Are all doctors’ assholes?

Are all assholes doctors?

No, but enough are to make it seem that way sometimes.
They are humans like all humans. Some humans are assholes. Some assholes are big. I happen to be great at transcribing sloppy handwriting.
They are humans like all humans. Some humans are assholes. Some assholes are big. I happen to be great at transcribing sloppy handwriting.

Seriously, do they take a course in that?
It's unreal!
I have to read it in French and English.
They are both just as bad.
I don't get it.
Seriously, do they take a course in that?
It's unreal!
I have to read it in French and English.
They are both just as bad.
I don't get it.
I think it is a time handicap. To be fair, I have also seen the most beautiful print this year. It was unnaturally gorgeous. I almost fell in love.

transcribing sloppy handwriting ASSHOLE WHA YOU MEAN?
There is no need to get angry. I compensate by curving the letters of my nursing narrative to improve the aesthetic aspect of the medical chart.
Are all doctors' assholes what? You didn't add an adjective.
Actually, in that scene Alex was playing himself. He not only thinks he's god, but he thinks he gifted himself to the world.

Are all Doctors assholes?

I have been lucky enough to have two of, not only two beautiful doctors my entire life, but they are kind, considerate and compassionate.

I have also been unlucky enough to come into contact with the Alex Baldwin of doctors. (Didn't take his advice, sought a second opinion - actually didn't need the operation Alex wanted to do, so asshole with a god complex.)

So to answer the question...No all doctors are not assholes.
Not all Doctors are assholes,
but the few assholes
is more then we need.
Whats fun to do is toss an asshole doc into a room fulla docs, to review the records for the kid the asshole doc killed via hubristic incompetence. Its like watching Gladiator. The assholes still make lotsa problems but the other docs clip the tusks, and the problems that come arent fatal.

What I discovered is, most docs are incompetent rather than evil. Its frightening.
Doctors work for the drug companies.

The medical establishment is setup in a way to ensure maximum profits for big corporations at the expense of the health and welfare of the general public.

I don't work for a drug company. I never will.
I think it is a time handicap. To be fair, I have also seen the most beautiful print this year. It was unnaturally gorgeous. I almost fell in love.
Part of it is due to time but it mostly comes from them writing so much. They write quite a lot of text every single day so most of them become sloppy as they only have so much time to write it all before moving on. One script might not seem like much but when you have to write out hundreds a day in some cases, it adds up. Then you have reports, charts, etc.
I think over time we'll see their handwriting get better though because of computers, better voice recognition software and the like.
Part of it is due to time but it mostly comes from them writing so much. They write quite a lot of text every single day so most of them become sloppy as they only have so much time to write it all before moving on. One script might not seem like much but when you have to write out hundreds a day in some cases, it adds up. Then you have reports, charts, etc.
I think over time we'll see their handwriting get better though because of computers, better voice recognition software and the like.

So true. Electronic medical records have saved me. It even prints my scripts for me and I had terrible handwriting long before I became a doctor (it was the only C I ever got - elementary school handwriting class).