R Rex1960 Literotica Guru Joined Mar 25, 2002 Posts 12,735 Dec 6, 2002 #2 I'm more into taking a SouthAsian in Russia.
roxanne69 Glamourous Pervert Joined Nov 9, 2002 Posts 2,955 Dec 6, 2002 #3 You stole my line Rex!!! My fav rex line is still: Originally posted by Rex1960 I just sleep faster to catch up...
You stole my line Rex!!! My fav rex line is still: Originally posted by Rex1960 I just sleep faster to catch up...
M miles Guest Dec 6, 2002 #4 That reminds me of a dialogue from a Marx Brothers movie. I'm not going to quote the punch line because somebody will choose to be offended and go ballistic. Chico - "Would you like a suite on the third floor?" Groucho - "How about a _______ in the basement?"
That reminds me of a dialogue from a Marx Brothers movie. I'm not going to quote the punch line because somebody will choose to be offended and go ballistic. Chico - "Would you like a suite on the third floor?" Groucho - "How about a _______ in the basement?"
G Guest Guest Dec 6, 2002 #5 miles said: Groucho - "How about a _______ in the basement?" Click to expand... Jungle bunny fuck?
Lost Cause It's a wrap! Joined Oct 7, 2001 Posts 30,949 Dec 6, 2002 #6 Is it the same.... As taking a V.C. in Southeast Asia? Just checking...