Anyone from the UK?

I bet all you South Londoners spent your childhood summers picking hops and riding on old tractors, ahh, the good old days
Thanks, it's not going to be, I just want the process to move along. I don't think post mortem are often good new.

Coroner: just done your mums post mortem. Some good news for you.

Me: oh great. That's nice to hear. Finally some good news. By the way, your lingerie under your gown, it...

Coroner: I knew your were cumming, so I dressed up for you.

Me: oh?

Coroner: (takes off gown) this is the good news.

Me: oh, look at those tits. Ooh this metal beds a bit cold.

Coroner: (passion overtaking her clears the mortician table eagerly pushing a body onto the floor)

.... this went in a funny direction.
Is nobody safe from your lust for a pussy? :oops: That definitely went down a very large rabbit hole - Oh, bugger, I mentioned "going down" and "hole" in one sentence!
Not for me.

Glad it's Wednesday though.

My granola tasted cardboardy. My coffee is strong and syrupy though.
I totally read that as "My grandad tasted cardboardy" 🤣
Morning all. Somebody remind me never to share a twin room with my sister again.
Other than her parading around naked, trimming her pubes or climbing into bed with you, is there a good reason NC? BTW, hope your trip went as well as could be expected under the circumstances (apart from having your sister's bedroom antics to contend with!)
Nope - I'm hungry though?
You're always hungry! Haven't you heard of Just Eat or Deliveroo?
Or my massive baps....
Ah yes, Wand3r's massive baps (.)(.) (*)(*) (.)(.) (*)(*) :p
Is it only me and NC that ever feeds @Wand3rlust ?
Yep, she doesn't bother with supermarkets or such - they're beneath her because she's from that "posh" Sarf Lahndan ain't she? 🫅
I think when I die, I'd like to come back as a bird. I love penguins. Imagine flying around the south pole!
I do hope this was intended in a jocular fashion ... the only thing that would have made it worse was thinking penguins live at the North Pole! :oops: