Anyone need a bra?


Really Experienced
Mar 20, 2013
I bought a 36D bra, but it is a little snug for me. It still has the tag on it, and I wondered if anyone would like to buy it?

Its bright pink
Yeah baby, ungh ungh ungh, send me a picture of you in it first, sweet thing. Oh yeahhhhhhh.
Don't listen to these ingrates, honey. I'll give ya two bits.
I bought a 36D bra, but it is a little snug for me. It still has the tag on it, and I wondered if anyone would like to buy it?

Its bright pink
If it still has the tag on it, why don't you return it?
nah. i'm good. did the pencil test and everything. i'm too perky.
I bought a 36D bra, but it is a little snug for me. It still has the tag on it, and I wondered if anyone would like to buy it?

Its bright pink

I'm sorry. I only buy my bras and panties from the Fetish forum. The GB is just too dirty for me.
This is the second time OP has tried to sell this 36D bra on the General Board. You have to appreciate the deluded optimism.

She also PM'd me in response to my earlier question. Why her response needed to be sent that way instead of posted here is beyond me. Did I seem like I was a potential purchaser? I already have a hot pink bra that fits, thanks.
i definitely need a bra - but yours just won't do.

p.s is this the same one as before, or another 'new' bra you're hoping to sell on here?
i think it's code, or a money-laundering thing.... :cool:
This is the second time OP has tried to sell this 36D bra on the General Board. You have to appreciate the deluded optimism.

She also PM'd me in response to my earlier question. Why her response needed to be sent that way instead of posted here is beyond me. Did I seem like I was a potential purchaser? I already have a hot pink bra that fits, thanks.

If you will only PM back with a picture of your boobs, the OP can then determine whether the bra might fit you properly and thus you'd be qualified to purchase it, and perhaps if you send a picture of your feet you might buy some of the stilettos he was hoping to sell in his other threads.
Pffft A D?????? I need something bigger than a puny D.

I bought a 36D bra, but it is a little snug for me. It still has the tag on it, and I wondered if anyone would like to buy it?

Its bright pink

Only if you wear it first. Preferably while sweating profusely. Feel free to spritz some of your favorite scent over it too. :heart:
"She" pm'd me the last time she tried this.

Is it code?

Is "bra" short for sex now?