Anyone from New Zealand

Why is the first thread by every Kiwi "Is there another Kiwi here?" If you want to talk to another Kiwi go to your nearest sheepshagfest.
nothing. it's still full of dutch people doing dutch stuff in their little dutch country.
Most on here seem to be from the USA, and do not even know where NZ is :eek:
Most on here seem to be from the USA, and do not even know where NZ is :eek:


I'm a Yank and I've known about the geography of the world ever since I started reading from an early age. Most of us know the ken of the planet a lot more than the stereotype would suggest.

I've enjoyed drinks with some of you heads from time to time when you travel through my city, fun peoples you is.;)
i'm an american who grew up in holland, mi which is right next to zeeland, mi kinda like how new holland is kinda, sorta right next to new zealand thanks to silly dutch people. you know, if you ignore all that water and the fact that new holland became australia for some reason. also, why you inbred sheep fuckers spell zeeland with an a is beyond me. fucking hobbits.