pleasurable/embraced story where the person who is forcing the other person is in a position of weakness, is AMAZING.

Son forcing mom? Great!
Daughter forcing Dad? Great
Younger sibling forcing older sibling? Great!

Vice-versa? Not go for me.

Maybe Mom forcing Son is still OK because for some reason I still feel like the Son has a higher level of power physically.

The opposite is just too rough for me to stomach just because of how much it happens. If it didn't happen in real life I'd probably enjoy it but I've read too much news and sadness to ignore it.
Iā€™m glad you all do, itā€™s really hot to think about having my seed forced from me by my own daughter.
Goodness Tristian, you are a serious perv. Wanting to blast in your daughters hot tight young pussy! Bad boy! šŸ˜œ
Goodness Tristian, you are a serious perv. Wanting to blast in your daughters hot tight young pussy! Bad boy! šŸ˜œ
Oh I canā€™t help it, I was hard and defenseless. I tried to fight it as I could feel her pussy stroke up and down my shaft hearing her moans. I begged for her to stop riding me as I could feel it coming but she didnā€™t and I could feel pump after pump leaving my once swollen balls.
Oh I canā€™t help it, I was hard and defenseless. I tried to fight it as I could feel her pussy stroke up and down my shaft hearing her moans. I begged for her to stop riding me as I could feel it coming but she didnā€™t and I could feel pump after pump leaving my once swollen balls.
And now there will be more nasty little Tristian ankle biters out there. Planned parenthood had a mascot they were going to adopt, the swallow. Maybe you should train her in this method of bc. Not sure why PP didn't adopt this. Would have reduced the number of unplanned pregnancies a lot!
And now tell me the truth Tristian, you had your hand wrapped around your cock the whole time you typed this out, didn't you?
I wrote a sort of non-con daddy/daughter not long ago. In my opinion, the person with the power (the older of the two) being the aggressor is a very fine line to walk. Too much aggression and non-consent becomes rape. In my story, the daughter was the aggressor, and the dad didn't resist overly strongly. His daughter reminded him of his ex-wife. The story ended up as a part of a series, and I did not plan the daddy/daughter chapter when I started writing. The struggle I had was that I had modeled the daughter character after my daughter, so when I decided to write a daddy/daughter chapter I had to get past the mental hurdle of this being my daughter. I think if the series was different, or if I had written it as a stand-alone story, I would not have struggled so. I may give the genre another try next year.
And now there will be more nasty little Tristian ankle biters out there. Planned parenthood had a mascot they were going to adopt, the swallow. Maybe you should train her in this method of bc. Not sure why PP didn't adopt this. Would have reduced the number of unplanned pregnancies a lot!
And now tell me the truth Tristian, you had your hand wrapped around your cock the whole time you typed this out, didn't you?
Trisitan, you're a naughty one! I like how you write
I wrote a pretty depraved incest story, look forward to that yall! Daddy/daughter and fully consensual because I felt weird about noncon/reluctance with incest, especially because I'm fantasizing about it happening to a made up girl and not me (unlike my other stories.) How do you guys feel about those types of stories? Ngl I'll masturbate to the stories on here in that genre and fantasize about it but I feel like I'm ~crossing a line~ writing it even though I kinda want tošŸ« 

Look forward to some interesting dad/daughter/mom dynamics, I think I add an interesting spin to the genrešŸ’« (but keep the creampie, duh!)
Bring it on babe. Love to hear what you'd like to share. Your nasty story about you fucking some stranger in a bar was hot. Great stroking material.
I wrote a sort of non-con daddy/daughter not long ago. In my opinion, the person with the power (the older of the two) being the aggressor is a very fine line to walk. Too much aggression and non-consent becomes rape. In my story, the daughter was the aggressor, and the dad didn't resist overly strongly. His daughter reminded him of his ex-wife. The story ended up as a part of a series, and I did not plan the daddy/daughter chapter when I started writing. The struggle I had was that I had modeled the daughter character after my daughter, so when I decided to write a daddy/daughter chapter I had to get past the mental hurdle of this being my daughter. I think if the series was different, or if I had written it as a stand-alone story, I would not have struggled so. I may give the genre another try next year.
They look like hot stories. I'm looking forward to reading some of your works.
I wrote a pretty depraved incest story, look forward to that yall! Daddy/daughter and fully consensual because I felt weird about noncon/reluctance with incest, especially because I'm fantasizing about it happening to a made up girl and not me (unlike my other stories.) How do you guys feel about those types of stories? Ngl I'll masturbate to the stories on here in that genre and fantasize about it but I feel like I'm ~crossing a line~ writing it even though I kinda want tošŸ« 

Look forward to some interesting dad/daughter/mom dynamics, I think I add an interesting spin to the genrešŸ’« (but keep the creampie, duh!)
In the realm of fantasy, I think most all things are allowed. Having a thought about something doesnā€™t make it true. How many times have we all been angry and wanted to punch someone but donā€™t? Itā€™s no different.

No one is hurt in a fantasy. Iā€™ve enjoyed dark and very kinky erotica or fantasies. Even writing a fictional story with non-con themes. Though, I would say in all the non-con fantasies Iā€™ve enjoyed. All parties are enjoying themself at some point. Actual harm in sexual fantasy doesnā€™t excite me. It's more accurate to say I like rough sex fantasies.

For incest fantasies, I more lean to mother/son (occasionally dad/daug or bro/sis), but I have zero interest in actual family. More often I use pictures of women I find online to be a fantasy stand-in. Love the theme of deep, risky creampie. The taboo of releasing that seed into the most forbidden women.

Itā€™s always important to remember where the lines between fantasy and reality should be. Your pleasure should never be at the expense of another personā€™s pain.
I did not read all of the responses because it made my stomach turn. Non consent incest is fucking disgusting no question about it. It is NOT the same as consent nonconsent fantasies folks may have. Those are not my thing either but I wouldn't kink shame it for those that like it I would just avoid it.

Daddy/daughter forced incest which is what the OP asked about is the most horrible form of abuse and violation. And yes, writing about it does promote it and condones it becuase it normalizes it and that should never happen. Abuse is abuse stop trying to make it ok.
While being respectful. I would disagree that writing about fictional sexual violence in any way condones or promotes actual sexual assault. It's no different than the people who claim violent video games make people violent or normalizes violence. Correlation does not always link to causality.

I do understand if that particular fetish doesn't appeal to you, but thatā€™s not reason to kinky shame others who do indulge responsibly. I know I donā€™t understand the fetish for pee or scat, but thatā€™s for other people. As long as no one is being harmed in reality, I won't judge.

Just look at all the fictional movies that glorifies vigilante violence, but you donā€™t see people in every city dressing up like Batman fighting crime. Real world vigilante violence is very rare. Responsible adults know where the lines between fantasy and reality are. Just because a small few canā€™t tell the difference. Itā€™s not the fault of others.

Real sexual abuse is always wrong, and itā€™s not taken seriously enough when it does happen. Laws should be stronger to protect victims. People should be judged on actions and not their thoughts.
Nonconsent incest is not something that should be fetishized or normalized in anyway.

There are many things that are not for me or that I do not understand to which I say to each their own or NMK but this is not an area where that applies.
Additionally, studies published on exposure to violent pornography(which noconsent sex would be defined as) shows that it DOES INCREASE a persons likely hood to perpetuate violence. So yes, exposure does increase these acts.

Writing and sharing is exposure. nonconsent daddy/daughter incest is not a topic to be shared and glorified or normalized.
I wrote a pretty depraved incest story, look forward to that yall! Daddy/daughter and fully consensual because I felt weird about noncon/reluctance with incest, especially because I'm fantasizing about it happening to a made up girl and not me (unlike my other stories.) How do you guys feel about those types of stories? Ngl I'll masturbate to the stories on here in that genre and fantasize about it but I feel like I'm ~crossing a line~ writing it even though I kinda want tošŸ« 

Look forward to some interesting dad/daughter/mom dynamics, I think I add an interesting spin to the genrešŸ’« (but keep the creampie, duh!)
after finding this post i felt compelled somewhat to add my thoughts on this matter. my opinions i understand may not meet the majority of those who have replied on here but thats fine by me. yes, there is a VERY fine line between fantasy and reality. but you must have some idea of the conscious and sub conscious. when it comes to non concent of any matter is considered rape and the reprocussions are devastating on the "victim" permanately. if one fantasies on doing this or having this done to themselves. i feel something has had to have happened to them in their past to install this into their thoughts. now, as far as subject matter being "taboo". i feel that falls in the eye of the beholder. i do not believe in censorship but even with that said there has to be a line. im no expert on this but i have studied on psychology and looked at my findings with a neutral view. there is an a cause an effect factor that comes into play especially when it comes to non consentual/forced.rape. it falls by definition under brainwashing. which i am very firmly against. i do as well have fantasies that may be considered by society unethical. what goes on between consenting individuals may not fit my personal tastes but to each their own. one last point to be made. when it comes to age bracket. this gets controversial. the ages 10 and under is considered a child in my view. 11 through 12 is pre teen. at that age their hormones are just starting to develope and at that age they no longer want to be caled a child. male or female, 13 through 19 you are considered a teen. yes, when you are 18 you are considered legal in many ways to make your own decisions, but yes i have fantasies that involve teen age females of13 through 19 yrs of age. the keyword is fantasy. there is a fine line between fantasy and reality but by no means non consent in any form should be condoned. if you have these so called fantasies you need to consider seeking psycological evaluation. thank you for the time, all responses are very welcome. positive or negative. im intersted in all feedback.