April is White Males of European Ancestory Month!

Should it match your boxers, or are you wanting a more formal look?
Just leave it in a box in a small, impoverished, but stategically important country, and I'll invade, take the tie by force, and build a swell aqueduct system in return.
"The great nations of Europe gathered on the shore
They've conquered what was behind them, but now they wanted more
So they looked to the mighty ocean and took to the western sea
The great nations of Europe in the 16th century
Hide your wives and daughters
Hide the groceries, too
The great nations of Europe coming through"

One of Randy Newman's best songs and the lyrics are no where on the net. Grrrrr
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Just leave it in a box in a small, impoverished, but stategically important country, and I'll invade, take the tie by force, and build a swell aqueduct system in return.

I didn't vote for you the first time
But seeing as you have begun to show a shred of honesty and disclose your true underpinnings, I'll rescind that petition
Yeah, I know. It's like when kids on Mother's Day ask "When is Children's Day?" and mothers everywhere say, "Every day is Children's Day". It was a sappy answer then, and it's a sappy answer now. A white guy invented the fork. I want a month.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Yeah, I know. It's like when kids on Mother's Day ask "When is Children's Day?" and mothers everywhere say, "Every day is Children's Day". It was a sappy answer then, and it's a sappy answer now. A white guy invented the fork. I want a month.

Children's day is the 2nd Sunday in July.
Back on the WET kick are we? lol I see Osmond marathons and commercials for Lexus.
No. I want a network called the White Entertainment Network where the word "White" is used all the time to describe white pride and white history and emphasis is placed on movies about white themes and hosts introduce the movie to guide us through the finer points of why this movie speaks so well to whites and I want thirty second interstitials about "White Heros" and interviews with ordinary white teachers who make a difference in the lives of poor white kids and use the phrase "white community" all the time and I want it to be plainly understood that if you're not white you're going to be an outsider here because this network is all about raising the white consciousness and instilling pride in white heritage by actually using the word "White" as frequently and as loudly as possible.

There's your analogy.