Anyone ever....


Just Me
Sep 15, 2002
fought a forest fire? I did today. It was interesting. Any thoughts?? Any tips for next time??
freakygurl said:
You used Magic without doing a test patch first.. didn't you?


Fortunately most of the pepsi missed the keyboard. :D
a lot of my friends did this summer (lotsa forest fires in Oregon, dontchaknow)
Most important thing to remember is to keep you head up all the time. Never ever loose sight of your crew members and watch for sparks jumping behind you. If it rings you, then break out the space blankets and pray for the big bird to come.
WaxNWane said:
It was always burning, since the world's been turning.

Grrrrr...his later, unfunnier, less melodic, more annoying period. Thank you.
Raina said:
I think it's okay....otherwise, I'll PM you my address and you can replace it. :p

No way.. it's not my fault you drink that shit. If it was coke you were drinking.. I would consider replacing it. But Pepsi.. damn girl.. that's asking way to much ;)
freakygurl said:
No way.. it's not my fault you drink that shit. If it was coke you were drinking.. I would consider replacing it. But Pepsi.. damn girl.. that's asking way to much ;)

If it was Coke, it probably would have eaten right through the keyboard. That stuff is icky!
Raina said:
If it was Coke, it probably would have eaten right through the keyboard. That stuff is icky!

No, I've spit a lot of Coke on my keyboard. Sticky.. yes.. eaten through it.. no.
dude... like, my friends and i, we went out camping once, and afterwards we all vowed to become forrest fire fire fighters or park rangers or whatever. man, like, we were so threashed, it was great! dude, but let me tell you, Smokey the Bear is way more intimidating in person.
scylis said:
dude... like, my friends and i, we went out camping once, and afterwards we all vowed to become forrest fire fire fighters or park rangers or whatever. man, like, we were so threashed, it was great! dude, but let me tell you, Smokey the Bear is way more intimidating in person.
scylis said:
dude... like, my friends and i, we went out camping once, and afterwards we all vowed to become forrest fire fire fighters or park rangers or whatever. man, like, we were so threashed, it was great! dude, but let me tell you, Smokey the Bear is way more intimidating in person.
