
Hanns_Schmidt said:
He is a round chubby geek

He has a beard and a big round face.

he is fat

A big fatty.

Too much comfort eating I fear

do you have an insulting bone in your body or is just being a nuisance good enough for you?
*stands in between Hanns and Aquila*

STOP! :mad:

If you two do not stop this, I'm going to have to hypnotize you with my tassel and make you do fun things to each other while I watch!

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Is your vision impaired in any way?

No, to many it is the brain that makes one attractive. :) He is not bad looking either.
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Dietrich K. said:
This has got to be the most boring flame war I've ever seen.

no shit.. Im waiting for some sort of decent insult.. boys giving me nothing to work with ere.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Aquila is a retard though.

he is big, round and stupid

fat chubby retard

Look you rotten dicked rat soddomized cretin. what the fuck makes you so god damned stupid like the inbreed you truly are?
Is it the maggots that crawl around in your ass, or is the goat you've been fucking? is he not giving up the ass anymore?
Aquila said:
Look you rotten dicked rat soddomized cretin. what the fuck makes you so god damned stupid like the inbreed you truly are?
Is it the maggots that crawl around in your ass, or is the goat you've been fucking? is he not giving up the ass anymore?

At least you didn't say "Yo".
Hanns_Schmidt said:
It's so funny seeing a fat drooling little goblin froth at the mouth

he never gets chicks

Boy, you aint had pussy since pussy had you. so I wouldn't be talking too much if I was you... then again if I was you I'd commit suicide.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Aquila can only get fat chicks like him.

Or starving Ethiopians that just want food, and know that Aquila will have about a weeks supplies tucked into this fat pockets

Fucker you couldnt get laid by a ten cent crack whore when she's passed out from drinking too much.
I like Aquila. I think he's a great guy.


C'mon Hannsy, get some of your own self-esteem. If you can't do it on your own, there are medications that will help you.
KillerMuffin said:
I like Aquila. I think he's a great guy.


C'mon Hannsy, get some of your own self-esteem. If you can't do it on your own, there are medications that will help you.

Wellbutrin, zoloft, celexa, trazadone, sonata.....
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I just hope Aquila doesn't ever donate sperm in some sick plot to carry on his fat genes.

Can you imagine a poor woman getting his donation thinking she'll have a lovely new baby....and when the thing is spat's a big fat ugly monster like it's father

At one time you got paid 50 bucks a shot for sperm.. hell I might already have a kid and not know it.
and besides.. I offer a whole diverse gene pool with my family background.. unlike your gene puddle of inbreeding.