Arafat & PA directly involved in terrorism - New document found

Why can't Yuri Gheller(sp) see the future and sort the whole mess up? Or why can't he do something about explosives with his spoon-bending supernatural power?

Maybe, David Blain(sp) the magician can help.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Most of the chemicals used by the Palestinians to produce homemade explosives are acquired from Israel. However, in recent weeks the Palestinians have managed to produce explosives with an efficiency near that of military-grade materials.

Maybe this will go a little way to redress the imbalance of planes, ships and tanks that the Israeli's have...

Re: Re: Arafat & PA directly involved in terrorism - New document found

Re: Re: Re: Arafat & PA directly involved in terrorism - New document found

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Yeah well 80%+ of Israeli deaths are civilians

As opposed to 36% of Paly's

So I would say the Paly's have a little too much balance on their side

You shit spewing twat

Go back and check your figures bro...ALL Palestinian deaths are civilian. They have no military...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Arafat & PA directly involved in terrorism - New document found

p_p_man said:
Go back and check your figures bro...ALL Palestinian deaths are civilian. They have no military...


Hahaha! Pee pee man = 1
Hateful ignorant racist shitfuck = 0
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Arafat & PA directly involved in terrorism - New document found

Unregistered said:
Hahaha! Pee pee man = 1
Hateful ignorant racist shitfuck = 0

looks equal to me