Apple pie anyone?


Literotica Guru
Sep 27, 2010

Apple pie moonshine! Well everclear anyway. Great stuff if you wanna get in trouble
that's my penis. :eek:

Great jumpin' Jehoshaphat!!!

how did you make yours?

Gallon of cider
Gallon of apple juice
8 cinnimon sticks
1.5 cups white sugar
1.5 cup brown sugar
Half tsp clove and allspice
Sprinkle of nutmeg and ginger
1.75 litre bottle 151 proof everclear

Boil cider and juice
Stir in spices and sugar
Let cool and add everclear

Apple pie moonshine! Well everclear anyway. Great stuff if you wanna get in trouble

That ^ has to be good trouble making stuff, looks really good remy_lebeau :cool:

I make my own sangria, tasty, fruit rum wine sweet mix, but I am not in trouble
yet :eek:
Ohhhhh, that is a cinnamon stick????

I would get so shit-faced on that stuff. :eek:

Ya doesnt take much. I'm guessing its around 40 proof or so if i did my math right. Cant really taste the everclear
I make it every year, 10 gallons of it for the fall parties we have and attend. I make a syrup out of red hots and replace part of the sugar with that. Don't need the cinnamon sticks then. Hot Damn schnapps can be used instead of all everclear. OR, as we are in the land of plenty here, the 180 proof real deal moonshine we have in the garage...:eek:
Gallon of cider
Gallon of apple juice
8 cinnimon sticks
1.5 cups white sugar
1.5 cup brown sugar
Half tsp clove and allspice
Sprinkle of nutmeg and ginger
1.75 litre bottle 151 proof everclear

Boil cider and juice
Stir in spices and sugar
Let cool and add everclear

just so you know nearly everyone outside of anglo america has no idea what you're talking about when you say cider.
just so you know nearly everyone outside of anglo america has no idea what you're talking about when you say cider.

To us brits and probably most europeans its the same as what you merrykans call hard cider.