Who do you volunteer to? Who is responsible for the site to give you access to make the changes? Who monitors the threads? Who approves the story submissions? Who? Who? Who?
And where are they?
If they posted a request for volunteers, I'm sure they'd find some... Hell, I'd even try to do something to make changes!
I agree with Sparky. The question is who to even address the question to. I don't get even who monitors the site now as near as I can tell there has never been any contact from the monitor back to the Chyoo community other than stories get approved in a few days or weeks.
I don't think the site has ever changed. I don't know if someone has been around long enough to confirm that, but it all comes back to just enjoy it and wait for something to happen. I don't think there is any way to force change.
I would be more than happy to volunteer if there is anything to do.
As I posted in my reply to Tim's thread on Lit. I've been a CHYOO member, ever since it opened on Lit.
They had an interactive site many years ago, that I used to contribute to. On that one, there was no control. As soon as you posted a thread, it was automatically approved and added as a link. Many times, you ended up with "jerks" writing ending threads, stupid threads, killing threads, etc.
There were some cool features such as an outline for all the threads, and direct access to individual threads. These ideas were supposed to be implemented in a newer release of CHYOO, but it never came.
I'd like to see some kind of active participation, or acknowledgement from the "higher ups"!