Arab states urge action against Syrian government


Literotica Guru
Aug 25, 2013
Arab states urge action against Syrian government

CAIRO (Reuters) - Arab states on Sunday urged the international community to take action against the Syrian government over a chemical gas attack that killed hundreds of civilians.

The final resolution passed by an Arab League meeting in Cairo urged the United Nations and international community to "take the deterrent and necessary measures against the culprits of this crime that the Syrian regime bears responsibility for".

We have family friends that are Syrian (Yes Syrian, and Syrian-American. Emigrates from the last 20 years)

And they pretty much summed it up for me: If you support Assad you support a murderer backed by Iran and Putin. If you support the so-called rebels you support Al Qaeda and the worst of the Muslim extremists. There is nothing the US can do here but let Syria implode.
President Putin is a popular democratically elected leader of a free country.
He says a lot of other Horse shit too.

We have family friends that are Syrian (Yes Syrian, and Syrian-American. Emigrates from the last 20 years)

And they pretty much summed it up for me: If you support Assad you support a murderer backed by Iran and Putin. If you support the so-called rebels you support Al Qaeda and the worst of the Muslim extremists. There is nothing the US can do here but let Syria implode.

Pretty much where we're at today.

What's plan 'C'? Invade and engage in nation building?

Assad, like his father before him, is a minority leader in his own nation. If not for Israel, the common external enemy, neither would have lasted this long.

And Putin? He's gone back to the cold war paradigm and it's working, engage in war by proxy. And even if the 'rebels' prevail, so what? Neither Russia nor China have shown any reticence in the wholesale slaughter of any Muslim activists within their borders. And they really don't give a shit about world opinion in that respect. Putin learned first hand how economic warfare works and he's using it to his advantage while the west, apparently, has forgotten.

We can't win within the current atmosphere. We can become al Queda's air force/missile force or side with Assad and Russia OR invade ala Iraq and nation build and somehow I don't see congress giving Obama that option, not now anyway.

Let's see if the genius's in DC can come up with a plan 'D' or 'E' because 'A' is lost now and 'B' and 'C' just aren't going to cut it.

If the Arab states are so effin concerned let them do something.

We have 'policed' ourselves into financial insolvency.

The quicker they all go to hell, the better.
Plan A is 'Let Syria implode'

Plan 'A' was to have gotten behind the rebels before al Queda could marshall their forces. Obviously that opportunity is gone now.

Implosion isn't a plan, it's the result of no plan. Of running around in circles in indecision. Of having lit a fuse with total disregard of the consequences. This whole 'Ghetto Organizing' thing just doesn' work when it comes to diplomacy, the two are mutually exclusive.

Obama can put his brilliant strategic mind to work ending the inner cities killing sprees.
The US should just stay out of any Arab or Middle East dispute. Any time we step in at someone's request, we look like the bad guy and the fuckers that ask for our help back out and/or stab us in the back. Fuck every country over there. Even Israel. We can't even handle our own shit and we need to stop playing police to the rest of the world.
Me? I'm cruisin the yatube listening to songs of my youth.

You can still remember??? Damn!!!!!!

One of the things about age that I appreciate the most is the fact that I know I've had better days................just can't remember when.

I have a thread up, musically speaking, hit it.

The US should just stay out of any Arab or Middle East dispute. Any time we step in at someone's request, we look like the bad guy and the fuckers that ask for our help back out and/or stab us in the back. Fuck every country over there. Even Israel. We can't even handle our own shit and we need to stop playing police to the rest of the world.

Rad the Qu'ran and it all becomes clear.

You can still remember??? Damn!!!!!!

One of the things about age that I appreciate the most is the fact that I know I've had better days................just can't remember when.

I have a thread up, musically speaking, hit it.


Has anyone ever told you that you MIGHT be a smartass?
Plan 'A' was to have gotten behind the rebels before al Queda could marshall their forces. Obviously that opportunity is gone now.

Implosion isn't a plan, it's the result of no plan. Of running around in circles in indecision. Of having lit a fuse with total disregard of the consequences. This whole 'Ghetto Organizing' thing just doesn' work when it comes to diplomacy, the two are mutually exclusive.


More evidence about What Matters Most™ to people like Ishmael, folks: Demonizing teh Negro President