Anyone from TX

Texan Here

I am from Texas but male, just wanted to let you know that there is a get together in Austin. Look at the general board for the thread. Not sure where you are located but this may be close to you. SW of Houston.
Oh....and Houston is having one in January. Contact Someplace for the info on that one.

I am from Texas too

But I am a male from Houston.

Re: I am from Texas too

TxCowboy said:
But I am a male from Houston.


Hi TxCowboy; don't know if I've talked with you before or not, so if I haven't, welcome!
Check with Someplace about the Houston LitTogether if you're interested.

Happy New Year

I just logged on the forum. I have been a regular Literotica reader for a few years.....

Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a Happy New Year.
