Anyone here own a Husky???


Invading Poland
Apr 9, 2000
Looking into getting one sometime over the next year and just curious about experiences you have had.

Already read all through Huskies for Dummies so now seaking out more info.
I've never owned a Husky, but as with any breed that's bred to be aggressive/protective, I'd recommend A LOT of socializing. Literally take the dog everywhere with you that it's possible for it to go. If you intend to have other pets, it will need socialized to them while it's young too.

Go to training classes.

Don't get one if you don't have room for it to play, or the time to walk it a more than a couple of times a day because boredom=destruction of your things.

Find a reputable breeder.

Go here for info: Siberian Husky Info
pagancowgirl said:
I've never owned a Husky, but as with any breed that's bred to be aggressive/protective, I'd recommend A LOT of socializing. Literally take the dog everywhere with you that it's possible for it to go.

Actually you should do this with all breeds, even those that are known for being very calm and friendly.

I adopted a pure black lab who hates little children with a passion. I don't know a lot about his previous owners other than he was neglected in the sense that he didn't get fed much and had no attention paid to him. He will go after children anywhere. Especially in his yard, but he's done it at the vet and other places I've had him. I know the little girl down the road torments him when I'm not home. He got ahold of her little sister by the front of her jacket last winter in the snow and was in the process of dragging her down onto the ground when I grabbed him. You'd think they'd figure out that he's tied up and barking very adamantly at them that they'd keep away. Those two are Darwin Awards waiting to happen. Of course, so is their Dad. Apples didn't fall far from the tree in that house.
Everything i have read about the Husky says that they are not agressive protective dogs at least not to people. They may have gotten that reputation because wolf-hybrids tend to look like them and the Alaskan Malumuate is kind of agressive and looks like a big husky.

They have a very strong prey instinct and will may chase and kill small animals like cats, chickens, rabbits and so on.

Everyone says they are great with kids but like any dog must be watched around children of any age espesialy small children who they may hurt by accident.
From the Pagan Site emphasis mine

These dogs are gentle and playful, but willful and mischievous. This cheerful dog is very fond of his or her family. A puppy at heart, they are clever, sociable and loving, easy-going and docile. Though they do generally have a lot of energy, especially as puppies. Good with children and friendly with strangers, they are not watchdogs, for they bark little and love everyone. Huskies are very intelligent and trainable, but they have a mind of their own and will only obey a command if they see the point. Training takes patience, consistency and an understanding of the Arctic dog character. This dog will take advantage if he can. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Huskies may be difficult to housebreak. This breed likes to howl and gets bored easily. They do not like to be left alone, so if this is the breed for you, you may want to consider having two. A lonely Husky can be very destructive. Remember that the Husky is a sled dog in heart and soul. They are good with other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood. Huskies are thrifty eaters and need less food than you might expect. This breed likes to roam. Siberian Huskies can make wonderful companions for people who are aware of what to expect from these beautiful and intelligent animals. Although there are 'exceptions to every rule', there are a number of breed characteristics that are generally present among members of this arctic breed. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list, as even the top breeders in the country will tell you that they learn something new about their dogs every day!
Azwed said:
Everything i have read about the Husky says that they are not agressive protective dogs at least not to people. They may have gotten that reputation because wolf-hybrids tend to look like them and the Alaskan Malumuate is kind of agressive and looks like a big husky.

They have a very strong prey instinct and will may chase and kill small animals like cats, chickens, rabbits and so on.

Everyone says they are great with kids but like any dog must be watched around children of any age espesialy small children who they may hurt by accident.

Any dog is going to be protective, to varying degrees, of what it perceives as it's space/territory. Husky types aren't generally as aggressive as a Rott or a German Shepard, true, but their strong prey instinct can make them dangerous if not properly socialized.

My strongest recommendation with any dog is to take classes and go with reputable breeders so you know they're breeding for quality temperment as well as appearance. Also, check with rescues in the area... not necessarily to get a dog from them, but to find out the main reasons that breed is rescued/turned in.

Good luck!
I just found & bumped the I want a puppy for Christmas thread so you could read a couple of owners discussing them, "Husky" being one.

What you've posted is consistent with what I've heard & seen.
Good with people, bad with small animals- they'll run & find their own meals.
I had one about 20 years ago. She was the most loyal dog I've ever had but by and large they are NOT house dogs. Mine refused to come inside during the winter (and I was living in Caribou Maine at the time..) and when I made her come in when temps dropped to 30 below zero she'd go nuts. The heat inside was NOT comfortable for her at all. I made the mistake of leaving her inside on one brutally cold day when I went to work and came home to find the living room carpet, the couch and the coffee table totally destroyed. She had been a little bored and needed some entertainment I guess.

If you do get one you'll want to ensure it is well trained so that you can control the dog by voice. Huskies are sure footed and strong as hell. If you attempt to walk one on a leash that isn't well trained you are likely to be visiting the hospital to have you shoulder put back into it's socket every other weekend. If the dog takes off you will NOT be able to stop it...

They are very smart and TONS of fun though.
I also think these dogs seem interesting although probably too small for me.
april-wine said:

My baby....

My only complaint.....she's a runner.....When given the chance will run for hours lol.....She is friendly, lovable, but yes very protective, but only when she senses a threat.....Other than that, walk right in sit down and give her a treat she's yours lol......;)

Ahh she is cute. That is about the kind I would like a white/gray or black gray.

I didn't like the pure white ones at first but I kind of do now. Maybe I could call her Shadowfax then. :D
Ham Murabi said:
You don't need a dog. What you really need is a Lincoln Navigator.

Did I ever tell you I thought you were a dick from the moment you first posted??

Hmhh probably not since I am not normaly that mean sprited oh well I am now.
Yo, in prison, you're not allowed to have pets. I adopted a couple of cockroaches once. They should come with a manual that says watch where you put your feet when you jump off your bunk. Later I painted a face on a chickenbone. He was a better pet, even though he didnt move much, he didnt die when I stepped on him.
She is extremely well behaved, but I did take to her to obedience training as a puppy....She has never destroyed anything, though she did chew the leg of a chair once when she was a pup....Give them lots to chew, she loves rawhide and pigs ears....

She is alone during the day, with no problems....She hardly barks, so if you are looking for watchdog choose another breed....Ummmm....Huskies make great pets, but remember they need alot of exercise....They love to run, love the cold weather, she hardly wants to be inside all winter....The first snowfall she is like a kid out running and jumping and rolling around in it....
Azwed said:
Did I ever tell you I thought you were a dick from the moment you first posted??

Hmhh probably not since I am not normaly that mean sprited oh well I am now.

What would Jesus do? What would Jesus drive?
When would Jesus spell "normally" "normaly"?
But he thinks the Popemobile is a hot set of wheels, and it only gets six miles to the gallon.
By the way, Jesus was really fond of poodles.
We owned a MacKenzie River Huskie for a while. She ate the bottom 8 stairs in our house.

We plan on skipping out on this dog-owning adventure for the rest of our lives.
Do not get a husky. Huskies are big dogs, and as such consume way to much of the earth's valuable resources. A number of influential people are getting together to try to get Congress to ban the purchase of huskies, or at least to have only huskies that are genetically modified so they get more pet gumption (MPG) on less food.
The fate of the planet could rest on whether or not Congress acts.
Ham Murabi said:
What would Jesus do? What would Jesus drive?
When would Jesus spell "normally" "normaly"?
But he thinks the Popemobile is a hot set of wheels, and it only gets six miles to the gallon.
By the way, Jesus was really fond of poodles.

Never said I can spell.

Just easier to put you on ignore you rarely make sense and are just annoying.

I wonder who you really are.

To april-wine

We have a big back yard here, about an acre, and since I am probably going to be living at home while I do my master I thought we could get another dog. Will need to put a higher fence up or something though the one we have now is just over waist high which I am sure a Husky can jump.

I need to try and start running again or my family history of heart desease is going to catch up with me. A dog like this would probably force me to start up again and if my knees can't take it I will get one of those special leashes for bike riding.

We have a full size Daschund now but she is getting very old. she is right about 15 years old now and I don't think she will live much longer. She doesn't seem to be in any real pain though except for what looks like some mild arthritus in the morning.